
Seniors remember not to talk about the 3 privacy of the home

The privacy of the family is part of the housekeeping, everyone says that it is to provoke others to interfere in the housekeeping, even if there is no internal contradiction in the family, it will be stimulated, and if the family has internal contradictions, it will be intensified.

Seniors remember not to talk about the 3 privacy of the home

First, don't talk about ugly things in the house

Outsiders want you to talk about the ugliness of your family, the more you talk about it, the better, outsiders are not interested in how good your family is, only interested in your family ugliness. Not only will outsiders listen to it with relish, but outsiders will also talk to people around them, as long as it is the ugly thing in your family, outsiders will be obliged to do propaganda for you, which can be described as hard work and resentment. Therefore, the ugly things in the family are best resolved within the family, if you talk to outsiders, outsiders at best superficially perfunctory you a sentence or two, usually mean that you stand in the same position, but outsiders in the heart will be happy, and can't wait to end the chat with you, eager to let your family's scandals spread thousands of miles away as soon as possible, after you expose the scandals in the family, neither can alleviate the scandals in the family, but also will be out of the ordinary. After all, people's words are fearsome, and public opinion will complicate the ugly things in the family, from the initial internal worries to the final internal and external troubles.

Seniors remember not to talk about the 3 privacy of the home

Second, don't show off your wealth and don't cry about being poor

No matter how rich you are in your family or how much money you have in your family, don't reveal it to outsiders. Since your family's money will not be distributed to outsiders, it will avoid showing how rich your family is, if it is displayed, it will cause both the jealousy of outsiders and the misdemeanors to remember, in addition to making you feel good about yourself, basically counted as harmful and useless. The reason why crying poverty still needs to be avoided is because outsiders will not give you money, at best they will give you pity or sympathy, the rest will give you ridicule or ridicule, not to mention that once they are considered poor by outsiders, outsiders will deteriorate from reluctance to communicate to disdain.

Seniors remember not to talk about the 3 privacy of the home

Third, do not disclose the family's way of making money

After all, the way to make money in your home may not be suitable for other people's homes, if others follow the trend, if others do it, it will increase competitors, neither will feel your kindness nor complain about why you did not disclose it earlier; if others did not do it, even if they did not directly complain about you, they will indirectly complain about you. Moreover, it is not excluded that some people obviously have no ability to participate or do not have the heart to participate, but will create trouble for you, others will think that since you can't get it, you will not let you get it easily, either it will create trouble for you, or it will create trouble for your family, in short, tell more outsiders, the more likely you are to meet similar outsiders, although similar outsiders are a minority, but have to guard against.

Conclusion: The privacy of the family is best to keep your mouth shut, if you say it every time, it may be borrowed by outsiders or may be taken out of context by outsiders.

The picture comes from the network, and the picture and text are irrelevant.