
The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

On January 27, Beijing time, the NBA regular season continued, and the Cavaliers who have won 2 consecutive games have formed a Bucks that have ushered in 3 consecutive wins, and this campaign has ushered in a comeback. The Cavaliers suppressed the Bucks throughout the game, refused to fight back in the final quarter and finally won 115-99, and the Cavaliers won 2 and lost 1 of the three games so far in the season, ranking against the Bucks.

In this game, Rondo's career total assists exceeded the 7500 mark, the 14th active in history after Gun Zhan Wei.

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted


Bucks: Alphabet Brother 26 points, 9 rebounds, 3 assists and 7 turnovers, Middleton 21 points, 4 rebounds and 4 assists, Portis 22 points and 7 rebounds, Connaughton 11 points, 6 rebounds and 7 assists, Holliday 4 points, 6 rebounds and 7 assists, Di Ventenzo 9 points, 5 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 steals;

Cavaliers: Garland 19 points, 2 rebounds and 8 assists, Mobley 16 points, 7 rebounds and 2 blocks, Jarrett Allen 10 points and 9 rebounds, Osman 23 points, 3 rebounds, 2 assists and 2 steals, Love 25 points, 9 rebounds, 2 assists, 2 steals and 5 turnovers.

The Star of the Field

Garland scored 19 points and 8 assists, not only with firepower output but also tandem with the team, leading the team to three consecutive wins over the Bucks.

Game tidbits

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Garland counter-attacked a layup that injured the waist at one point in the dressing room

Race highlights

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Portis countered with a violent dunk

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Allen took off violently to make up the buckle

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Alphabet brother mid-range throw

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Love steals three points

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Mobley compartment letter brother

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Mobley Hat Holliday

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Rondo's back to Lefour

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Letter brother three points

Game review

In the game, Connaughton's bottom corner three-point arrow pierced the heart, Allen cut into garland's point and directly dunked, Portis responded with three points, Allen raised a fire again, Middleton, O'Corro soared three points. Garland advanced through the middle to throw, Portis had three points, and Garland went around the pile allen's free throw line and then shot in. Connaughton slipped up easily, and Di ventenzo and Garland hit three-pointers.

Holliday took O'Corro in the low post, Middleton took out three points, Osman and Love responded with two consecutive three-pointers, Holliday gave the empty Portis a dunk, and then he snatched a dragon to advance, and Connaughton received three points. Alphabet brother scored on a jumper, Love also scored a jump shot on the second offense, and then he hit another three points, and the first quarter ended, the Cavaliers 26-35 Bucks.

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

In the second quarter, Enwora slashed a dragon to the top of the goal, Osman hit two three-pointers in a row, and then broke through again, but Allen burst out from the basket to make up for it. Alphabet brother left low receiver accelerated into the dunk, Lefu, Connaughton soared three points, Garland, Middleton, Ottoman three points also have, Garland broke through the point Mobley cut up.

Portis received the ball low and threw it around the Love block, Mobley made another empty cut to the basket, and Osman snatched a dragon and flew up to Connaughton to score 2+1. Middleton switched offense, facing Love's use of European step-ups, Garland broke through the pad to step up to the basket, Portis threw a shot, Mobley then picked up Garland's direct plug, and received the ball across the alphabet brother defense to send a violent dunk! Osman received three points and Portis scored consecutive baskets to give the Cavaliers a 65-57 lead over the Bucks.

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

Easy side to fight again, Connaughton split the ball alphabet brother burst into the buckle, Dean Wade pressed the whistle to turn over and shoot, Garland, Mobley hit three points in a row, and the Cavaliers led by 17 points to stop the Bucks! Middleton sat and played Dean Wade turned over from mid-range to stop the bleeding, then Holliday pushed a layup and was hit by a Mobley hat, Alphabet Brother and Wade soared for three points, Allen shot in a half-cut shot, Garland counterattacked and flew to the basket, but then he returned to the dressing room suspected of being injured.

Portis threw in front of Love, Osman carried Middleton to turn up, Mobley basket directly fake action dodge Di ventzentzone put in, Love near the free throw line near the whistle hit. Diventzzo broke through the layup along the bottom line, Lefour made a second offense under the basket, and the third quarter ended, and the Cavaliers 95-77 Bucks.

The Cavaliers tackled the Bucks to win 3 straight! Luck 25 points led 6 people on the double alphabet brother 26 points 7 mistakes were deducted

In the final quarter, the two teams scored consecutive free throw lines, the Bucks stole a pass to quickly go down hill, the latter gave the follow-up alphabet brother a buckle, Love low turned over the jump shot. Rondo pulled in three points, then broke through to the top of the two men without looking at the basket left hand to advance, Middleton low sat down to play Love turned over and threw in, and then he switched the offense to eat Okoro and turned and threw in. Osman scored three-pointers, Hill's bottom corner didn't have three points, Portis grabbed an offensive rebound to make up for it, and then the Bucks gave up the game to withdraw the main lineup, and the Cavaliers won at home!

Both sides started

Cavaliers: Wade, Mobley, Allen, Ocorro, Garland;

Bucks: Alphabet Brother, Middleton, Portis, Connaughton, Holliday

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