
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

Good evening cubs

Usually everyone looks at various dressing tutorials, will not produce an illusion: as long as you buy the same model and wear it, you can have the same effect.

However, the goose actually wears it on its own body and always feels that something is not right...

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@Ishihara Nimi

Recently, the topic of "when bloggers wear back to reality" on a certain sound and a book is particularly hot!

If you let the clothes on the blogger return to the real world, walk in the most life-like environment, no atmosphere bgm, no exquisite makeup and hair, no beauty and leg pulling, what will it be like?

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

After watching the video of the whole network, help you summarize the wear area with the biggest contrast after the blogger's dress returns to reality, as well as some key points to reduce the sense of gap, and quickly take out the small book to remember it!

The spring festival holiday that is coming soon, everyone has thought about what to wear?

Wearing the blogger's same style of walking with the wind, the long coat with its own aura is really moving, but back to real life, what is it like?

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@Eva's Live(赵哥LL)

Perhaps, this is the gap between korean drama heroines and ordinary people.

The coat that is too long is even more of a disaster for the small sisters, such as stealing clothes that do not fit well, and the legs are also very short, very short.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@Alin Saves flowers

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@Oh ha yo

When choosing a long coat, you must remember that the silhouette is not too exaggerated, and the shoulder pads are not too wide.

Wide shoulders can indeed appear small in the picture, very photogenic. But back to reality, the proportions are really very abrupt, it is better to choose a neat front shoulder style.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

When a small man chooses a coat, the longest length of the coat should not exceed the calf belly, and the refreshing and neat mid-length model is better. The belt style with a waist-tightening design can outline the waist line and modify the proportions of the body to a certain extent.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

When wearing a long coat, it is best not to wear loose wide-leg pants or sweatpants on the lower body! The imagination is lazy and casual, which will only appear cumbersome and procrastinating in real life.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

The sweatpants of the lower body and the sense of atmosphere that ruin the whole body

In the past two years, what genderless wind, athflow wind, Oversize clothes are definitely a must-have item for many cubs to wear every day, right?

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

The loose Oversize model is undeniable in terms of convenience and comfort.

But if you're not confident in your figure, trying to wear loose clothes to cover your flesh, or want to wear a nice casual style, then forget it!

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

The loose and collapsed style will accidentally wear itself into a five-short ratio, and the thin effect is not obvious, not to mention, I am afraid that it will appear fat by 10 pounds.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@Donsisi kawkao

Not to mention the down jacket and plush coat that have their own sense of expansion in the winter, if it is too loose, but it is really how to wear how bloated.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!


Wearing the frontal beauty photos of bloggers may look fine, but we live in the real world with no dead angles at 360 degrees, and we can't really laugh when we see the back of the side that is difficult to say...

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

Do you know why celebrities and bloggers always don't like to dress well when taking pictures, and they have to show their shoulders?

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

It's not because it's really burly like a head when you put it on!

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

Lazy wind ≠ really lazy, bloggers seem to be casual street shots are also concave, seemingly effortless handsome also have to loose fat clothes obediently stuffed into the pants!

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

In recent years, the retro trend has returned, and the black wire has risen again. The power of the Oversized top + black silk is handsome and sexy, which once made many girls get the good looks of the black silk and express their hearts.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

Some time ago, Jennie also wore black stockings + sweaters to ATTEND CHANEL events, which was indeed elegant and seductive in that seemingly expensive scene.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

But have you ever wondered if it would only look good when you wear it on their laps? What will the effect of putting it on a real-life, ordinary body look like?

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@Kiyuki Yuko

The fluency of the leg shape greatly affects the look and feel of black silk wearing, which is a big challenge for the leg shape of ordinary people. In real life, a large area of black silk exposed will make the dress feel a little cheap.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@ Wild Little Bench

It is recommended that everyone work together, the fashion will not be less, and it can not only modify the leg shape, but also reduce the area exposed by the black wire, and look more coordinated in real life.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@Zoe Zhi'an Zhang

Speaking of Black Silk, I have to mention the bare-legged artifact! Every winter, the whole network is full of bare-legged artifact evaluations. However, have you really seen a bare-legged artifact that shows a whole leg in real life and is still very natural?

If so please send me a link

Because the bare-legged artifact blurs the skeletal sense of the joint, plus the flesh color is an expansive color, it is easy to wear a bare-legged artifact to make our legs look like thick and smooth "prosthetics".

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

And knees and ankles such a place is also particularly easy to wrinkle, it seems very cheap, wearing no matter how beautiful the small is also a whole invalid earthy wear.

Swap the short skirt for a long skirt, only revealing a small bare leg artifact, the effect will be much more natural.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

@Yue En oni

Compared with All Black, light-colored wear is more likely to give people a feeling of being in front of people in autumn and winter, and you can boldly try it.

The black system is a pure passerby that cannot be found in the crowd, even if your clothes and bags are expensive and the texture is good, the passerby's perspective is also very clear. Nothing goes wrong, and it doesn't go out.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

The light colors such as white, beige, and milk tea look comfortable and comfortable, both eye-catching and do not give people the feeling of excessive force.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

To be honest, after I brushed dozens of videos, the most intuitive feeling is that accessories are really important, and the proper sense of atmosphere scores the key point!

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

On weekdays, everyone goes to class every day to work and squeezes the subway, and the hairstyle and makeup may not have time to take care of it, but the accessories definitely belong to the part that can win a big deal with a little ride.

When you wear a dark color, you need a bright color piece four or two pounds:

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

The same outfit, with the echo of the boots, is coordinated and beautiful, and taking off the scarf looks like everyone.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

Cross-body can not only play a role in lighting up the wear and color echo, but also play a visual role in some contraction effect, solving the big problem of bloated tops mentioned earlier, and the aesthetics and practicality are all online.

Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!
Fat and rustic! When bloggers dress back to reality, the gap is too big!

Well, that's all for today. Don't know if mud cute in real life copy bloggers have flipped over the car? Let's nag in the comments section together!

Then today is the sauce, we will see you tomorrow ~

Say bye with earthy flavor!

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