
Japan has made a new territorial claim against Russia, not for the four northern islands, but for Antarctica

author:Flying wolf
Japan has made a new territorial claim against Russia, not for the four northern islands, but for Antarctica

Because of the territorial problem, Japan has taken advantage of Russia! The four northern islands that have long been incorporated into Russia's territory have not yet been able to claim back, and Japan has asked Russia for territory, but this time the territory claimed is neither the northern four islands, nor the southern Sakhalin Island, nor the Far East, but the territory of the western part of Antarctica, which is far away! This is also too unexpected, and Russia did not expect it.

As we all know, because of the problem of World War II, the Soviet Union occupied the four northern islands that originally belonged to Japan, and in 1956, the Soviet Union and Japan signed the "Soviet-Japanese Joint Declaration", and the Soviet Union agreed to consider the transfer of the two islands of Tooth Dance and Sedan to Japan after signing the peace treaty, but refused to return the larger Kunigo Island and Zega Island.

However, Japan wanted to take back all four northern islands and refused the "good intentions" of the Soviet Union. During the Yeltsin administration, Russia intended to hand over the two islands of Tooth Dance and Sedan to Japan in exchange for Japan's economic aid and investment, but Japan still demanded the return of all the northern four islands.

After Putin came to power, his stance on the four northern islands became increasingly tough, agreeing to Russia and Japan to jointly develop the four northern islands, but refusing to return the sovereignty of the northern four islands, former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Putin met more than 20 times to discuss the return of the four northern islands, each time returning home. Last year, Russia amended its constitution to stipulate that Russia cannot transfer any territory to foreign countries. Japan's dream of returning to the four northern islands was officially shattered.

Japan has made a new territorial claim against Russia, not for the four northern islands, but for Antarctica

However, Japan refuses to accept reality, never gives up, and still asks Russia for the four northern islands, but there is nothing it can do about Russia, and can only talk to Russia all year round like Xianglin Sister-in-law.

Surprisingly, the four northern islands did not return, and Japan made a new territorial claim to Russia. The Russian Satellite News Agency reported on July 24 that Japan's National Polar Research Institute (NIPR) released a report that Japan has made a new territorial claim to Russia — involving the territory of west Antarctica.

Japan reported that the Japanese Antarctic expedition had reached Southwest Polarland between 1911 and 1912, so Japan now believes that the territory should belong to Japan and that the Russian research station in Mary Bird's Land in Southwest Polarland is illegal.

However, the Russian Satellite News Agency believes that Russian travelers, Admiral Fati Bellingshausen and Mikhail Lazarev, discovered the coasts of Mary Bird and Ellsworth as early as 1820, and the Russians arrived earlier than the Japanese.

Antarctica covers an area of up to 14.245 million square kilometers, of which. The land area is 12.393 million square kilometers, the land edge ice area is 1.582 million square kilometers, and the island area is 76,000 square kilometers. The Antarctic continent is covered with ice and snow for almost a long time, with an average thickness of 2000-2500 meters and a maximum thickness of 4800 meters, which is both the last continent discovered by humans and a continent without human settlement, where only scientific expedition members from more than 30 countries are active.

At present, more than 30 countries have established more than 150 scientific expedition bases in Antarctica, russia has the largest number of scientific research stations, a total of 8, and 1 summer station is a progress station located in the Rasman Hills, built in 1988.

Japan has made a new territorial claim against Russia, not for the four northern islands, but for Antarctica

The other seven are permanent stations: Milni Station, established in 1956; Osterie Station, established in 1957; Novolazarev Station, established in 1961; Youth Station, which was built with Belarus in 1963; Leningrad Station, established in 1971; Bellingskogün Station, established in 1971; Russia Station, established in 1981, located in Mary Bird's Land.

Russia has the largest number of scientific research stations in Antarctica, followed by Argentina, which occupies a geographical advantage, with 7; and the United States in third place, with 6. Japan, along with the United Kingdom, Australia and India, is tied for seventh place, and has established three research stations in antarctica.

The existing Antarctic research stations in Japan are: the perennial station, Showa Station, located on Dongwengul Island, established in 1957; fuji ice dome station, located in Maud Queen's Land, established in 1995; and Asuka Station, an unattended observation site, located in Maud queen's land, established in 1985. Japan established Mizuho Station in Mizuho Highlands in 1970, but it has been closed.

As the only unexplored continent on earth, not only more than 30 countries have established scientific research stations in Antarctica, but also the United Kingdom, France, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Chile, Argentina have made territorial claims for Antarctica (Germany also proposed it in World War II, and retreated from defeat), Australia has the greatest ambitions, claiming 42% of the Antarctic continent.

Since the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union did not recognize the territorial claims of these claimants to Antarctica, on December 1, 1959, representatives of the United States, the Soviet Union, Britain, France, Belgium, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Japan, and South Africa signed the Antarctic Treaty in Washington.

Japan has made a new territorial claim against Russia, not for the four northern islands, but for Antarctica

Currently, there are 46 member states of the Antarctic Treaty. The Antarctic Treaty will expire in 2041, and until it expires, member states must abide by the consensus that "antarctic territorial sovereignty and resource exploitation remain on hold for 50 years." However, Australia, Chile, Argentina, Norway, the United Kingdom, Brazil, Peru and other countries have been active in their territorial claims to Antarctica.

Why do so many countries covet the territory of Antarctica? There is another important factor: economic interests. Antarctica contains more than 220 kinds of minerals such as coal, oil, natural gas, platinum, uranium, iron, manganese, copper, nickel, cobalt, chromium, lead, tin, zinc, gold, copper, aluminum, antimony, graphite, silver, diamond, etc.; Antarctica is rich in Antarctic cod, largemouth fish, krill, etc., of which krill production ranks first in the world.

The data shows that Antarctica contains 500 billion tons of oil, 300 billion to 500 billion tons of natural gas, and Antarctica glaciers have nearly 70% of the world's fresh water... With such abundant resources, which country is not impressed?

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