
Half Mu Tang 丨 Lanzhou Xigu District Fuli Road No. 2 Primary School

It's in the rain

Teacher Zhang Suxue

Different seasons rain differently, and watching different rains quietly can always find out the magic.

"Sneaking into the night with the wind, the moisturizer is silent", this is Du Fu's spring rain, the spring rain is bright and mild. Look at the spring rain, as innumerable as cattle hair, like a silk thread. The spring rain, like the nectar sprinkled by the spring girl, cleanses our hearts; like the thin thread on the spring girl's loom, it is densely woven obliquely; like the spring girl's flower needle, it plunges into the newly awakened earth. The spring rain moisturizes the newborn everything, drenches the wild ducks playing by the river, and warms everyone's heart.

"The black clouds turn over the ink and do not cover the mountains, and the white rain jumps into the boat", this is su Shi's summer rain, and the summer rain is unrestrained and warm. Listening to the summer rain, buckled on the windowside, is a rushing sound of running water; hitting the umbrella is a crackling sound; falling into the crowd will bring a rush to avoid the rain. Summer rain, accompanied by lightning and thunder, is fast and thunderous, and it only takes a short period of ten minutes to experience a fierce wind and rain, and if you are not careful, you will be drenched into a "falling soup chicken".

"After the new rain in the empty mountains, the weather is late and autumn", this is Wang Wei's autumn rain, and the autumn rain is continuous and gentle. Smelling the autumn rain, mixed with the smell of earth, mixed with the smell of melons and fruits, and even slightly with the smell of sweat on the farmer's body. The autumn rain, the water, will not be sunny for several days, and it is the autumn rain that washes away the last trace of summer heat and brings a long-lost coolness to the human world. It is precisely because of the autumn rain that we can feel the comfort of autumn high.

"Suddenly like a spring breeze in the night, thousands of trees and pear blossoms", this is the winter rain written by Cen Shan, and the winter rain is long and crystalline. Thinking of the winter rain, they all spread and dyed the world white, and the clusters covered the earth with a thick quilt. The snowy snow provides a snow paradise for kids, look! There were a few kids building snowmen there; listen! The sound of children fighting is incessant. The winter rains have brought the joy of the harvest in the coming year, and brought one ice and snow event after another.

There is a different rain all year round, sit quietly in front of the window, soak in a cup of tea, exhibit a volume of ancient books, and savor the different rains. I thought: You'll smack it up a little bit.

Immediate view from the window

Fifth Grade (8) Class Wu Lange

In the morning, I rubbed my eyes, stretched my loins, and got up. Pull back the curtains, the warm sun bathes the whole body, and the view from the window is always mesmerizing!

At 5:30 a.m., the east was dyed with a faint red halo, slowly unfolding from the sky. The sun shone brightly and was lifted from the lake by a mysterious hand. Like the hibiscus out of the water, illuminating the whole world, everything was dressed in red in an instant, red tall trees, red majestic mountains, red houses, and even the clouds around the sun had become pear yellow, apple red and grape purple. Suddenly, the sun was spectacularly red, dazzling red, and brilliant red!

At noon, the sun shines dazzlingly overhead, like a large disc embedded with gold edges, mercilessly scorching the earth, making people dry and sweaty. Occasionally, a few breezes rustle through the leaves, and it sounds more and more pleasant!

Twilight, the sun in the west, hid in the hills, revealing only half of its face, reflecting half of the sky. The clouds are colorful, like brocade woven by a weaver girl. Flocks of geese spread their wings high in the air and flew hurriedly toward the nest, while industrious little bees were still collecting honey in the flowers.

As the sun sets and night falls, fireflies fly in the air like little lanterns, and when the light comes together, it is a bright lamp, as if illuminating my inner world. In the dead of night, I looked at the white moon and always felt like a smooth jade disk. Suddenly the chirping broke the silence, oh, it turned out to be cicadas singing!

Day and night alternate with each other, time is like an arrow, fleeting, a beautiful day, unconsciously slipped away. I hope that this beautiful scenery can be frozen forever and always accompany me!

Teacher's Comments:

This article uses the method of combining dynamic and static in chronological order, specifically and vividly describes what is seen and heard outside the window, quite a taste of prose, and the feelings and understandings generated from it are more profound and philosophical. This article uses a lot of rhetorical techniques and four-word idioms to make the article rich and lively, which is a rare masterpiece!

Yellow River, Mother River!

Teacher Qu Cuizhen

The familiar melody of the "Ballad of the Yellow River" rings in the ears: "The water of the Yellow River keeps flowing, flowing through home, flowing through Lanzhou, distant relatives, listening to me sing the yellow river ballad..." Since ancient times, the Yellow River has had the majestic momentum of "the water of the Yellow River rises from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning". The Yellow River is the second longest river in China, with a total length of 5464 kilometers, and is known as our mother river.

The Yellow River is the birthplace of Chinese civilization, and the splendid Chinese civilization of more than 5,000 years has been nurtured and has a long history in the Yellow River Basin. This river has witnessed the joys, sorrows, rises and falls of the Chinese nation over the past 5,000 years. Qin Emperor Han Wu, Wen Tao WuLuo; Tang Zong Song Zu, Wen Jing Wu Tong; a generation of heavenly arrogance Genghis Khan, deep and rough, the use of soldiers is like a god. These emperors led the Chinese nation and pushed the ancient Yellow River civilization to an impressive peak of splendor. The four major inventions of the mainland, Tang poetry, Song Ci, Yuan Qu, etc. are the shining pearls of the Yellow River civilization, and these inventions and creations of the descendants of Yan Huang not only highlight the history of Chinese culture, but also the Yellow River is also famous in the world, and is widely praised by people in ancient and modern times. Li Bai once wrote: "When the king is gone, the water of the Yellow River rises from the sky and flows to the sea and never returns." Liu Yuxi also wrote: "The Nine-Curve Yellow River Wanli Sand, the waves and winds from the end of the world." People now compare the Yellow River to: "A loess is molded into you and me, the vein is the Yangtze River, and the artery is the Yellow River." ”

The Yellow River is not only the birthplace of Chinese culture, but also our mother river. The descendants of Huaxia are a nation that can continue by drinking the water of the Yellow River, and our mother river has endowed the sons and daughters of China with wisdom and bravery, endowed us with the quality of tenacity and persistence, and endowed us with the spirit of hard work and enterprising. Life is also a great river, sometimes calm, sometimes boiling, no rules, no end, never stopping, flowing in everyone's heart. Life needs sunshine and rain and dew, it needs nature to give it gifts, it needs to draw strength from the Mother River, and it needs mutual help between people. Only in this way can we better grasp life.

Lanzhou is the only provincial capital through which the Yellow River flows. During the summer vacation, my family and I went to the Yellow River to enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Yellow River. The water of the Yellow River is dusk, but it still struggles all the way forward, the water turns into sand, how much sediment it has swept away, and the once sweet river has become a dim yellow river mixed with silt. The Yellow River in the past has become history, and today's Yellow River will turn the rolling waves of blood into tranquility, become an eternal force, and inspire countless Chinese sons and daughters to move forward courageously.

I understand that the sea is full of rivers and rivers, and there is tolerance and greatness. With its generosity and tolerance, the Yellow River has embraced all the wind and sand, all the hardships, all the tears, and all the things in the world.

I have the privilege of appreciating the unique charm of the Yellow River, and my heart also flows with a rushing river, I will follow this river, continue to move forward, never stop!

Grade 4 (9) Class Li Quanwei

"The water of the Yellow River kept flowing, flowing through home, flowing through Lanzhou, distant relatives, listening to me sing the yellow river ballad..." A folk song sang a city of the motherland, a mother river of China, a muddy river in the world, a river that cries and flows all year round, a river of trembling awe.

Folk songs are simple poems, folk songs are simple, sincere feelings, naturally full of strong local atmosphere; the lyrics of folk songs have feelings and send out, singing the thoughts of home, the love of relatives, and the longing for "roots".

This "Ballad of the Yellow River" comes from the land of Lanzhou, a song from labor, and at the moment when the fast-paced lifestyle is full, it does not forget to convey the cohesion of the national spirit. The Yellow River flows through the land of China, and for all Chinese sons and daughters, they are "mothers", which is "the only one". The feeling of "The Ballad of the Yellow River" is also "the only" quaint, sincere, beautiful, and circulating, just as the so-called folk songs are handed down, not a momentary heat will pass. "Ballad of the Yellow River" is a popular folk song, a classic that can influence generation after generation, so "Ballad of the Yellow River" is the circulation of folk songs, not popular.

"Ballad of the Yellow River" sang people's yearning, sang a beautiful vision, sang the spirit of inspiring people's unremitting self-improvement, sang the pride in the hearts of the people of our motherland, I looked at the Yellow River from afar, and sang "Ballad of the Yellow River" loudly!

"Ballad of the Yellow River" is a localized folk song, the song tells the story of the Yellow River, listening to a kind of sadness, but conveying the inheritance between the two generations, expressing the love for the Mother River. Through vivid and fluent language, the young author expresses his true insight into the song, and also expresses the pursuit of the Yellow River's unremitting spirit of self-improvement. The writing is smooth, the structure is reasonable, and the emotional expression is sincere.

Teacher Wang Zhengping

I am an authentic Lanzhou baby, born on the Yellow River, growing up on the Yellow River. The Yellow River in memory is like the girly show that my mother often said in her mouth: although it is not dressed, it is full of money and manners. She never cared about the comings and goings of the people around her, and always ran day and night towards the place where the sun rose, happily.

When I was a child, I liked to play by the Yellow River with my father the most, using the sediment accumulated by the river to build a castle that belonged only to me, using a few scattered branches to dig a "canal" in all directions, and then filling the river with Yellow River water to transport the treasures in my castle to the arms of the Yellow River mother one by one. After the rain, there will be a big surprise in the puddles of the Yellow River - a small dog fish that has been washed ashore by the torrent. In order to get this surprise, whenever we see a change of day, my friends and I will sit under the willow tree by the river and wait for the rain, hoping for surprises. But how can such an unexpected surprise be so easy to get? Disappointment is always there, but our happiness is never less, catching tadpoles, fluttering butterflies, digging earthworms, the Yellow River is like a loving mother who is always so tolerant and generous to her children.

Tired of playing, a group of friends will sit along the edge of the river to watch the sunset dye the Yellow River golden and red, at this time the Yellow River is like a bride dressed to be married, shy, moving and incomparably mysterious, fascinating.

Later, when I grew up and went to school, I had a lot less time to go to the river. Later, I was admitted to college, left the city and left the river, but I always thought about it...

After graduation, I can't wait to return to my hometown and return to this place where my soul haunts me. The banks of the Yellow River are no longer what I remember, I see the wide road, I see the grassy street gardens, I see the children digging and reclaiming on the river beach, and I also see the Yellow River flowing slowly with my footsteps.

Today's Yellow River is magnificent, beautiful like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, the two sides of the river are no longer desolate river beaches, and the Hundred Mile Yellow River style line will be dotted with scenic spots: the Yellow River Mother, Pingsha Falling Geese, Waterwheel Park... Dressed in a dazzling silk tapestry, embellished on the waist of the Yellow River mother, whether it is a gentle stroll along the Yellow River in the daytime, or a ferry ride at night to swim in the stars and lights, it is so comfortable and comfortable.

"The water of the Yellow River rises from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning" Although the mother river that gave birth to the descendants of China has disappeared from the majestic agitation of the past, she will always guard the happiness of her children like a mother, record the changes of history, and silently flow to the distance.

Grade 6 (8) Hoshin

There has always been a river in my heart, a yellow river, a river flowing with motherly love!

In Lanzhou, where I grew up, a Yellow River ran through the city. The ancient sheepskin raft only recalls the quaint life, and the bridge between the two sides of the strait has long been built, and the "natural graben has changed its way". At the beginning of the lantern, the lights on the Yellow River style line of Baili were brilliant, and the traffic was busy.

Picking up stones, splashing water, digging sand, flying kites... Children who grow up by the Yellow River, happiness is so simple. We watched the surging waves, listened to the roar of the waves lapping at the reefs on the shore, felt the magnificence of standing on the bank of the Yellow River like never before, and felt the pride of the Yellow River passing by at our feet. And my favorite is to stand on the shore with your eyes closed and fantasize about everything. Sometimes I think of the buds of the spring flowers, sometimes I think of the "shining crystals" of the fish in the summer, and sometimes I think of the source of the Yellow River, the Bayankara Mountains.

Mother River, her strength, her dedication, her sacrifice, her bravery, deeply affected her child, Lanzhou. Late last fall, a new round of the epidemic hit our city like a flood beast, and time seemed to have been pressed again. But we never panic, no complaints, suffer in silence, and bravely do our best to save ourselves. White-clad angels standing on the front line, police fire protection, uncles and aunts of community service, veteran volunteers, the warmth flowing in the streets and alleys... Deep in my heart. I stopped class, my parents stopped working, our family took the initiative to cooperate with nucleic acid testing, consciously queued up for one meter, and isolated at home without adding burden. Everyone was trying to drive the virus away. A few months later, as I sat on the edge of a bustling street with a steaming bowl of beef noodles, as if nothing had happened...

Lanzhou people, like their mother Yellow River, are tough and strong, telling year after year.

Like you, the teacher is also a child who grew up by the Yellow River, and it is good to see your deep love for the Mother River. The city of Lanzhou has undergone earth-shaking changes over the decades, and all the glory and emotion stem from the diligence and tenacity of the people of Lanzhou. The future can be expected, and Lanzhou's tomorrow will be handed over to you. Come on!

Jiuzhaigou tour

Teacher Wang Meifang

Jiuzhaigou is located in Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture in Sichuan Province, where beautiful scenery attracts many Chinese and foreign tourists. During the summer vacation, our family went to the beautiful Jiuzhaigou to play.

In the summer, Jiuzhaigou is particularly rainy. Early that morning, the rain began to fall in the sky, and the whole Jiuzhaigou was immersed in a milky white fog, like a fairy tale fairyland. There is so much water here, everywhere you go, it is either Haizi or waterfall; the water here is really clear, so clear that you can see the sand and gravel at the bottom of the water, green leaves and small fish swimming around; the water here is really green! Green is like a bright mirror, dyed with green dye, magnificent.

Let's start with Pearl Beach Falls. Before approaching the waterfall, I heard the sound of rushing water in the distance, and when I looked closer, I saw the waterfall pouring down from a height of more than five meters, touching the stones and splashing countless water droplets. From a distance, it looks like grains of pearls are spilled in the air, and "Pearl Beach Waterfall" gets its name.

"Colorful Pond" is the essence of Jiuzhaigou Lake, which is the smallest and most colorful pond in Jiuzhaigou. The small pool is surrounded by tourists. I stood on a high place and looked down, only to see that the upper half was turquoise, the lower half was orange-red, the left was sky blue, and the right was olive green. Dad told me that there are aquatic plants such as sponges, algae, and small ferns, as well as herbs such as reeds, knotweeds, and water wicks. These plants contain different shades of chlorophyll, which can show different colors in the lake water rich in calcium carbonate. What's even more wonderful is the ice and snow of Jiuzhaigou in winter, and only this colorful small pool is not frozen, which makes me marvel!

Along the way, we also visited "Norilang Waterfall", "Panda Sea", "Jianzhu Sea"...

People say that "huangshan return does not look at the mountain, jiuzhai return does not look at the water", this sentence is really worthy of the name!

Beautiful Guantan Ditch

Grade 3 (4) Class He Qiran

Guantangou Forest Park is located in the south of Heping Town, Yuzhong County, Lanzhou City, where it is a primeval forest with beautiful scenery all year round.

In the spring, Guantan Ditch is full of life, everything is revived, the air is floating with the fragrance of grass and flowers, the river is thawing, ding-dong flowing, I carefully reach into the ditch with my hand, wow... It's icy, cool, it's so comfortable, and I like to lie on the verdant grass by the ditch and enjoy the "sunbathing".

In the summer, Guantangou has become a green ocean, and the colorful wildflowers on this green ocean can't wait to stick out their heads, there are red, blue, yellow, purple, white and other kinds of flowers, I think if you come to play at this time, the scenery will definitely sweep away the pressure.

Autumn is coming, the trees in Guantangou have begun to wither, the pine needles falling from the coniferous trees are piled up all over the ground, stepping on them is soft and soft, just like stepping on a sponge, the temperature here is much lower than the city, a few rains have come down, the ground has begun to freeze, people who come to play can wear cotton clothes, otherwise it will freeze you only shiver.

In winter, the Guantan Ditch is covered with snow, the cold is forced, the river is frozen tightly, and it doesn't matter if a truck used to be. The thick snow had reached more than 10 centimeters, breaking the branches and obscuring the grass, and even the carpet of pine needles could not escape its clutches.

The scenery of the four seasons of Guantangou is tempting, here is not only a good place for leisure and leisure, but also a holy place for Internet celebrities to punch cards, everyone must come to experience it when you have time!