
Technology 6:30: Apple's spring new product launch preview

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Technology 6:30: Apple's spring new product launch preview

1. Apple amplify the move! More than 3,000 yuan of iPhones, computer tablets are all available

Technology 6:30: Apple's spring new product launch preview

According to the logic of the usual Apple conference, Apple generally holds three conferences a year, releasing non-main products or regular hardware updates in the spring, releasing software updates in the summer and holding a developer conference (WWDC), and releasing the annual blockbuster products in the fall.

The spring conference is usually held in March or April, and according to the news summary of many parties, Apple's spring conference this year brings a wealth of product updates to consumers. >>>>> view details

2. Apple is finally upgrading? The iPhone 14 and 15 series may greatly increase the pixels of the image module

Technology 6:30: Apple's spring new product launch preview

Recently, it is reported that Apple may make a major upgrade to its image module in the iPhone 14 series and the iPhone 15 series: the main camera pixel of the iPhone 14 series will be improved, and the iPhone 15 series will have a major upgrade in the pixels of the periscope telephoto lens. >>>>> view details

3.iPhone 14 Pro rendering exposure Appearance has not changed and the price will be increased again.

Technology 6:30: Apple's spring new product launch preview

Today's foreign media exposed the rendering of the iPhone14 Pro, in the rear camera module part, the iPhone 14 Pro canceled the module bezel, the rest is not much different from the iPhone 13, and the camera arrangement is almost no different. >>>>> view details

4. Constant fines without rectification The Dutch antitrust regulator fined Apple 5 million euros

Technology 6:30: Apple's spring new product launch preview

Dutch antitrust regulators recently fined Apple 5 million euros for failing to comply with a rule that opens up the app store to allow dating app providers in the Netherlands to use other payment methods. >>>>> view details

5.2021 intelligent hardware quality report is freshly baked, and honor dual machines are on the list

Technology 6:30: Apple's spring new product launch preview

On January 25, Honor official micro-forwarded the "2021 Intelligent Hardware Quality Report Phase II", in which the Honor Magic3 series and honor 60 series were all on the list, and won seven awards respectively. >>>>> view details

6. Xiaomi camera director: can not do that is light and thin and piled up

Technology 6:30: Apple's spring new product launch preview

Today, xiaomi camera department product director @Queena_ xiaomi asked the majority of netizens on Weibo: "Thin and light VS stacking materials, how do you choose?" "

This may be to give users a preventive shot, Redmi K50 series is currently known to be equipped with a new generation of Snapdragon 8, and equipped with a strong cooling system and the strongest motor of Android, but also support 120W fast charging, full of materials. Therefore, the image performance of the new machine is likely to be unsatisfactory. >>>>> view details


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