
The developers asked to regain control of their projects, but almost no one supported them

IT House reported on January 25 that Marak, the author of the well-known open source tool Faker .js, deliberately destroyed this open source library on GitHub, emptying all the code of the project and leaving the word "endgame" in the commit. This incident had a great impact on the open source community, and later his GitHub account was officially banned, causing a lot of controversy. The destroyed Faker .js has since been handed over to the community for maintenance, with a project team of 8 engineers and the creation of an official website

The developers asked to regain control of their projects, but almost no one supported them

Recently, Marak, the developer who deleted the library, posted on Twitter, hoping that NPM would restore his control over his project. He @GitHub on Twitter and asked what was going on, and it's been ten days since GitHub revoked its permission to publish to NPM and fix Infinity Zalgo errors in colors.js projects. He said GitHub never replied to his emails and said he had more than 100 packages to maintain.

"Everyone makes programming mistakes from time to time. No one is perfect. He said.

The developers asked to regain control of their projects, but almost no one supported them

However, Marak's appeal was not supported by netizens. Some netizens directly said, "After you show that kind of operation, do you really think that someone will let you contribute to this open source project again?" Go elsewhere for help, don't mislead others here, it will only make you worse. Some netizens retorted: "Friend, this is not a 'programming error', you know." This is undermining public resources. No one forces you to contribute, and now not many people want you to continue to 'contribute'. ”