
Will babies made with three generations of IVF still have defects?

Three generations of IVF is a great blessing for infertile couples, helping them to solve - a major event in life, many people are worried that the children produced by IVF will have defects, and they will be suspicious of IVF and whether to do it. Today Hengjian Overseas will untie the knot for everyone.

Will babies made with three generations of IVF still have defects?

In fact, IVF is not so unpredictable, but the way of conception has changed. First of all, we must understand that IVF is not a child born and raised in an IVF, it is just a method of artificial fertility.

The three-generation test tube has many advantages:

1. Make pregnancy simple

For many couples with unexplained infertility, or whose causes are clear but have not been cured for a long time, three generations of IVF are the way to help them conceive.

2. Eugenics and eugenics

The third generation of IVF technology can not only solve the fertility problems of some people, but also screen before embryo transfer, choose healthy embryo transfer, provide future parents with genetic diseases with the opportunity to have healthy children, and achieve eugenics.

3. Effective control of birth control time

Three generations of ivy is through the induction of ovulation, egg retrieval, embryo transfer and other major steps, artificial assisted conception, if you do not want the baby temporarily, you can choose to freeze the egg, want the child to directly thaw, and then carry out the follow-up process cao, to the birth time put a time selection button.

If you want to prevent the birth defects of three generations of IVF babies, you should also pay attention to these time periods:

1. Before marriage: do a good job of premarital examination, such as finding chromosomal abnormalities should consult genetic experts, serious and important organ diseases, related infectious diseases or mental illness.

Will babies made with three generations of IVF still have defects?

2. Before pregnancy: physical health examination, reasonable nutrition, nutrient supplementation, prevention and screening of chronic diseases and genetic diseases, rational use of Yao, to avoid environmental teratogenicity. Men should not soak in hot springs, sweat steaming, too high temperature is not conducive to sperm production and maturation.

3. Pregnancy: through early detection, early diagnosis and early measures to prevent the birth of children with birth defects. Such as 12W NT examination, 16W Down screening, 22W and 30W screening malformation examination. Most of the deformities can be screened out through the comprehensive examination of the pregnancy system, so it is very necessary to do a good job of pregnancy examination.

4. Childbirth: Follow the doctor-doctor's advice and advice to avoid avoidable birth injuries and accidents.

5. After birth: newborn screening and birth defect screening. For children with birth defects, early diagnosis and early treatment should be achieved.

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