
Reverse wireless charging is chicken ribs? Sixty percent of users have never used it

[PChome mobile phone channel report] Now almost all high-end mobile phones provide wireless charging functions, which naturally includes reverse wireless charging functions, that is, mobile phones can wirelessly charge small devices such as TWS and bracelets to extend the battery life of these devices. This feature seems to have a bright future, which can meet the needs of users to maintain normal use of the device in emergency situations, but through the actual user survey data, more than 60% of users have not used the function at all.

Reverse wireless charging is chicken ribs? Sixty percent of users have never used it

According to the survey data from foreign media, 60.97% of users have never used reverse wireless charging, and 17.15% of users can use the function 1 or 2 times a year, and the proportion of these users has exceeded 75%, obviously most users will not use this function.

Of course, there are also many users who often use the reverse wireless charging function, 6.64% of users will use it regularly every month, and 8.6% of users do not regard it as a regular function, but they will use it every month. The remaining 6.64% of users use reverse wireless charging every week.

Reverse wireless charging is chicken ribs? Sixty percent of users have never used it

At present, the endurance of mobile phones is still scarce, and using the electrical energy of the mobile phone itself to charge other devices is a very luxurious behavior in itself. Some users said that if the smart phone can achieve the battery life of 3-4 days like the feature machine, then the reverse wireless charging function is not so chicken.

Some users also said that although the reverse wireless charging function seems useless, they are still happy that their mobile phones have this function, and it does play a role at critical moments, extending the necessary battery life for wireless headphones.

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