
The Answer sheet of time – public servant

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2021-06-25 23:53

At 21:35 on June 25, the fourth chapter of the large-scale TV theme program "Answers to Time", "Public Servants", was broadcast on Oriental Satellite TV. In this issue, Chen Chen, the producer and general director of the program, threads the needle in the form of interspersed narration and interactive interviews. Jiao Yulu, secretary of the Lankao County Party Committee of Henan Province, played by actor Li Guangjie, and Mao Xianglin, the village secretary of Xiazhuang Village in Wushan County, Chongqing City, played by Pan Binlong, echo in a long historical time and space.

Cure the three evils and solve the famine. Jiao Yulu, who fought for the people until the last moment of his life, handed over the answer sheet with his life. In this answer sheet, Mao Xianglin found the direction, strengthened his faith, and plucked up courage, leading the villagers to build a "heavenly road" in the poor pits and mountains surrounded by cliffs. At both ends of time and space, it is the unremitting interpretation of the spirit of public servants by two generations of communists who seek a way out for the people and development for the people.

(Video source: "Time's Answer Sheet" Editor: Tao Yiyi)

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