
Jaccherini: I'm never going to call up Balotelli, there are a lot of Italian youngsters who deserve the chance

Jaccherini: I'm never going to call up Balotelli, there are a lot of Italian youngsters who deserve the chance

Former Italy international Jacquelini recently gave an interview to DAZN, saying that if he were the Italian manager, he would never call up Balotelli.

Balotelli's recent re-entry to the Italian training camp roster sparked discussion. Jaccherini said: "I will never call up Balotelli, there are a lot of young Italian players ready to play for the country and they need this opportunity more than Balotelli. ”

'Balotelli is playing well in Turkey now, but anyone who knows him knows that he did a lot of negative things and we always remember him doing a lot of bad things.

(Goblin Killer)

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