
It's not disease that kills us, it's ourselves! Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

author:The beautiful countryside of Beijing
It's not disease that kills us, it's ourselves! Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

A 4-minute short film recently swiped:

"Organ Funeral" reveals a heart-wrenching truth:

In fact, many times, it is not the disease that kills us, but ourselves!

In such a life, everyone can see their own shadow:

1, the alarm clock sounded, stayed up late until the early hours of the morning, he listlessly got up from bed. Casually made some breakfast and swallowed in large mouthfuls. Because of eating too fast, the stomach does not become comfortable, but it is more uncomfortable than when hungry.

It's not disease that kills us, it's ourselves! Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

2, full of food, greasy food let the organs suffer, yellow residue is everywhere, even the heart is stained with some. These yellow things are actually bad cholesterol, which is the cause of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, and if it is serious, it will block the blood vessels. This unhealthy routine and eating habits, the organs are already very uncomfortable, do not think so.

It's not disease that kills us, it's ourselves! Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

3, after eating and drinking enough, start smoking again, enjoy the pleasure brought by cigarettes, but the lungs coughed uncomfortably. And the heart, overflowing with bad cholesterol, also spit out its own tongue.

It's not disease that kills us, it's ourselves! Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

4, lunch time is coming, casually buy some junk food to fill the hunger. This habit of life is day after day, and it doesn't take long for the skinny guy to become an obese greasy uncle. At this moment, the heart has been tossed to death. finally...... On this day, the heart could no longer bear it, and as soon as the heart stopped, the other organ friends cried out in horror.

It's not disease that kills us, it's ourselves! Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

5, because the ambulance arrived in time, with the help of doctors, the organs came alive. But some people are like this, they never know the meaning of the word cherishing. It's still endless junk food, cigarette after cigarette... Then, the cancer cells appeared. In this way, the scope of cancer cells spread is getting larger and larger, and even metastasis has occurred.

It's not disease that kills us, it's ourselves! Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

6, the organs can no longer function normally, and finally bid farewell to the world. Obviously, he has been reborn once, but he does not know how to cherish it, and the result of repeated teachings and unchanging is only a dead end.

It's not disease that kills us, it's ourselves! Please don't abuse your organs anymore!

After watching this process, have you ever had a chill behind your back?

But who is to blame for these bad habits? It's not someone else, it's you!

These few things are murdering your own organs!


Eat too salty, murder the heart

Salt contains a large number of sodium ions, sodium will cause an increase in blood volume in the body, so eating too much salt will lead to an increase in blood pressure and an increase in the burden on the heart.

In addition to table salt, monosodium glutamate and soy sauce also contain salt, and the amount of salt that is not controlled usually will lead to excessive salt intake.

Therefore, eating less than 6g of salt a day is equivalent to the amount of 1 beer bottle cap; you can't judge whether the salt is excessive based on the taste alone; if you eat vegetables too salty, don't forget to drink more boiled water.


Taking medicine indiscriminately, murdering the liver

In addition to drinking alcohol, taking random medication and taking the wrong medicine can also easily cause drug-induced liver damage.

The liver is the "detoxification factory" of drugs, almost all drugs must be metabolized by the liver before being excreted, and some drugs must be decomposed by the liver to play out the active ingredients.

In addition, some people like to eat health care products also need liver metabolism decomposition and excretion, some iron, fat-soluble vitamins, and may accumulate in the liver to cause liver cirrhosis, hepatosplenomegaly and other toxic reactions.

Therefore, do not take the medicine yourself, nor can you change the dosage of the medicine at will, and the matter of taking the medicine should listen to the doctor.


Big fish, big meat, murder kidneys

An 11-year study involving 3,121 female participants found that dietary patterns rich in red meat, processed meat, saturated fats and sweets increased the risk of kidney function.

Always eat big fish and meat, long-term high protein, high nutrient intake will increase the burden on the kidneys, and even make the kidneys in a long-term "overload" state. Simply put, eat too well, eat too much meat, and be careful of exhausting the kidneys!

Remember: eat meat no more than 4 times a day; seafood and other proteins, cakes and other sweets, but also control the amount.


No spicy, no joy, murder stomach

Spicy, heavy taste makes the stomach hurt not shallow. Pepper in the mouth can bring a refreshing feeling, but also make the stomach produce a burning sensation, over time the gastric mucosa is injured, buried the root of stomach disease. Eat spicy, just stop.


Sitting, lying, not moving, murdering the intestines

Sitting in front of the computer is a day, going home to lie on the sofa, not exercising, such a habit of life, resulting in slow gastrointestinal peristalsis, metabolites can not be discharged in time, a long time is prone to constipation and other intestinal problems.

Exercising more than 3 times a week for more than 30 minutes each time can help reduce intestinal inflammation and reduce the risk of intestinal polyps.

Content source: Health Times

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