
Please don't abuse your organs anymore, no one may be abusing your organs when you finally donate!

author:Health Times

Recently, a video of organ donation went viral!

The cause is that the lung transplant team of Chen Jingyu of Wuxi People's Hospital in Jiangsu Province obtained a loving donation for the lungs, but when receiving this donor lung, it was found that the donor had nearly 30 years of smoking age, and the lungs were full of devastation, which was shocking, and finally could only regret to abandon it!

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Chen Jingyu, the first person to be transplanted in China, vice president of Wuxi People's Hospital and director of thoracic surgery, introduced on Weibo:

"The brain death love donation obtained by the team is donated to the lungs, this donor is 52 years old, nearly 30 years old, and after obtaining, it is observed that the donor lung has mild emphysema, lung dust has large vesicles, and tuberculosis calcification. Many smokers in our country will have the same lungs, much the same, the team decided to give up using this for lung transplantation, that is to say, smokers want to donate lungs after brain death, no one wants to, look at this lung, do you still have the courage to smoke? ”

Please don't abuse your organs anymore, no one may be abusing your organs when you finally donate!

@Chen Jingyu's heartfelt words

When you eat, smoke and drink every day, do you know what happens to all the organs of your body?

All kinds of indigestible high fats, lungs that are smoked by cigarette smoke and can't breathe, livers that are tormented by alcohol, fat accumulations are too much and blinding hearts, when any organ is overwhelmed and strikes, it is fatal to us!

<h1>Please don't abuse your organs anymore! </h1>

A piece of clothing is worth 1,000 yuan, as evidenced by a small ticket.

A car is worth 300,000 yuan, and the invoice can prove it.

A house is worth 5 million yuan, as evidenced by the title deed.

How much a person is worth, only health can prove!

Our parents gave us this delicately constructed body and healthy organs, but many people don't know how to be kind!

Because of the presence of skin, each of us can't see the state of the internal organs of the body, but they may have been seriously injured under the skin sac, and you still don't know!

1. Heartbreak – likes heavy taste

Nowadays, many people like heavy taste, and the taste is light and not fragrant. As the saying goes, "spicy and salty", many people think that salty will be fragrant when eaten. In February 2016, Yongning Wu's team at the National Center for Food Safety Risk Assessment published an updated assessment of salt intake Chinese in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The study, which counted salt intake in various regions of China from 2009 to 2012, involved 20 provinces and cities in China. The results showed that in the 20 provinces surveyed, the average one "standard person" had a daily salt intake of 9.1 grams. It is far more than the average daily salt intake of 6 grams per person recommended by the Chinese Nutrition Society. ②

But eating too much salt really hurts the heart! In 2012, the Chinese Journal of Circulation published a research article entitled "Discussion on the Effect and Mechanism of Long-term High Salt Intake on Heart Function in Wistar Rats", and the final article concluded that after high salt intake in the body, the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in the circulation was inhibited, and through the effect on blood pressure and neurosomal fluid regulation in the body, it induced myocardial reconstruction, thereby affecting heart function, increasing heart rate, shortening the contraction interval, and increasing the end-diastolic pressure of the ventricles. ③

Similarly, Chen Manhua, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Wuhan Central Hospital, also pointed out in an article in the Health Times on February 3, 2017, that eating too much salt can increase cardiovascular load and cause increased arterial blood pressure, which in turn can lead to acute myocardial infarction. Pickled products are high in salt, and long-term excessive salt intake is one of the main reasons for inducing high blood pressure, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, stroke and other diseases. ④

2. Hurt stomach - drink as water

In life, there are many people who like to drink drinks, do not like to drink water, and even drink drinks as water. But what you don't know is that this practice is very stomach-wracking!

Zhang Xiaoyan, director of the Nutrition Department of Lianyungang Women's and Children's Hospital, introduced in the article "Drinking Too Much Drink will Hurt the Stomach" in the Health Times on December 27, 2016, that a small patient was once treated, and the patient often felt stomach pain when he slept, and sometimes had symptoms of flatulence and diarrhea during the day. After diagnosis, it was found that this had a lot to do with the fact that he drank drinks regularly. Because the drink contains more acidic substances, after drinking, these acidic substances enter the stomach and are prone to adverse irritation of the gastric mucosa, and even damage the gastric mucosa.

In addition, the carbon dioxide released in the drink can easily cause bloating, which may cause gastrointestinal disorders. Causes or promotes stomach pain during nighttime sleep. Therefore, whether adults or children, it is recommended that everyone drink as little as possible. ⑤

3. Hurt the liver – drink alcohol

Many people know that drinking alcohol hurts the liver, but they often hold the psychology of luck and think that it is okay. Everyone knows that a famous actor Fu Biao died of liver cancer at the age of 42! Fu Biao is also known as one of the best "green leaf" supporting characters in China, portraying many impressive characters and classic lines. Like we are familiar with "Party A and Party B", "Big Name", "A Sigh" and so on.

Please don't abuse your organs anymore, no one may be abusing your organs when you finally donate!

Fu Biao

The cause of Fu Biao's liver cancer is mainly related to alcohol consumption. In 2004, according to Shenyang Today, Fu Biao had been an advertising salesman for a period of time before he became famous, and once in order to compete with competitors for an outdoor advertisement, he actually drank more than eight or two liquors in one go in the contest of "drinking competition orders". When he woke up, he lay on his stomach by the toilet for half an hour. In this way, Fu Biao has always been the executive vice president, and he has to accompany customers to drink every day, drink and vomit, and spit out. These have laid hidden dangers for future liver cancer. After falling ill, he once cried and said to his wife, "I hate to drink, I want to act." ”⑥

Professor Wang Bingyuan of the Department of Geriatric Gastroenterology and Endocrinology of the Affiliated Hospital of China Medical University once said in an interview with the Health Times reporter in the Health Times on March 24, 2017 "The high incidence of liver cancer is the curse of drinking", saying that the main component of wine is ethanol, which is oxidized to acetaldehyde after entering the liver cells, which has hepatotoxicity and carcinogenicity, and excessive accumulation in the body causes serious harm to the liver. "Long-term heavy alcohol consumption leads to alcoholic liver disease, which usually manifests as fatty liver in the early stage, which can develop alcoholic hepatitis, liver fibrosis and cirrhosis, further develop into liver cancer, and when severe alcoholism can induce extensive hepatocyte necrosis and even liver failure." ⑦

4. Lung injury - smoking

Smoking hurts the lungs and is easy to get lung cancer, which is well known to everyone. But many people have not seen the lungs of perennial smokers turn out to be black!

Earlier, South Korea's KBS television station released a footage of images recorded by a lung endoscope.

Experienced thoracic surgeons can tell roughly how old a patient is to smoke just by looking at the color of the lungs under the glasses.

Please don't abuse your organs anymore, no one may be abusing your organs when you finally donate!

Image source: CCTV news screenshot

Under endoscopy, the lungs of non-smokers appear a distinct pale pink. Some of the scattered light black dots are caused by atmospheric pollution and fine dust particles.

Please don't abuse your organs anymore, no one may be abusing your organs when you finally donate!

Due to the invasion of carcinogens such as tar, the lungs of 15-year-old smokers are covered with large black spots.

Please don't abuse your organs anymore, no one may be abusing your organs when you finally donate!

The accumulation of tobacco smoke over 30 years will make the lungs feel like they have been splashed with ink, and even the deeper tissues have deposited a lot of black substance.

Please don't abuse your organs anymore, no one may be abusing your organs when you finally donate!

These black things are real carcinogens!

Please don't abuse your organs anymore, no one may be abusing your organs when you finally donate!

After smoking, the lungs can change not only the color of the surface and the harmful substances deposited inside. The lungs' most basic ventilation function can also be severely impaired.

5. Hurt the kidneys - Obesity hurts the kidneys

Many people think that it is okay to be fat, but obesity is not only a matter of shape, but also related to kidney health.

Liu Bicheng, chief physician of the Department of Nephrology of the Affiliated University Hospital of Southeast University, introduced in the article "Obesity Also Hurts the Kidneys" in the Health Times on March 17, 2017 that obesity will directly increase the burden on the kidneys, so that the glomeruli are in a "three high" state for a long time (that is, the glomerular filtration rate, renal blood flow and glomerular filtration score are increased), which can lead to damage to endothelial cells, podocytes and mesangial cells, destroy the glomerular filtration barrier, and lead to protein ultrafiltration.

Moreover, obese patients are often accompanied by dyslipidemia, hypertension, hyperglycemia and hyperuricemia, which are independent risk factors for the development of chronic kidney disease, such as the simultaneous existence of these four factors, which is undoubtedly worse for patients. ⑧

Finally, take good care of your organs, and don't want to donate when no one wants them!

Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

Editor of this article: Lu Yang

Review Director: Yang Xiaoming

References for this article:

(1) Professor Chen Jingyu's Sina Weibo @ Chen Jingyu's heartfelt words

②David B. Hipgrave, Suying Chang, Xiaowei Li, et al. Salt and Sodium Intake in China. JAMA. 2016;315(7):703-705. doi:10.1001/jama.2015.15816.

(3) 2012 Chinese Journal of Circulation, "The Effect and Mechanism of Long-term High Salt Intake on Heart Function in Wistar Rats" (Luo Bihui, Zeng Zhaohua)

(4) 2017-2-3 Health Times "Eating Too Much Wax Products Hurts the Heart" (Ma Yaoyao)

(5) 2016-12-27 Health Times "Drinking too much will hurt the stomach"

(6) 2004-11-16Shenyang Today Newspaper "Why did Fu Biao get liver cancer?" Huge debt pressure overwork (7)2017-3-24Behavior Times "The high incidence of liver cancer is the curse of drinking" (Liang Yuan)

(8) 2017-3-17Beath Times"Obesity also hurts the kidneys

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