
Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In 1996, the Lakers' first season

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In 1997, at the age of 18, Peter Pan won the Dunk Contest

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

At the age of 22, he won the first 50+ of his career against the Golden State Warriors

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In Game 4 of the 2000 NBA Finals, he scored six points in the final moments, and the Lakers led the Pacers 3-1 to win the game point

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In the 2001 Western Conference Finals, facing the strongest defensive Spurs in the league, he scored 45 points and took 10 boards to take away the victory

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In the third game of the 2002 Finals, he scored 36 points to break the net

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

On February 19, 2003, he faced the Little Giant and scored 52 points

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In February 2003, he averaged 40+ points per game

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

The final round of the 2004 regular season against the Blazers, three points and two kills! The Lakers took the top spot in the Pacific Region

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

Game 4 of the first round of the 2004 playoffs, kill the Suns!

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In the third quarter of 2005, he won 62 points! The Mavericks scored just 61 points

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

On January 23, 2006, 81 minutes of solo show was staged!

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

2007 Tenjin Shiva! Scored 50+ in four consecutive games

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In 2008, he led Dream Eight to defeat Spain and win the men's basketball championship at the Beijing Olympic Games!

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In 2009, against the Magic, he faced barnes's provocation without fear

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

On February 3, 2009, the basketball mecca of Madison Square Garden Arena slashed 61 points, setting a scoring record for an away player in Madison

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In the 2009 NBA Finals, he defeated the Orlando Magic and led the team alone for the first time

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In the 2010 NBA Finals, he defeated nemesis Celtic and won the throne five times

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

2011 NBA All-Star Game, won MVP

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

In 2013, against the Warriors, he broke his Achilles tendon and scored two goals

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

On April 14, 2016, the retirement battle dedicated 60 ancient miracles!

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

On March 6, 2018, he won the little gold man

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

And O'Neill, a smile of enmity

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

Bryant and his family at Staples

Two Anniversary Tribute to Legend! Review Bryant's 24 highlight moments

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