
How can honest people in crisis save themselves? When Liu Bei was attached to Liu Biao, Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi was an honest man. He was at home, under the influence of his stepmother Lady Cai and younger brother Liu

author:Tianyou Qinyu

How can honest people in crisis save themselves?

When Liu Bei was attached to Liu Biao, Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi was an honest man.

At home, he was ostracized and bullied by his stepmother Lady Cai and his younger brother Liu Chun. Not only can he not pick up his father Liu Biao's class, but he may be murdered by the pro-Liu Chun clique. All day long is like sitting on a needle felt.

Later, he heard that Zhuge Liang was a world wizard, so he asked Zhuge Liang to help him come up with an idea. Originally, this was someone else's family affair, and Zhuge Liang was not very convenient to express his opinion, but later Liu Qi's words were earnest and difficult to shirk, so he helped him say 12 words.

"Shen Sheng is in danger on the inside, and his heavy ears are safe on the outside."

It is suggested that Liu Qi, like the Jin Dynasty gongzhong'er in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States period, may wish to go to other places to serve as a local official when he is not in power, so as to avoid the center of power struggle, but it is conducive to expanding his own strength. In the case of actual maturity, it is possible to take back Jingzhou in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, after Liu Qi listened to Zhuge Liang's words, he asked his father for his life and went to Jiangxia to become a taishou, and successfully fled to Jiangxia. In this way, Jingzhou did not stage the tragedy of fratricide. Liu Qi later became attached to Liu Bei, and his end was not bad.


1, turn to a big god, pretend to be pitiful, bo sympathetic.

2, believe in the big god, the big god casually support you a few tricks, it is enough to eat for a lifetime.

3, no desire is not dangerous, take the initiative to show weakness, first give up to get.

#Talk about the workplace##Romance of the Three Kingdoms##诸葛亮 #

How can honest people in crisis save themselves? When Liu Bei was attached to Liu Biao, Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi was an honest man. He was at home, under the influence of his stepmother Lady Cai and younger brother Liu
How can honest people in crisis save themselves? When Liu Bei was attached to Liu Biao, Liu Biao's eldest son Liu Qi was an honest man. He was at home, under the influence of his stepmother Lady Cai and younger brother Liu

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