
Point out a way home for the confused and sad weary bird ~ an unguarded lighthouse


If the lighthouse is a lonely watchman, the tower keeper is a loyal companion, but when the lighthouse no longer has the guardianship of the tower keeper, loneliness accompanies the lighthouse, when loneliness becomes a habit, when life is no longer lonely, life seems to be impossible to change, and finally like to be with loneliness. He's alone in a bustling city, just waiting for you. And you don't know where you went? Is that hurried glance, that glimpse, the end? He was too fragile to hurt him with a single word, and with that, he decided to be with the lighthouse. In fact, I know: he can escape the hustle and bustle, but he can't escape himself.

Point out a way home for the confused and sad weary bird ~ an unguarded lighthouse

Alone in a bustling and bustling city, just waiting for you


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