
After the coin was locked in, I began to invert the gorilla in the metacosm again

After the coin was locked in, I began to invert the gorilla in the metacosm again

Text | AI Blue Media, author | Yang Lei

"I haven't slept well since I played NFT. Play new, invite, lottery, white list, everyone is up in the middle of the night to grab the qualifications, good projects ten thousand places, but there are hundreds of thousands of addresses are robbing, you are troublesome, your opponents are not afraid, people get up earlier than you, the principal is more than you. ”

In the past six months, Pan Pan, a post-90s man who was "trapped" in the coin circle, turned to NFT and spent 1.65 ETH (Ethereum, which is currently the second largest digital currency) to buy a gorilla NFT at CyberKongz.

NFTs are non-homogeneous tokens, and the difference between Bitcoin and Ethereum is that Bitcoin and Ethereum are each the same, and everyone can exchange them with each other. But NFTs can represent different assets, such as pictures, music, novels, movies, etc., each NFT is unique, must be sold in its entirety, can not be torn up and sold, which makes NFTs more collectible.

Gorilla NFT is Pan Pan's most promising project this year, and before buying, he did a lot of homework, including studying the market value of CyberKongz, whether there is KOL endorsement, whether there is a linkage with the meta-universe star project Sandbox, how the community atmosphere is, and so on. He believes that with more and more entrants to the NFT, it is even more necessary to do a good job of project back adjustment, so as not to step on the thunder and make himself lose his money.

After the coin was locked in, I began to invert the gorilla in the metacosm again

CyberKongz launched the Gorilla NFT

Currently, his gorilla NFT has risen to 50,000.

This is not the first NFT that Pan Pan bought, on the first day of the new year, he grabbed Jay Chou's PhantaBear (fantasy bear), the maximum issuance limit of 10,000, he started with the original price of 6200 yuan, and when it rose to 30,000, he sold it.

In fact, the investment risk of NFT is extremely high, even if the "king" Jaylen brings goods, it is difficult to ensure that PhantaBear's popularity continues to be hot and the income is stable.

On January 18, on the occasion of Jay Chou's 43rd birthday, the average price of PhantaBear has been cut, and the trading volume is only less than 1/10 of the high. Even if the distributor Ezek announced the release of airdrops on Jay Chou's birthday, free T-shirts available offline with NFT, and video ads on the nasdaq big screen, it did not boost PhantaBear's popularity.

Pan Pan was glad that he shot PhantaBear early, he told AI Blue Mediahui, playing NFT, he is a "good to receive" type player. In the past six months, he has invested about 100,000 yuan in the NFT and built a position, and will never put "eggs in the same basket".

Blood, madness, plunge, skyrocketing... The metacosm has not yet arrived, but the NFT is on a rocket and soars into the sky.

The carnival of speculators

"Someone asked me why I was going to buy an NFT, isn't that a JPG?" In fact, I learned about it last year when I was involved in some NFT art exhibition designs. I missed the monkey in May last year, when it cost more than 5,000 yuan a piece. Now the cheapest one sells for 1.5 million, and 2 can be paid as a down payment in Shenzhen. ”

The "monkey" that made Pan Pan chagrin that he did not shoot was the 10,000-eyed monkey NFT issued by BAYC (Boring Ape Yacht Club), and the initial issue price was only 0.08ETH. With the big guys in the circle with goods, the monkey's value in the secondary market has risen all the way.

In August 2021, NBA player Curry spent $180,000 to buy a monkey NFT and became a member of the BAYC community; at the end of 2021, rapper Amu Bought a monkey NFT for 123.45 ETH (about $450,000); and Jay Chou's OpenSea account, in addition to PhantaBear, also has a monkey NFT, according to industry insiders, Jay Chou's monkey NFT is worth 3 million.

After the coin was locked in, I began to invert the gorilla in the metacosm again

With the blessing of celebrity effect, BAYC has become one of the hottest NFT projects at present.

In the first half of 2021, Cryptopunks, BAYC, Coolcats, doodles and other avatars such as NFTs soared, bringing fire to the entire NFT circle.

Players who hold these scarce NFTs are not only a "digital luxury", but also a ticket to a premium club, a password for them to authenticate each other.

It is based on this underlying logic of "turkey becomes phoenix", the gameplay of NFTs becomes clear: once a grassroots project is hyped as a "luxury", the players who initially held it will also get rich overnight.

This is also the reason why insiders are willing to spend a lot of time and all night "liver" whitelist. Pan Pan introduced to AI Blue Media that players can get the publisher's whitelist by helping the publisher invite people, build or create some artwork. The whitelist is a benefit distributed by the project party to the earliest supporters, which can be understood as a membership card, and players with the project's whitelist can buy the project's NFT at a one-hand price. Generally speaking, after getting a whitelist from the issuer, you can generally get a 5-10 times return in the secondary market.

Since Pan Pan's main business is an illustrator, taking the initiative to create "works of art" for the project side will make him more comfortable when playing NFTs.

According to Pan Pan, recently he is creating artwork for NFT projects such as Ahu, InnocentCats, MYTY, etc. Through a few days and nights of continuous "bursting liver", he got a WHITE LIST OF MYTY, the current floor price is about 8,000 yuan, he hopes to have a good income after opening the box; he also got two white lists in InnocentCats, it is said that the initiator of this project is Pan Weibai, he believes that Jay Chou is in front of the endorsement, Pan Weibai's NFT project should also perform well.

Pan Pan's most livery project so far is the Ah Tan who was selected for the February Star List, Pan Pan produced 180 manuscripts for the project side in one go, and the official team of Ah Tan was also deeply moved and directly gave him a white list.

There are also some players who are not bad money, generally directly in the secondary market Krypton gold, through buying and selling, to do their own ETH.

"But investing in NFTs is extremely risky, and once there is no receiver, you become the last holder of that NFT." Every amount of money you make is something that someone else loses. For how to avoid risks, Pan Pan believes that NFTs are more stimulating than the currency circle, and his experience is to catch up with a wave of heat and then run quickly.

Obviously, in this carnival of speculators, only a few people can get out of it. However, Pan Pan still believes that "having a bubble is a good thing, and having a bubble means there is a market." ”

Craftsman's "flea market"

Pan Pan is very frank that in 2021, the NFT is indeed a fairly marketable year, and at the beginning of the new year, the NFT still has no ebb tide trend.

Although in the metaverse world, "everything can be NFT", the most widely and accepted way of NFT is currently a variety of IP stars, animal image design paintings and other works of art.

This gives a little financial knowledge and a skill in the field of painting to show off their talents.

As mentioned above, in order to win the project side's whitelist, Pan Pan needs to send works to the project side, and once adopted, he has the opportunity to get the ticket to the project, buy the project's NFT at a first-hand price, and get special benefits for whitelist players.

There are also some craftsmen who enter the NFT as entrepreneurs. Catching up with the outlet of the metaverse, people who can draw are uploading NFTs and calling themselves "crypto artists".

Cheng Orange listed a fat cat drawn by himself on opensea, the largest trading platform in NFT, and numbered 00001, but after many days, the cat was not successfully sold. In order to make his work on the chain, Cheng Orange has paid a gasfee (miner fee). Some netizens left a message for her: "Ordinary people cast NFTs, and the money earned has not been handed over." There is no traffic in the Posts of little red book, and there is no traffic on the opensea platform. ”

After the coin was locked in, I began to invert the gorilla in the metacosm again

On a social platform, there are a large number of wild NFT bloggers, while popularizing what NFT is for fans, while recommending their own cast NFT artworks to potential buyers. The NFT trading platform, in the eyes of these craftsmen, is more like a large online flea market. They put their paintings on the wedding dress of "works of art" and traded them through the NFT trading platform.

At present, because the domestic NFT is not on the public chain and cannot be traded with ETH, many "crypto artists" have achieved transactions on NFT China, which has greatly reduced the entry threshold of this "flea market" and also provided creative soil for some domestic cartoonists, illustrators and art students.

After the coin was locked in, I began to invert the gorilla in the metacosm again

NFTs showcased by creators on social platforms

According to ai blue media hui observation, the current relatively hot NFT artworks on the market are mostly based on unicorns, crocodiles, cats, rabbits and other animals as prototypes. The list price of creators in the first-hand market is usually between 199-699 yuan. But for collectors, a NFT collection that is not on the public chain will also have a great discount in circulation value.

Sober collectors also realize that compared with the more mainstream NFTs traded in ETH, domestic NFTs are more limited, and even after some hype in the secondary market, works out of the circle are usually defined as "digital tide play works" rather than "digital luxury goods".

It is worth mentioning that because the NFT is currently in the stage of barbaric growth, both domestically and internationally, the NFT has become a "pig on the outlet". Once the wind changes, both speculative players and creators will undergo a reshuffle.

*Pan Pan and Cheng Orange are pseudonyms.

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