
"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

author:Read a little about the Mengmeng King of the Red Chamber

The Indian movie "Good Luck Barber" is about a village where the barber Biru family lives a poor but peaceful life. However, his young friend and big star Sahill. The news that Khan had suddenly come to the village to make a movie broke all that. A lot of people want to meet big stars through Biru. Biru's life changed as a result. However, from Biru's heart, he did not want to see his good friend. Because he was afraid that he had already forgotten himself, and at the same time he didn't want him to know how bad he was.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others
"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

Of course, this warm comedy movie, the ending is warm. Big stars haven't forgotten their good friends. At the celebration of the elementary school, he touched the scene and recalled the time he spent with Biru in his childhood and the help Biru helped him. Finally he accompanied Biru's children to their dilapidated home, and the two older men who had been reunited for a long time embraced each other with tears in their eyes.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

In fact, when I first watched this movie, like the people around Biru in the film, I didn't understand why he was reluctant to contact Sahill. Because in such a closed town, the relationship with the big stars may really bring him some practical benefits. For example, more attention and help will be received, and the barbershop business will also get better because of the celebrity effect. Even the child's principal said that as soon as he could please Sahir. Khan attends the school celebration, and the tuition fees for two children can be waived until the 12th grade. For him, who was stretched at that time, it was a rare opportunity to turn around.

But after watching the whole film, I not only understood Biru, but also seemed to see myself in him. Faced with the same situation, I may make the same choice. The difficulties in life can be overcome no matter how difficult they are. But self-esteem is the last bit of stubbornness of our involuntary, something that we don't want to give up so easily.

The protagonist Biru plays Irfan. Khan, many people are not strangers. He was the adult Pi of "The Fantasy Drifting of The Young Pi", the father of "The Starting Line", but died of cancer in a hospital in Mumbai in April this year. "The Starting Line" was filmed when his condition improved in the process of fighting cancer. He drags the sick body to perform a satirical humor, and behind the absurd plot is a reflection on reality and human nature. "Starting Line" was also very popular in our country at that time, poking at the pain points of many ordinary families, who knows that this became his last work.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

In "The Good Luck Barber", Irfan. Khan interprets the conflict between the reality of a middle-aged man and the stubbornness of the heart very well, although it has been more than ten years since its release, but today it still feels close to the taste. Next, I will talk about my feelings about this film from the perspective of Biru and those around him, respectively, aiming to show that every adult has a secret corner in their hearts, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others. At the same time, I also want to use this as a tribute to the artist.

<h1>First, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is a little bit of self-esteem left in poor middle age, but it cannot be ignored</h1>

The arrival of big stars has made the closed town boil. The streets are littered with posters of celebrities, and young people wear the same hairstyles as celebrities and sunglasses like celebrities. Even the bus has become a special car for the big stars of the visiting class. In the village where Biru lives, men and women exchange hearsay and gossip. On the narrow and small dirt road, tractors were full of people, driving towards the shooting point.

Biru and Sahill. The news that Khan had been a friend was told by his two children. Many people hope that through him, they can get in touch with big stars, or even just take a photo to ask for an autograph. Even the female principal who had recently kicked him and her children out of school because he had no money to pay the tuition fees had a smile on her face and brought a group of directors to visit. The owner of the previous lumber mill moved a luxurious new chair for his barbershop and helped him replace all his barber equipment.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

In addition to these, rumors also brought him fortune, and the business of his dilapidated barbershop, which was not visited all day, was getting better and better, and the family's life was also improved to the naked eye.

He became what everyone called "the great Biru".

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

He had never imagined that one day his childhood friend would become his koi. The change in his life certainly made him happy, but such good luck was not necessarily what he wanted. Whenever someone asked about his relationship with Sahir, he flashed his words. Even to his wife and children, he did not respond positively, and always found various reasons to prevaricate and refuse to take them to see Sahir.

He didn't want to talk about the past, he didn't want to meet his former friends, not because he really didn't want to see them, but in his heart, this was not the best time. He saw such a meeting as a kind of attachment of his poor self to his friends. Not pulling on this relationship is a self-esteem that he has left in his embarrassing situation, but cannot be ignored.

<h1>Second, self-esteem is the persistence in cowardice, the truth behind vanity</h1>

Biru, under the pressure of being "famous", had to dial Sahill's room, and when Sasir's secretary scolded him for being an idiot, the smile on his face that was barely squeezed out could no longer hide the collapse of his heart, and his dignity shattered at that moment.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

Remember Chekhov's novel The Fat Man and the Thin Man? It's the opposite of Biru's story. The fat man and the thin man are middle school classmates who have not been seen for many years, and when the thin man knows that the fat man is already in a high position of power at this time, he immediately reveals a flattering horse ass face. It can be said that this is exactly the case. Some people are like thin people, accustomed to sneaking and patting horses; others are low-key and simple like Biru, and self-esteem is the basis for their life.

Self-esteem is not the same as a glass heart.

Bilu actually lives a very strong life, no matter how difficult the days are, he will find a way to take the family to go on; he is also very optimistic, today's bitterness, not to delay him to imagine the sweetness of tomorrow. The barbershop was unattended, and he still went to the lumber mill to see how much it cost to make a chair. He is also very frank, calmly facing the unbearable life, even if the business is not good and is ridiculed, he still opens the door on time every day. There is even no lack of humor, often saying some witty words to tease the wife and children, and the poor family of four can not see the pain and sorrow under the pressure of life.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

However, there is a bottom line to dignity, it's just that everyone's threshold is different. For Biru, the bullying of the owner of the timber factory on weekdays, the cold words of the principal, the sneers of the idle people in the town, he did not pay attention to it, and the only thing he cared about was to let his destitute self stand in front of his former friends with unlimited scenery. The meeting in disparity made him feel a disgrace, and this was the bottom line that he could not bear.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

We may have experienced a similar situation. When we don't have a good time, we don't like to participate in classmates' associations, we don't like various parties, and we don't want to contact our former colleagues and friends, but we just want to stay quietly in our own world, work hard silently, and silently fight against difficulties.

There is a passage like this: you don't go to the 5th anniversary of graduation, because then you are in the most difficult moment, and your classmates are having a smooth sailing; you don't want to go to the 10th anniversary party; but the 20th anniversary class reunion, you can go, you will see, those who insist on their dreams and those who go with the flow, how life will be different.

This passage of encouraging people to stick to their dreams actually implicitly expresses such a meaning, it is best not to let the noise of the outside world disturb themselves when the trough is low, and the meeting after the passage of time may be more confident. Some people may think that this is cowardice and inferiority, or vanity. But from another point of view, this is even more cowardly persistence, the truth behind vanity.

<h1>Third, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others</h1>

In life, Biru is neither vain nor inferior, but he shows hesitation and hesitation in whether to see Sahir or not. No one around him could understand this, and seeing that the crew was going back in a few days, Biru still had no intention of meeting Sahill, and everyone, including his wife, wondered if he really knew the big star. He was also charged with fraud and went to the police station.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

On the surface, Biru's inner struggle is the main line that runs through the film, and his inner struggle actually stems from the endless interruption of the people around him. In the hearts of the people around them, the relationship between Biru and the big stars has become their talking point and a resource that can be used. They think that Biru should be related to such a big person and let them benefit from it, not pulling white and pulling. Even his wife can't help but use this relationship as a capital to show off to others. This relationship makes everyone around him excited, asking him when he can take them to meet the big stars, but he can't understand and disagree with his embarrassment and reluctance.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

An important sign of cultivation is that it is difficult not to be strong. We are not others, and we should never use our own ideas to interfere with and disturb other people's decisions. Nothing is taken for granted. Someone else has other people's thoughts and difficulties, something he doesn't want to touch inside. Even if the other person is your partner, child, or friend who talks about everything, giving others some space, choice, and freedom not to say is the greatest respect and compassion for others. Everyone has a secret corner in their heart. This corner may be the shadow left by childhood, the hurt experienced in the past, or perhaps like Biru, the self-esteem that has been painstakingly defended...

The German philosopher and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Schweitzer wrote in My Adolescence that the mind also has its coat, and we should not take it off.

Teacher Zhou Guoping also said that for the mystery of other people's souls, we can not read and understand like reading a book of our own, but can only give love and trust. Everyone is a secret to others, and we should go along with that fact.

But we often can't do that. We are more accustomed to simply and rudely spying on the hearts of others, speculating in vain, and even imposing our own ideas on others. Just like those people around Biru, after Biru's repeated gentle refusals, they still put pressure on him regardless of his disregard and tried to force him, "When to take me", "You will take us", "Why don't you want to go?" ”...... Respecting the decisions of others means, to a certain extent, restraint on oneself. However, self-restraint may seem like a difficult task for many people.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others
"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

"I didn't do what I said, no, unless I was told why, and I accepted that reason."

"We have to understand each other, so you can't hide anything, you have to tell me everything you think, otherwise you won't be honest with each other."

"I know what you think."

When dealing with others, we often can't help but have the above three mentalities. Sometimes even if you don't say it, your words and deeds will be revealed, and even if your words and deeds are restrained, your heart will be entangled in this, so you will have resentment and hatred. In fact, no matter which of the above ideas, no matter how to whitewash with morality or good intentions, as long as the other party is still a person with independent personality and thoughts, he will feel that his heart has been violated, and his independence and freedom have not been properly respected.

"Good Luck Barber" exposes the taboos of adults getting along: born as a human being, please do not be strong, behind the carnival of a group of people and the "indifference" of a person, there is little left in the embarrassing middle age, but it can not be ignored, self-esteem is the persistence of cowardice, the truth behind vanity three, every adult has a secret corner in his heart, and not disturbing is the greatest respect and compassion for others

Everyone has a secret corner in their heart, neither wanting to explain nor want to be disturbed. Therefore, what others do not want to do, do not want to say, do not force, do not interfere. Leaving considerately, leaving some space for others, restraining one's own selfishness, curiosity and even control desire, is not only the fulfillment of others, but also makes one's own heart more delicate and profound from impetuous.

<h1>IV. Conclusion</h1>

One of the most interesting things about this film is that we can find ourselves in two completely different, even opposing characters.

Biru's embarrassment for that little self-esteem that cannot be ignored, and the loneliness of not being understood, are like us at some point. And sometimes we become those around Biru, selfish, shallow, noisy, self-righteous.

Biru is indeed like the title of the film - good luck, good friends have not forgotten him and found his home. And such a meeting not only maintained his dignity, but also met his former friends, which was the best. But such an ending is obviously very accidental, or it is to meet the needs of the plot. If the big star didn't mention him at the school celebration, he wouldn't be led home by the children, and the two big men wouldn't meet. After the star is gone, the town will return to its former appearance, and Biru's life will return to normal. Everything that happened before was nothing more than a farce, the screenwriter was all the people around him, but the actor was the only one, and he was forced to play.

If this is the case, then it is not the good fortune of Biru, but the poor Biru, the unlucky Biru, who provokes whom.

This is what reality should look like, and it is the life we experience.

Therefore, when we are strong, think of us who have stood opposite, fighting alone in order to follow our hearts, and think of our own embarrassment, helplessness and reluctance at that time. Empathy allows us to become softer and no longer force others to do things they don't want to do and say things they don't want to say.

In this way, you not only have nothing to lose, but you gain. Not disturbing other people's decisions, kind silence and withdrawal, is the greatest respect and kindness you give to others, and you will also receive gratitude and respect for it. #心晴计划 #

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