
The driver was "unconscious" in the accident, and the first investigation was drunk and comatose

author:National Party media information public platform

Source: Jiangxi Daily - Jiangxi News Client

Jiangnan Metropolis News All-media reporter Hu Qin photography report: Recently, in Sanyang Town, Yuanzhou District, Yichun, a man drove and collided with the guardrail, the car broke down, the driver was "unconscious", the traffic police of the Sanyang Squadron of the Second Brigade directly under the Yichun Traffic Police Detachment knocked on the window for more than ten minutes, and the driver had a reaction, coming out of the cab, and the alcohol content was as high as 179mg/100ml! It turned out that the driver was not knocked unconscious, but drunk and comatose.

The driver was "unconscious" in the accident, and the first investigation was drunk and comatose

On the evening of October 20, 2021, the Sanyang Squadron of the Second Brigade directly under the Yichun Traffic Police Detachment received a command center police information, a unilateral accident occurred in Sanyang Market Town, the traffic police contacted the police, the other party said that they were passing by, saw a car hit the guardrail and went forward to check, the driver was lying on the steering wheel, called for a few minutes can not wake up, may be knocked unconscious, so he enthusiastically dialed the police. After receiving the police, the on-duty traffic police rushed to the scene and tried to wake up the driver but did not respond. Therefore, after the on-duty traffic police did a good job of safety protection, they went forward to check the situation, the vehicle was slightly damaged, and the man in the cab had no signs of injury, that is, he had been lying on the steering wheel. Then the traffic police slapped the window for more than ten minutes, and the man finally woke up. When the window is opened, a strong smell of alcohol comes to the face, the traffic police use a breath alcohol tester to test the man, and the alcohol content is 179mg/100ml, which is drunk driving.

According to the man's account, his surname is Wang, Wan Zairen, 34 years old this year, that night with friends in Yichun city to eat, together with a few bottles of liquor, after the meal he insisted on returning to Wan Zai, the car on the way to the wine came up, passing through Sanyang Market Town when he really could not carry, when driving actually fell asleep, the back of the thing he did not remember, do not know how to hit the guardrail. Wang Mou was glad that he did not hit the vehicle and pedestrians, but he did not dare to imagine the consequences.

At present, the case is being further handled.

Editor on duty: Fan Junjie

Duty review: Wu Jianfeng

Duty Editorial Board: Huang Lianwen

This article is from [Jiangxi Daily - Jiangxi News Client], which only represents the author's views. The National Party Media Information Public Platform provides information dissemination services.


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