
Stinging, it turns out that the three great practices of life move with the times, act in response to the situation and all things grow, work hard to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and act cautiously

author:Ru feng everyone
Stinging, it turns out that the three great practices of life move with the times, act in response to the situation and all things grow, work hard to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and act cautiously
Stinging, it turns out that the three great practices of life move with the times, act in response to the situation and all things grow, work hard to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and act cautiously

Sting, the third solar term of spring, is located between the rain and the vernal equinox and belongs to mid-spring.

In the "Explanation of the Seventy-two Waiting For the Moon Order", it is said: "On the February Festival, all things are shocked, and the earthquake is thunder, so it is called sting." It was the stinging that flew away. ”

After the rain, the thunder gradually rose, and the dormant insects woke up in hibernation and began to climb out of the ground.

Yang and qi sting, everything is spring.

Hundreds of insects wake up, everything grows, and everywhere there is a scene of spring melting.

<h1>Move with the times and move according to the situation</h1>

Zhang Yuangan of the Song Dynasty had a poetry cloud: "A loud shock dragon and snake rise, and earthworm shrimp and toads also come out." ”

After the sting, the temperature rises and the critters begin to come out and move.

And the legendary dragon will gradually awaken.

Dragons, the length of scaly insects.

After the autumn equinox, the weather turned cold and the dragon began to dive into the abyss, silently waiting for spring to come.

After the sting, the dragon awakens and begins to lift off on the second day of the second month of the second lunar month.

Can be powerful and small is a dragon, only big is not small is a worm.

When the external environment is severe, even such a powerful creature as a dragon knows how to wronged itself in the cold and converge on its edge.

The I Ching says: "Profit and loss are in harmony with the times." ”

The smarter the person, the more they know how to go with nature and act with the camera.

Therefore, the ancients would take advantage of the thunder on the day of the sting.

Let yourself make a drum, you can also knock out a little thunder power.

When the sting festival came, there were more insects and snakes in the house, and they came out to forage around.

This is the best time to deworm, people will hold wormwood to smoke the four corners of the house to drive away insects and snakes.

The wise change from time to time, and the knower follows events.

Wise people will take different actions according to different periods and different developments.

When the times are not good, they silently lie dormant and accumulate strength; when the time comes, they will make a splash and soar into the sky.

Only in such a complex world can such a person move forward and backward freely and without disadvantage.

Stinging, it turns out that the three great practices of life move with the times, act in response to the situation and all things grow, work hard to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and act cautiously

<h1>Everything grows and works hard</h1>

In the I Ching, the sting belongs to the thunder and fire fenggua, feng, daye, and ming to move.

At this time, the heavens and the earth are full of yang, hundreds of insects are waking up, and everything is thriving, which is the most grand and abundant day of the year.

The apricot blossoms and peach blossoms bloom in the second order, the yellow oriole birds begin to chirp, and the doves begin to court.

Tao Yuanming said: "All the stings are terrified, and the grass and trees are stretched out. ”

The sting is like a trumpet between heaven and earth, awakening the flowers, plants, snakes and insects that have been sleeping for months.

At the same time, it also awakens the people who grew up in this land.

People began to respond to the recovery of heaven and earth and began a year's career.

Folk saying: "When it comes to the Sting Festival, the hoe does not stop." ”

During the sting season, thunder begins to become more frequent, and each thunder can bring a lot of nitrogen fertilizer to the land.

At this time, the nutrients are abundant and the best time for crop growth.

So families are collecting their land and planting crops, hoping for a good harvest this year.

"After the Sting Festival, spring ploughing cannot rest."

If you miss the sting, the harvest of the year will be affected.

At this time, when the field is the most lively, every family leads the cattle and works hard to cultivate, not daring to slack off in the slightest.

"Zhou Yi" Qiangua said: "See the dragon in the field, see the lord." ”

At this time, it is most suitable for people to come out and do things, and there will be rich harvests and returns.

The sting awakens the grass and tree snakes and insects, awakens the peasant uncle to farm and work, and also awakens us to work.

"The plan of the day lies in the morning, and the plan of the year lies in the spring."

Seize the opportunity of spring, go all out, and exert your own diligence and sweat.

Don't be lazy, don't slacken off, start a year's work, start a year's struggle.

Please believe that the far away that dreams can reach, one day the footsteps will also arrive!

Stinging, it turns out that the three great practices of life move with the times, act in response to the situation and all things grow, work hard to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and act cautiously

<h1>Guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and act cautiously</h1>

During the stinging season, the yang qi is grand, and everything is vigorous and upward, spectacular and brilliant.

However, we cannot be blindly optimistic and overconfident.

In the third verse of the Thunder Fire Fenggua, it is said: "Abundant Qipei, see foam in the middle of the day, fold his right humerus, no blame." ”

This means that although the timing is good now, there are still certain risks and we must be cautious.

During the sting, the heavens and the earth heated up rapidly, but the rain did not rain so much.

Very prone to spring drought. Farmer uncles need to be vigilant and irrigate in time to prevent crop yields from decreasing.

The stings are revived, the viruses and bacteria are gradually increasing, and the spring flu must be paid enough attention.

In order to make this year's life smooth and smooth, do not cause trouble.

During the sting season, there will be customs of "sacrificing white tigers" and "beating villains" everywhere.

Legend has it that the god of the white tiger is the god of tongue and tongue, right and wrong.

Every year, they will come out to forage for food at the time of the sting, and the people they meet will not go well within a year.

So people bought paper tigers and sacrificed them with fat pig blood, so that they could no longer say what was right and wrong.

In this way, we will bless our future development.

Hitting villains originated from shooting insects, and people slapped paper dolls with wooden slippers on this day.

I hope to get rid of a year's bad luck and a year of bad luck.

In the I Ching, it is said: "Walking on the tiger's tail, not a person, Heng."

Always vigilant, as careful as following a tiger, to prosper smoothly.

Life is like playing chess, if you are not careful, you can lose every game.

Don't be complacent, don't be arrogant, be in awe, and guard against arrogance.

At all times, we can be careful and prudent in order to reduce failures and avoid disasters.

Ru Fengjun said:

Stinging is a big changing solar term, with opportunities and more challenges.

When it comes to the day, stay cautious and strive to reach your potential.

Go all out, this year, there must be a lot of potential.

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