
The germination of sexual consciousness in adolescent men and women

author:Dancing Eraser 11

 The germination of sexual consciousness

Puberty is an important period of transition from childhood to adulthood, and the main hallmarks are sexual development and sexual maturity. During this period, children experience rapid physical and psychological changes, which is an important period for the socialization of adolescents. With the development and change of the body, adolescents have also begun to have a sexual consciousness in their psychology, which is manifested in the following aspects of action:

1. The pursuit of sexual knowledge. Adolescents have a desire and strong interest in sexual knowledge and fertility phenomena due to sexual maturity, which is a normal manifestation of adolescent sexual and psychological development. Some adolescents are influenced by traditional ideas and regard this phenomenon as shame, indecent behavior, and even sinful psychology, which affects the healthy development of sexual psychology. Individual adolescents do not get scientific sexual knowledge from schools and parents during adolescence, but secretly explore sexual knowledge with interest, and obtain some non-scientific and unhealthy sexual knowledge from society, which is extremely detrimental to their personal physical and mental development.

The germination of sexual consciousness in adolescent men and women

2. The love of the opposite sex. The mutual admiration of young men and women for each other is an important manifestation of the psychosocial development of adolescents. Moreover, the love of the opposite sex is the sexual psychological basis for the success of adolescent love and marriage. In general, young men and women have different emotional characteristics in pursuit of the opposite sex. Young men often show that love is exposed, warm, and enthusiastic, but slightly rough. Young women's admiration for the opposite sex is often implicit and deep, showing charm and self-esteem, while being slightly shy and passive.

The germination of sexual consciousness in adolescent men and women

3. Sexual desire and sexual impulse. Sexual desire and sexual impulse are normal physiological and psychological phenomena in adolescent development. The physiological trigger for sexual desire in adolescents is the stimulating effect of sex hormones, which control and promote the development of secondary sex characteristics and accessory organs in people. Feelings, emotions, memories and imaginations related to sex are psychological factors that cause sexual desire. In adolescence, every physiologically normal person will have sexual and psychological desires, and every adolescent in love will inevitably be accompanied by sexual impulses, but people are rational and can consciously control and dominate their impulses. Because love contains sexual desire, but sexual desire is not equal to love. Striving to cultivate their own high morality and self-control ability, correctly viewing and restraining their sexual desires and sexual impulses, is very necessary for teenagers.

Stages of psychosexual change

Human sexual psychology has been possessed since childhood, and when it reaches puberty, the pace of development suddenly accelerates and tends to mature. Sexual psychology has roughly gone through several stages:

1. Two small no-guess stages. Generally before puberty, although the child has a "gender self-recognition", that is, to recognize that they are boys or girls, but also to recognize that other children are boys or girls, but this difference between the opposite sex is not obvious, boys and girls play together without any worries, shame and uneasiness, everything is innocent.

2. Alienation of the opposite sex phase. Generally at the beginning of puberty, with the development of sex, the psychology of gender differences in children is enhanced. Girls are afraid of revealing their growing breasts, boys are afraid that others will see that they have pubic hair, when the boundaries between men and women are clear, and male and female classmates are rarely together. Especially in the junior high school stage, many boys and girls playing together will make both sides have a sense of shame and uneasiness, and the slightest contact between individuals will be criticized, even if the two friends who have no suspicion in childhood are naturally avoided and alienated. This is more evident among junior high school students. Psychologists believe that the stage of heterosexual alienation is very necessary for the growth and development of children. Boys and girls in this period are engaged in same-sex groups and are full of rejection of the opposite sex, which is very conducive to the cultivation of different temperaments of men and women. Because individuals have different temperaments, they will complement each other in adulthood, be attractive to the opposite sex, and then love each other. If you can't go through this stage normally, it may bring some trouble to your child's future. For example, if an 8-year-old boy prefers to play with girls, his temperament is likely to be feminine due to the influence of this environment. There are two forms of variation in this phenomenon: one is to dislike the opposite sex of the same age, and to attack and accuse male and female classmates at school; the other is to like to approach the very old opposite sex, which seems to be a kind of compensation.

The germination of sexual consciousness in adolescent men and women

3. Approaching the opposite sex stage. After 1-2 years of the onset of puberty, the development and maturity of sexual function leads to the development of sexual consciousness, and a kind of attention and emotional attraction begins to appear between the two sexes, with the need and tendency to be close to each other. They gradually get rid of the psychological isolation state and tend to understand, recognize and contact the psychological state of the opposite sex. Initially, it often manifests itself in the glorification and admiration and enthusiasm for the opposite sex at a slightly older age; subsequently, it is expressed in the admiration of the opposite sex of the same age, when the self-presentation in front of the other party is often extremely unnatural, sometimes even clumsy, but full of innocence. This kind of naïve performance, including deliberately dressing up yourself, always thinks that the eyes of the opposite sex are staring at themselves, so every move feels nervous and meaningful. Women appear shy, shy, and gentle; men deliberately show their abilities and majesty, and they must make the other party think that they are "good" when they speak and do things. While self-display and being attracted to the opposite sex, it is possible to intentionally approach each other, find excuses to talk to each other, take the initiative to help each other do things or ask each other for help, so as to test whether the other party has a loving reaction, and so on. At this stage of closeness to the opposite sex, the object is often broad and not specific, in the naïve stage and strong emotions, easy to impulsive and out of control, so it is very necessary to give guidance and education.

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