
"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

author:American drama Rotten Tomatoes
"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

**Rabbit Republic title Watership Down (2018), alias Watership Heights / Watership Wasteland.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

This animated drama is based on the famous British writer Richard Adams' fantasy novel of the same name was co-produced by Netflix and the BBC. The original novel is divided into four chapters, and the show is also divided into four episodes, with a total length of about four hours.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

The original novel, which won the Guardian Children's Literature Award, is a work that bears the name of Animal Farm. It constructs a magical world in which the protagonist is a group of rabbits, created by the sun god and thriving on this continent. Although this is a work of children's literature, its content is not limited to children's literature. Just as the audience of cartoons is not just children, there are also cartoons made specifically for adults. Children's literature can also construct connotations that adults can understand, and the protagonists of "Rabbit Republic" are all kinds of rabbits, including hares and domestic rabbits, who staged an epic history of struggle on the "Watership Down" of Wathip Heights, and in the eyes of children, these rabbits are cute and funny to watch their various bizarre adventures. In the eyes of adults, the metaphor in the play is too obvious, and the discussion about freedom and centralization is deafening.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

The discussion of humans destroying animal habitats in the play is only part of it, not the focus of the whole play. For these rabbits, the ability to cognitively surpass their own abilities is the greatest tragedy. You know, different races have different breeding strategies, like rabbits, which are not known for fighting alone, is to improve fertility and win by quantity. In contrast, large mammals are not as reproductive as small ones, but each individual is first-class and strong. For the sake of their own survival and development, human beings transform the environment according to their own needs, and correspondingly cause irreversible damage to the living environment of wild animals. Human beings did not intend to exterminate other creatures, nor did they deliberately do so, but "what does it have to do with you to destroy you"?

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

The biggest discussion of this play is still on the aspect of freedom. How much are you willing to pay for your freedom? When faced with such a problem, most people will answer that they are willing to give everything, but the reality is far from a simple multiple choice question. If one side is the comfort in front of you and the uncertainty on the other side is the danger, how would you choose? Ease may overturn in an instant, but it is only possible, ease is in the present; and after the danger may be the freedom of the heart, but the road is extremely dangerous, and the danger is at hand. In real life, how many boiled frogs there are, many people would rather die in a comfortable nest than leave a step, although the temptation of freedom is great, but it is far less than the comfort that has been obtained. Even when told that ease is about to disappear, people will selectively not listen.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

Maybe it's easy to be moved when you're older, or maybe they've made a lot of us want to do things that we don't dare to do, and I've had tears in my eyes many times when I watched them. Watching hazelnuts do their best to do their best freely, knowing that the chance of danger ahead is slim, they still go forward regardless of their bodies, and the freedom and tenacity and indomitability displayed on their small bodies are moving.

The protagonist of the play is a hare named "Hazelnut", and Hazelnut has a good brother named Toto. Duoduo has the ability to predict the future, and occasionally flashes pictures from the future in his mind, and when duoduo sees that his home will be destroyed, he gives a warning to Hazelnut. Hazel believed in Duoduo so much that he risked his life to make a brief proposal to the chief, flee the clan, and save his people, but the leader scoffed at the news. Hazelnuts privately warned the other rabbits, and as a result, few rabbits in the camp were willing to flee. After Hazel and a few of his friends escaped, the camp was destroyed by human real estate development projects that night. After the hazelnuts and their party escaped, they encountered various situations, including rabbits who were willing to be half-raised by humans for their own martial arts, and rabbits with strict and highly centralized ranks, which were not the freedom that hazelnuts wanted, and finally they broke through all difficulties and broke out of their own piece of the world.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

The rabbits in the play have many images and different personalities, and if the audience is a little face blind, it is estimated that it will be a little blind when they first start watching. Rabbit herd generally has three levels, the leader is the rabbit leader, ruling the overall situation, under which is a strong elite rabbit, similar to a violent law enforcement agency, mainly responsible for protection work, the rest is still young grassroots rabbits, the body is still relatively weak, the hair has not yet grown.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

Voiced by Kazumi, Hazelnut is a grassroots rabbit, a circle smaller than the elite rabbit, it is determined, it will not hesitate to go down when it is aimed at a target, and looking at Hazelnut will give people a feeling of seeing Rick of the Walking Dead. Originally, Hazelnut just wanted to run out with the little brother, plus Duoduo's predictions were accurate many times before, and this time he still believed in the brother unconditionally. What followed was not to develop according to hazelnut's wishes, hazelnut has not forgotten his original intention, has been on the road to freedom and keeps running, and more and more rabbits follow it. Hazelnuts have also gradually become the leader of everyone's hearts, quite a feeling of yellow robes. Everyone's trust in it is not only honor, but also responsibility, Hazelnut has never forgotten the responsibility on his shoulders, and tried his best to live up to everyone. Even if the animals hazelnut encounters along the way are against it, so what, think of the brothers and sisters behind them, everyone can breathe freely, run freely, and what suffering can not be eaten. Hazelnuts embody responsibility, fraternity, and freedom, and its life is like a flag leading those who come after it.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

Duoduo is a smaller grassroots rabbit, able to see the future from time to time, except that most of the time the picture is blurred beyond the rabbit's ability to understand, basically very accurate. More like the prophet of the whole team, if placed in human society, more like a pioneer, the consciousness is ahead of the judgment is accurate, but the thinking is too advanced, can not be understood by ordinary people, in large cases will be considered outliers. Big Hairy head and holly are the elite rabbits of the original rabbit group, large and strong, living in a comfortable society without thinking too much, when the danger does occur, they believe in the leadership of the grassroots rabbit, and have since firmly followed hazelnuts. Strawberries and alfalfa represent a kind of rabbit group that has no right to speak, the upper class ignores them, only the lower class will hear their voices, but they are indomitable, and they continue to inspire everyone to pursue freedom by example, just like the religion that began to develop from the bottom, they represent the voice of the broadest bottom, quite a mass base.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

Different social forms have different advantages and disadvantages, and there will be different understandings of this in groups and individuals. Totalitarian societies have their own suitable occasions, but not everyone will like it, and if they give up their freedom in order to survive, then many people will think about it. Whether it is a human or a rabbit, the cruelest thing to oneself is always one's own kind. Ben · Kingsley voiced woundwort, the general of the wounded grass, and the image temperament of the whole person was very consistent. When Captain Holly recognized the trick of the wounded grass general, he angrily pointed out to him: "You have completely lost your animality, animals will fight for food, but they will not use tricks to mutilate their own kind like humans, you have completely destroyed rabbit nature." Don't look at the rabbits as if they are inferior mammals, the profound truth from the rabbit's mouth is still deafening.

"Rabbit Republic" is adapted from the fantasy novel of the same name by the famous British writer Richard

Everything in the world is suffering, everything in the world is worthy of respect, and those who struggle to move forward in the pursuit of freedom and not being oppressed are even more worthy of respect.

Rabbit Republic Watership Down ( 2018 )

Director : Norm Muro

Writers : Richard Adams / Tom · Bidwell

Starring : James · McAvoy / Nicholas · Holt / John Boyega / Gemma · Artden / Ben · Kingsley / more ...

Genre : Animation / Adventure

Country / Region of Production : Ireland / United Kingdom / United States

Language : English

Premiere : 2018-12-22 ( UK )

Episodes : 4

Episode Length : 51 minutes

Also known as : Watership Heights / Watership Plains

IMDb link : tt5670764


Netflix and the BBC will co-produce a four-hour animated series "Rabbit Republic", which is based on the famous British writer Richard Scott. Adams' fantasy novel of the same name. The luxurious voice cast includes James S. Thompson. McAvoy, Nicholas M. Holt, John M. Boyega, Gemma · Artden, Ben · Kingsley et al. Director Noam Muro, screenwriter Tom Bidwell.

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