
National football team vs Japan starters: Arthur Junmin, Wu Lei started, Alain substitute

At 18:00 Beijing time on January 27, the 7th round of Group B of the National Football Round of 12, the Chinese men's football team challenged the Japanese team away. Before the match, the two sides announced the lineup for the match.

National football team vs Japan starters: Arthur Junmin, Wu Lei started, Alain substitute

National football starts: 1- Yan Junling, 2- Zheng Zheng, 4- Wang Shenchao, 5- Zhang Linpeng, 6- Jiang Guangtai, 20-Zhu Chenjie, 8-Arthur Junmin, 13-Xu Xin, 15-Wu Xi, 7-Wu Lei, 9-Zhang Yuning

Substitutes: 23-Wang Dalei, 3-Deng Hanwen, 10-Zhang Xizhe, 11-Alan, 12-Liu Dianzuo, 14-Chi Zhongguo, 16-Jin Jingdao, 17-Wei Shihao, 18-Tan Long, 19-Liu Yang, 21-Dai Weijun, 22-Yu Dabao

Japan starters: 12-Shuichi Kwonda, 3-Akigo Taniguchi, 4-Itakura, 5-Yuto Nagatomo, 19-Hiroki Sakai, 6-Haruka Endo, 13-Hidesumasa Morita, 17-TanakaBi, 10-Takumi Minamino, 14-Junya Ito, 15-Isamu Daisuke

Replacement: 1-Eiji Kawaki, 2-Ueda Naotsu, 7-Shibasaki-Gaku, 8-Haraguchi Motonori, 9-Maeda Dainen, 11-Kubo Takehide, 16-Nakatani Konosuke, 20-Nakatani Yuta, 21-Doan Ritsu, 22-Yamane Korai, 23-Yabuki-Tan-Amag-Yuji

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