
29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

author:Hong Kong film nostalgia

In 1992, it was a turning point in Ge You's acting career.

This year, the TV series "The Story of the Editorial Department" was popular all over the country, and Li Dongbao, who had sharp teeth, made Ge You known to the public overnight, and also brought him the honor of the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

In terms of movies, Ge You played the "left-behind husband" Gu Yan with Xu Fan in "The Great Sasquatch", and won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actor.

In a year, he successively won the titles of Film Emperor and Emperor of Vision, and Ge You's path as an actor has since reached its peak.

In this extremely brilliant year, Ge You also starred in a "large-scale" movie, but now few people know.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

This is Director He Qun's film "Shang Yi Dang" (also known as "Funny Man"), in which the attention paid to practical issues such as going abroad, education, and unmarried pregnancy is still sharp to this day.

01. Spicy teacher-student relationship under the background of "going abroad tide"

In the early 1990s, when the "tide of going abroad" was in full swing, many people rushed to squeeze their heads and wanted to run abroad, and audiences familiar with this background should resonate with the story of "Last Dang".

Ge You plays Liu Shan, a son of a rich family, and his parents, who have already settled in the United States, have repeatedly urged Liu Shan to emigrate quickly.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

Liu Shan's girlfriend is the same, want to go abroad to think of red eyes, every day pestering Liu Shan to let him get himself abroad.

Contrary to them, Liu Shan has no interest in going abroad, and the words of his parents and girlfriend about going abroad are also left ear in and right ear out.

The girlfriend saw that Liu Shan was not concerned about going abroad, and turned her head to a foreigner to continue to seek the way to go abroad.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

Not only for the presentation of the hot spot of the era of going abroad, the film also borrows Liu Shan's various observations when he was a teacher to explore the issue of education.

Because of the help of friends, Liu Shan suspended the immigration plan to go to school to help friends temporarily substitute classes.

Although it is the first time to become a teacher, Liu Shan has a set of maverick educational philosophy.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

For example, Liu Shan asked to sit and lecture during class, so that teachers and students could communicate on an equal footing; he never put up a shelf for students, and they all treated like friends, so any student who encountered something would think of Liu Shan first.

For example, Gong Shiwei, a big sunny boy who has always claimed that his father is a diplomat, exudes a sense of superiority from the inside out.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

But in a conversation, Gong Shiwei finally revealed the truth to Liu Shan: in fact, his father was a cook, and the reason why he said this was only because he didn't want people to look down on him.

There is also Zhou Ling, a beautiful and intelligent girl, who is dragged down by her family.

After her parents divorced, Zhou Ling's mother remarried to a Hong Kong businessman, and she forced Zhou Ling to get engaged to the other's son, which eventually led to Zhou Ling becoming pregnant.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

Zhou Ling, who was at a loss for words, asked Liu Shan for help, and Liu Shan was angry and took Zhou Ling to the hospital for an abortion, but she did not expect to be scolded by Zhou Ling's mother.

Later, Liu Shan's teaching method gradually attracted the dissatisfaction of the parents of the students, especially the popularization of sexual knowledge to the students, which was sneered and reprimanded by the parents.

At the end of the film, due to the expiration of the contract and the complaints of parents, Liu Shan offered to leave the school.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

In the last class, Liu Shan took the students in the class to the suburbs to play happily, as the final farewell of teachers and students.

For the blind eagerness to go abroad, the collision of new and old educational concepts, these things in "Last Dang" may not be new today, but they still have a sobering significance for reality.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

02, from "feeding pigs professional households" to the film emperor

Ge You was 34 years old when filming "Shangdang" and had just made a name for himself in the show business circle.

In this film, he plays Liu Shan, on the surface, looks like a hanging child Lang Dang, but in fact, he is warm and kind, and his work is particularly reliable.

In the following years, Ge You played many similar small characters in films such as "Not Seen and Not Scattered", "Endless", "Non-sincere Do Not Disturb" and so on, which established his "national" status in the hearts of the audience.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

Ge You pinched the little people to death, and no one could stand out for this breath of life.

To reach today's height, Ge You is completely dependent on his own efforts.

According to the theory, his father is the well-known "villain professional" actor Ge Cunzhuang, and it is not difficult for Ge You to obtain resources in the show business circle.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

But Ge You did not take shortcuts, but worked hard in the fiercely competitive showbiz circle.

In 1976, Ge You, who graduated from high school, went to the commune to feed pigs for three years, and then repeatedly failed to apply for art colleges.

Finally, when participating in the examination of the Federation of Trade Unions Literary and Labor Troupe, Ge You combined his life experience to perform the sketch "Feed the Pig", and did not expect to get the unanimous praise of all the examiners, so he was admitted.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

In the following years, Ge You also remained unknown, until 1985, when he had the opportunity to appear in the film, it can be said that Ge You's success was completely achieved by his own efforts.

In recent years, Ge You, who is over 60 years old, has slowly reduced the number of films, and privately he has maintained a low-key posture, and has not spread any scandals after marrying his wife for many years.

In terms of performance, Uncle Ge undoubtedly has long been a world business card in the Chinese film and television industry.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

In terms of dealing with people, he is a truly respectable actor.

03, the male second acted in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2", the female second turned to CCTV host

Although Ge You's performance in the film is very outstanding, other actors also have a brilliant performance.

Ju Xue, who plays the heroine Zhen Zhen, is also a "goddess" in the hearts of many people in the 1980s and 1990s, and in the film, she is both a colleague of Liu Shan, and gradually fell in love with Liu Shan.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV
29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

But unfortunately, Zhen Zhen finally had to be transferred back to her hometown thousands of miles away because of her family, and the relationship between her and Liu Shan also came to an abrupt end, leaving a little regret.

Debuted at the age of 18, the 21-year-old began to be well known for starring in Jiahui in "The Thief of Change", and now Juxue is still active in the show business circle, and in 2019, he also starred in the movie "The Musician" starring Hu Jun.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

There is also a "bearer" in the comedy industry in the film, that is, Liang Tian, who is known as the "Three Musketeers of Comedy" with Ge You and Xie Yuan.

Liang Tian made a cameo appearance as a conductor in the film, although there were only two scenes, but a few words and a few eyes interpreted the "bad energy" of this role to the fullest.

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

In addition, Zhu Hongjia, who played Gong Shiwei, later played Xiao Jian in "Huan Zhu Ge Ge 2"; Yao Miao, who played Zhou Ling, later embarked on the road of host, and now has become the head of the CCTV movie channel Hua Dan...

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV
29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

With the passage of time so far, "Shangdang" can still be recognized by more and more people, which is inseparable from the film's true presentation of reality and the intentions of all actors to create roles.

I sincerely hope that every good movie will not be buried, and time will eventually prove their worth. (Author: Pippi Shrimp)

29 years ago, Ge You made a "large-scale" movie, and the female number two is now the host of CCTV

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