
The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!

author:Dot Children's Concentration

A survey organized by the Beijing Municipal Education Commission found that:

"In the first and second grades of primary school, children with good grades have significantly higher hand-eye coordination skills than children with poor grades.".

Hand-eye coordination is not a complicated thing, it is actually the child's visual and hand coordination ability when performing some movements.

The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!

For example, when writing, the writing is too large or too small, the head is reversed or wrongly written, often copying the wrong questions; when reading the book, often skipping lines and missing words; when calculating, often forget the forward and misalignment in the mathematical calculation process, complex calculations do not make mistakes, simple problems are wrong; in the examination, often miss some test questions, often forget to write the complete answer, writing is particularly slow, etc.

These are all manifestations of the child's hand-eye coordination disorders.

In the later stages of growth and development, children increasingly need fine movements, and learning activities such as reading, drawing, and writing are also quite dependent on eye and hand coordination.

There are many teaching aids and small games in the sensory integration class, which are very effective for training children's hand-eye coordination skills.

Today, I would like to introduce you to 3 hand-eye coordination games that are especially suitable for practicing at home.

Orbital ball

"8 characters" trackball has recently been a very hot small game on Douyin, which seems simple, but in fact, it requires considerable reaction agility and hand balance ability to operate.

The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!

Start by having your child grab the handles on either side of track 88 and keep the track level.

Then let the child constantly change the track, while keeping the balls on the track from falling.

Through continuous practice, it is possible to improve the delicate motor movements of children's hands. In order to keep the ball running continuously on the two transformation lanes without falling, the child needs visual tracking and hand-brain cooperation.

Up and down turntables

The small toy of the up and down turntable applies the principle of the "Möbius belt" in high-level mathematics, turning four faces into a three-dimensional surface in a line, creating a continuous game world.

The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!

It requires the ball to be placed in the orbit, and the child slowly turns the turntable in his hand so that the ball continues to move.

The child's eyes should constantly follow the ball and track the movement of the ball on the curved surface. This is of great help to children's visual abilities and cognition of three-dimensional space.

There are also higher-order orbital balls and up-and-down turntable combinations: "Flying Saucer Maze Balls", which are also quite popular among older children.

The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!

The UFO Maze Ball sets up many levels and marks numbers on the tracks. The whole maze ball is like a planet, full of 3D fun.

The reward mechanism for completing each level and achieving self-challenge is a good way to promote children's continuous efforts to crack the maze and achieve a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence.

From the first level to the end, children need a long period of concentration and hand-eye coordination, which is of great help to the child's patience cultivation.

Stick game

Stick game is a small game that children can play from an early age, requiring children to insert sticks into the wooden board one by one according to color and order.

The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!

How the colors are paired, how the order is maintained, and how to put sticks in the wooden board precisely are all training children's hand-eye coordination and resolution.

In the sensory system classroom, teachers often use advanced combination methods to train children, such as organically combining the rope game and the stick game, while the cable is inserted while sticking.

This not only strengthens the vestibular stimulation, but also promotes the stretching and activation of the muscles throughout the body, and also strengthens the child's hand-eye coordination.

In addition, I don't know if you ever played a small game of "picking sticks" when you were a child, that is, to prepare a stick and sprinkle it on the table.

The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!

A person picks up another stick with one stick, both to ensure that the stick is free from a pile of sticks and not to touch other sticks.

In this game, not only to use hand-eye collaboration, the eyes must also take the initiative to find the most suitable stick to get out, and children can get more active exercise during the game.

Educator Teacher Sun Ruixue once said: "Children think with their hands, and the free use of hands not only expresses children's thinking, but also expresses the process of children's thinking."

The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!

The development of hand-eye coordination is an important ability for children to understand the world and change the world, and it is the basic ability to learn, which helps to cultivate their self-confidence and independence in the process of growth.

*The source of the picture in the article is network, such as invasion and deletion.

The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!
The secret of the sensory integration class: track ball, up and down turntable, stick game, school-age children must practice!