
Dzeko: If you want to win the Serie A title, you don't just have to win the derby At the beginning of the season, few people were optimistic about us

Dzeko: If you want to win the Serie A title, you don't just have to win the derby At the beginning of the season, few people were optimistic about us

In an interview with the Corriere della Sera, Inter striker Dzeko talked about the upcoming Milan derby.

Dzeko said: "Inter are currently at the top of the serie A rankings and hopefully we can keep that ranking to the end. At the beginning of the season, it was thought that the Serie A title would be produced between Milan and Napoli, with little mention of Inter. ”

"We all know that to win the title, you need to win a direct conversation like the derby, but if you lose other games, then the result can be more serious. If you win the derby, you may have a certain lead, but to stay at the top of the table, you also need to win games against some other smaller teams. ”

(Iron Fist)

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