
"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

author:Sophie's Hal Jun

Hello everyone, I'm Haljun of sophie's family.

Today we continue to look at the British drama "Poirot the Great Detective" Season 1 Episode 2 , the murder in the alley, adapted from the novel of Agatha Christine, the queen of reasoning.

The young woman died in the middle of the night in her bedroom with her doors and windows locked, and there were many indications that it was a suicide, while the deceased's girlfriend insisted that someone had deliberately murdered. What the hell do you really want? Let's take a look.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

It was a Tuesday morning, and Little Black (Hastings) was reading the newspaper as usual while Poirot was tending to his oily mustache.

At this time, Inspector Japp called and said that he had something to ask Poirot for help.

I didn't expect that the little detective who usually liked to ridicule Poirot actually had a time to whisper to Poirot.

Poirot was a little surprised and asked him what was going on.

The inspector said that there had been a murder in a house in badri's garden community last night, and the situation was a bit strange, and he wanted Poirot to go over and help him see.

Poirot just didn't want to go to the annoying dentist, so he agreed.

Arriving at the crime scene, the inspector briefed the case. The deceased was a woman named Barbara, who called the police to Miss Rice, a girlfriend who shared a room with the deceased.

According to her girlfriend, she returned to her hometown of Essex on Friday (Essex: a county in the East of England) and just returned this morning. Finding Barbara's door closed, she knocked on the door and shouted, but no one responded, which felt very wrong. From what she knew about Barbara, Barbara wouldn't lock the door, and even if she went out, she would leave a note to tell her.

Les was worried that something was wrong with his girlfriend, so he called the police.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

Coming to the room of the deceased, we saw the deceased lying on his back on the ground, with a gun next to his left hand and a shot at the temple on the left side of his head, looking like he had committed suicide with a gun. It can be speculated that the deceased must have been left-handed, but the gun was in a strange position, as if someone had deliberately put it on it.

The police officer who arrived first said that he had knocked on the door of the deceased's room and found that the deceased had been shot in the head for a long time. At that time, the doors and windows were all unlocked, but strangely, the door key was not found in the room. The coroner added that the time of death was around 10:30 last night, and that the gun had only fingerprints of the deceased's index finger and thumb, and no other traces. It's like someone deliberately pinning the finger of a deceased person to a gun.

Poirot saw an ashtray on the small table next to him, and there were a few cigarette butts in it. Poirot took a few hard breaths, but didn't smell a single cigarette.

The inspector also found the chain link on the cuff of the half-man under the table, which obviously would not be Barbara's, and perhaps related to the case.

Poirot looked at the deceased's watch and felt something unusual. The inspector said the watch looked very expensive.

Poirot looked at the writing desk again, and the calendar on the desk showed Tuesday, November 5th, even today, and it didn't seem unusual.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

The Inspector approached Les again for questioning.

Rice said that she and Barbara met abroad, and when Rice wanted to find someone to share a house, Barbara just returned from India, and they rented the house together. The two people are quite compatible and are sisters with good feelings. Barbara is financially well-off and has become engaged to a young councillor named Charles, and they have a good relationship, so It's hard for Les to believe that Barbara will commit suicide.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

Barbara's fiancé, named Charles, is a very ambitious man, who is very ordinary but very capable of pretending and wanting face. He didn't know what had happened to Barbara.

Poirot asks If Barbara left any notes for her before she died? Les said not a word left.

Finally, the inspector asked Barbara if she was left-handed? Les was pretty sure she was right-handed.

Hmmm~ For a right-handed person, it seems strange to deliberately shoot with your left hand when committing suicide.

Feeling like he couldn't ask for anything more, Poirot came out looking for Little Black. Seeing that Xiao Hei was teaching a little boy to repair a car, he asked him if he did not go to the surrounding area to visit and had time to do this. Little Black said that he had already been there, and that the sensible little boy was the witness he had found.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

According to the little boy, at 6 o'clock last night, he saw Barbara come to the mailbox to deliver the letter. At about 9:30 p.m., a military-like, well-dressed man of about 45 years old came to visit Barbara, but the car he drove, although beautiful in appearance, was actually a bargain.

The little boy had seen the man several times. As the man was gone, he also heard the man say to Barbara, "You think about it in replying to me." ”

Thanked the little boy for his heavy rewards. Poirot follows the Inspector to find the deceased's fiancé, Charles. The inspector told him about Barbara's death. Charles was shocked at first, but then said that the people at hope newspaper did not know about it. The inspector wanted to ask again, but was sent off by Charles on the pretext of answering the phone. Before leaving, the inspector asked him if he knew Barbara was left-handed. The fiancé hesitated for a moment, and finally said it was right-handed, as if he was sure.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

Apparently, Charles was more concerned about his reputation being affected than his fiancée's death, so it wasn't even clear whether Barbara was left-handed or right-handed.

The little inspector was furious about this. He was convinced that Barbara was not a suicide, but a murder.

Early the next morning, the inspector found Poirot again. He said that on the night he found out, Miss Rice played bridge in Essex for one night, so her suspicions could be ruled out. Poirot was noncommittal. The inspector asked Poirot what he smelled at the crime scene that day. Poirot said nothing and didn't smell anything. The inspector said he clearly remembered that there was an ashtray at the scene, and there were 9 cigarette butts in it, 6 of which belonged to British smoke and 3 of which belonged to Turkish smoke, and he himself did not ask about the smell of smoke.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

Poirot felt that there was something missing in the deceased's room, but something more, and suggested that Miss Rice investigate again.

On the way there, Poirot said he found that the man had gone to the bank the morning before the crime and withdrew £200 (roughly equivalent to 200,000 yuan now), but did not find the money at the scene. The inspector general also said that the deceased had also withdrawn 200 pounds from the bank three months ago and had not been found at the scene.

Arriving at Miss Rice's house, the inspector asked her if she knew a military-like male friend who had come to visit the deceased on the night of the crime. Les said it was Colonel Eustace, who claimed to be Barbara's friend. Barbara met him in India, and barbara didn't actually know him very well.

The inspector revealed that he suspected that the deceased had not committed suicide, but had been murdered, and that the colonel was blackmailing Barbara. Les immediately said that it must be so, maybe he killed Barbara.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

Poirot was surprised by her attitude of being so sure.

The inspector asked her where the deceased usually received visitors, and Les said that it was usually in the living room, unless Barbara wanted to write a check for the guest and would take the guest upstairs to the room.

The inspector looked around the living room.

Les invited Poirot to sit down on the couch together, and the two of them looked at me and I looked at you, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward. So she handed Poirot a cigarette, and Poirot noticed that it was the English cigarette she used to smoke.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

At this time, the inspector found a locked storage room and asked to open it. At first Miss Rice said that the key was missing and could not be unlocked. The inspector insisted on breaking the door to check it out, and Miss Rice hurried to find the key and open the storage room. There was a set of golf clubs, a small suitcase containing a few photography magazines, and some miscellaneous items, which didn't seem to be anything special.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

Poirot and they again find the deceased's fiancé Charles and ask him if he knew Colonel Eustace. He said that he had met barbara once at her house, and he thought this person was very suspicious, and told Barbara not to associate with such people after marriage. Barbara was very much in agreement with her at the time.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

The inspector asked him where he was on the night of the crime? Charles said he was working in the office until 10:30 and had come home nearly 11:30. I haven't seen anyone in the meantime. That way, no one can prove his claim. Instead, it doesn't seem like a lie.

The Inspector took his little brother to find Colonel Eustace at the bar. It was this guy with a sly smile on his face who didn't have the slightest bit of military integrity.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

The inspector made it clear that he was willing, and the colonel acted cooperatively, and asked the younger brother to smoke his Turkish cigarette.

The inspector remained silent and asked if the colonel had gone to Barbara's house that night. Have you ever been to Barbara's room.

Confessing that he was the investment adviser of the deceased, the colonel went to visit Barbara at about 9:30 p.m. that night, and had been talking to the deceased in the living room about investment, and had never been to the deceased's room. When they left, they also invited the deceased to watch the performance together in the future.

The Inspector looked at the Colonel's cuffs again and found that he was missing half a chain link on the cuffs. So he debunked the colonel's lies, believing that the colonel was very suspicious, and immediately arrested him.

The soldiers split into two directions, and Poirot learned from the servant that Miss Rice had gone to play golf, and that the clubs and small suitcases in the storage room were missing, apparently Miss Rice had taken them.

So Poirot followed her with Little Black.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

After following for a while, Poirot noticed that every time Les hit a ball, he would throw away a broken club. Obviously, this is unreasonable, because it is impossible to play a ball and destroy a club.

Later, Poirot discovers that Miss Rice has sneakily thrown the small suitcase into the pond and sunk into the water.

By this point, Poirot had understood everything.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

The next day, Poirot took the Inspector and Miss Rice to his office at the same time.

As soon as Miss Rice arrived, she was overjoyed to say that she had read in the newspaper that Colonel Eustace had been arrested, and that it must have been him who had murdered Barbara.

Poirot only said that it was indeed one man who deliberately destroyed another! He will explain everything.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

First of all, there were as many as 9 cigarette butts in the dead man's room, but Poirot did not smell a single cigarette. The watch of the deceased is worn on the right hand, while the average person wears it on the left hand, unless the person is left-handed. In addition, the deceased went to the mailbox at 6 o'clock to send a letter, but the inkblow paper on her desk was completely clean, and there was no used inkblot paper in the garbage basket. Finally, the pen case on the deceased's writing desk was placed on the left, and a right-hander should have been placed on the right-hand side.

Stringing these points together, Poirot came up with this picture in his mind:

Miss Rice came home that morning, opened the door to find Barbara suicidal in her room, and saw Barbara's last words to her about her misery.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

A distraught Les decided to punish the man who had forced Barbara to die. So she burned the last words and the ink-absorbing paper, hoping to erase the traces of writing.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

An ashtray containing Turkish cigarette butts and a male chain buckle that happened to be found on the ground were then placed in Barbara's room, faking the illusion that the colonel had entered Barbara's room.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

Then he wiped off the fingerprints from the pistol and put them on Barbara's hand, making us suspect that the colonel had faked the suicide scene after killing Barbara.

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

Finally, the doors and windows were locked so that no one would suspect that she had changed the scene. Les destroyed the clubs used by left-handers and deliberately said that the deceased was left-handed also for the purpose of taking revenge. And throwing away our suitcases is just to distract us. Things eventually went according to Les's vision, and the Colonel was arrested. The truth of the matter is that the set of clubs was originally left-handed Barbara's, and Rice did all this to complete the deliberate murder of Colonel Eustace!!!

"Hal Jun" beauty late-night bedroom bizarre suicide "Detective Poirot" S01E02 Murder in the Alley

From the moment Barbara meets Colonel Eustace and fiancé Charles, two scumbags, this tragedy is doomed. If it were not for the Colonel's repeated blackmails, if it were not for the indifference of her fiancé, if it were not for Barbara's deep affection for saving her lover with death, this tragedy would not have happened.

Some people may think that Poirot should not expose the truth, and should let sinners atone for their sins with death. And I would say that while we understand Les's desire to get justice for her friend, she has no legal or moral right to design the murder of another person. For no one can be above the law for any reason, no matter how legitimate that reason may seem. If one person can deliberately retaliate against or even kill others because of the death of relatives and friends, then eventually everyone will be swallowed up by hatred, and the whole society will fall into endless chaos and perish.

I'm Hal Jun, if you like this film, or have a film you want to see, please leave a message to let me know.

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