
Sing the song of harmonious coexistence between man and nature

author:China Youth Network
Sing the song of harmonious coexistence between man and nature

Large-scale documentary "Song of Life"

Caiyun Network Commentator Kong Dezhu

Recently, in order to show the great beauty of the community of life in landscapes, forests, fields, lakes and grasses, the COP15 large-scale documentary "Song of Life", produced by the Propaganda Department of the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China and produced by Yunnan Radio and Television Station, has been broadcast on CCTV. For the tree monument of life, for the times to establish a legend, "Song of Life" with beautiful pictures, shocking lenses, vivid narration, touching stories, take you to feel the magic of nature, appreciate the wisdom of the harmonious coexistence of all natural things, let the concept of respecting nature, conforming to nature, and protecting biodiversity deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and jointly sing the "song of life" of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

The ecological environment is the foundation of human survival and development, and changes in the ecological environment directly affect the rise and fall of civilization. The ancient Chinese thinkers' ideas of "the unity of heaven and man", the idea of Taoist nature, the idea of respecting, conforming to and protecting nature by "going with the times", "taking the time" and "not violating the time", emphasizing the coordination and unity between human society and the natural world, symbiosis, common prosperity and mutual respect, opened the door of wisdom that respects nature and faces the future. From the vast splendor of northwest Yunnan to the long stretch of southeast Yunnan, from the sacred Kawagebo to the manic Jinsha River, the documentary "Song of Life" takes "Shanshui Lintian Lake Grass Life Community" as the core of shooting, pays tribute to the amazing and breathtaking nature with light and shadow and lens, pays tribute to the natural life force of natural selection and endless life, interprets the natural code of the origin and differentiation of species, interprets the harmonious coexistence and survival wisdom of all natural things, and shows the beauty of the landscape Lintian Lake Grass Life Community.

There is no substitute for the ecological environment, and it is difficult to use it and lose it. In recent years, with the rapid increase in population, environmental pollution, climate change, vegetation destruction, etc., the frequent occurrence of natural disasters around the world, the continuous raging of Australian volcanoes, the worst locust plague in East African countries in decades, and the global spread of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, these global crises and challenges have sounded the alarm for human beings to pay more attention to reverence for nature, respect nature, conform to nature, protect nature, and promote the construction of ecological civilization with greater efforts.

Man and nature are a community of life, and only by respecting nature can we live naturally; only by fearing life can we see the beauty of life. Yunnan is the province with the richest biodiversity in China, but also the center of the origin and differentiation of many species, has a very important position in the conservation of biodiversity in China and even the world, known as the "animal kingdom", "plant kingdom" and "world garden" reputation, but also with practical actions to show the responsibility of biodiversity conservation in Yunnan. It is necessary to deeply study Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, firmly establish and deeply practice the concept that green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, take the protection of biodiversity as an important starting point for the construction of ecological civilization, unswervingly take the road of ecological priority and green development, be responsible for future development, be responsible for history and the people, and be responsible for future generations, treat the ecological environment like life, and with the determination and revolutionary measures of heroes and broken wrists, comprehensively promote the integrated comprehensive management of landscapes, forests, fields, lakes and grasses according to local conditions. Implement the strictest ecological environmental protection system, strengthen the protection of biodiversity, and promote the formation of a conservation, green and low-carbon production and lifestyle in the whole society, so that green mountains are always present, clear water flows, and air is always new.

The heavens do not speak and the hours go, and the earth does not speak and everything is born. Landscapes, forests, lakes and grasses, hidden the wisdom of survival that the earth has grown up, and the whispers of natural things are the homeland dreams of diverse lives. Mankind has only one earth, let us firmly establish the concept of respecting nature, conforming to nature, and protecting nature, take immediate action, participate together, fulfill our responsibilities together, build a beautiful home where man and nature coexist in harmony, and sing the "song of life" of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Source: Yunnan Net

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