
A woman opens a room late at night to hide from her boyfriend, and the female front desk and the 65-year-old male security guard become scapegoats and are beaten by domestic violence, which is a woman's greatest misfortune. Domestic violence is a cage built in the name of love to get out of the clutches of the devil in order to see the beauty of life again.

author:Yuanchuang Academy Liu Yuanyuan
A woman opens a room late at night to hide from her boyfriend, and the female front desk and the 65-year-old male security guard become scapegoats and are beaten by domestic violence, which is a woman's greatest misfortune. Domestic violence is a cage built in the name of love to get out of the clutches of the devil in order to see the beauty of life again.

Author| Cat Who Loves to Bask in the Sun 【Yuanchuang Writing Training Camp Student】

"Man checking his girlfriend's room opening record was rejected, breaking the ribs of a 65-year-old security guard, and violently kicking the front desk waitress", you think this is a news of attempted rape, but what is actually hidden behind it is a story about domestic violence.

After a fierce argument, the woman took advantage of the chaos to escape and hide in the hotel.

The man is like an angry beast, with no pity for the jade heart, and no regard for the life and death of others.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="4" > domestic violence is a woman's greatest misfortune. </h1>

I brushed up on a particularly memorable video of domestic violence.

Because of the late return of his wife and daughter, the man murdered his daughter, who was only three years old, and cried his wife.

The wife in the video takes her daughter on a school outing, but because she came back late, she was questioned by her husband.

The husband tried to confirm the news from his three-year-old daughter, but saw his daughter who was wary of him.

The wife asked her daughter to return to her room, but she was greeted with slaps, hair scratches and sexual violence.

People who have never experienced it will never know how terrible domestic violence is.

Zhao Yuechen, an expert in marriage and love, shared his experience of encountering domestic violence on Zhihu.

I was partying with my classmates and received more than a dozen threatening phone calls: if I didn't go back, I would kill her when I got home.

Immediately back to the back were dozens of slaps, punched in the face swollen like a bun. There are grievances in the heart but they are afraid of being seen through, and they are afraid of false accusations and being beaten again.

At its worst, I was hit on a wooden stool and hid in the bathroom shivering. The boyfriend broke through the door with a knife and dragged his clothes out.

The fear in those movies really happened to her.

Don't dare to resist, don't dare to leave, don't dare to do anything he doesn't like, and his greatest wish is not to be beaten.

Men who encounter domestic violence have since taken their lives and joys and sorrows into the hands of others.

A woman opens a room late at night to hide from her boyfriend, and the female front desk and the 65-year-old male security guard become scapegoats and are beaten by domestic violence, which is a woman's greatest misfortune. Domestic violence is a cage built in the name of love to get out of the clutches of the devil in order to see the beauty of life again.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="93" > domestic violence is a cage built in the name of love</h1>

I know that a blogger described a man with domestic violence that I think is particularly accurate:

Men who beat wives, very much.

But he beat you because he hates you very, very much, but he can't live without you.

How badly he beats you, how much he hates you.

How sincerely he apologizes, he needs you.

You think he loves you, but he can't control his emotions, and the actual domestic violence is violence disguised as love.

Because of love, you choose to entrust yourself and your lifelong happiness to him.

And you don't know, there are those two words hidden under that appearance.

One day, he suddenly moved his hand, and you thought you had touched something special about him, and you apologized to him.

The number of times he experienced it was more and more, and you understood that it was because he had a tendency to domestic violence. But when he knelt down and begged you, drooling in pain, promising that there would be no next time, you once again chose to forgive.

Finally, when you are no longer expecting him to change, you have been trapped by boundless fear. You worry, your escape, ushered in greater harm, worry about putting a loved one or friend in danger because of yourself.

He builds a cage for you with love, and you keep reinforcing it with love until you can no longer escape.

A woman opens a room late at night to hide from her boyfriend, and the female front desk and the 65-year-old male security guard become scapegoats and are beaten by domestic violence, which is a woman's greatest misfortune. Domestic violence is a cage built in the name of love to get out of the clutches of the devil in order to see the beauty of life again.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="99" > get out of the clutches of the devil to see the beauty of life again. </h1>

Huang Yi recalled the bitter experience of domestic violence and warned women: when you step on the red line in marriage, you must leave.

At first, Huang Yi gave up his career and all his reputation and left with his daughter.

Now that her daughter has grown up and is well-behaved and sensible, Huang Yi has also made a comeback.

There are many stars in the entertainment industry who have been abused by domestic violence, some have paid for their lives, and some have been reborn from the clutches of the devil.

Chen Lin, a singer who was once popular with Na Ying, was depressed by the domestic violence of her second husband and committed suicide by jumping off a building in 2009.

South Korea's "national diva" Choi Jin-jin also divorced due to violent depression and eventually committed suicide in 2008.

Like Huang Yi, a man who dared to leave domestic violence, ruined his career, and would rather pay 26 million yuan for the custody of his daughter, Jia Jingwen, now the family and career have ushered in a double harvest.

In 2005, Jia Jingwen married The Rich Boy Sun Zhihao. In 2009, Jia Jingwen held a press conference in a shawl, weeping bitterly, and begged her husband for a daughter. In the end, he was forced to pay 26 million yuan to his ex-husband for custody of his daughter.

Leave at any cost to get a fresh start.

On November 27, 2018, Alyssa Jia and her 9-year-old Xiu Jiekai were married in Bali. After marriage, Jia Jingwen was treated as a treasure in the palm of her hand by Xiu Kaijie, carefully cared for, and ushered in the birth of her young daughter.

Jia Jingwen, now 47, is a mother of three children.

Jia Jingwen's comeback short drama "The Distance Between Us and Evil" won the Queen's Back of the Golden Bell Award.

On October 8 this year, the film she starred in will also compete for the Oscar.

If Jia Jingwen had not decisively chosen to leave, would she still be able to meet Xiu Kaijie? Is there also the birth of The Little One?

Maybe she was just as fragrant as Chen Lin or Cui Zhen.

Only by escaping from the clutches of the devil can we see the beauty of life again.

A man who commits domestic violence, he will ruin everything you love and ruin your yearning for a better life.

If you are unfortunate enough to meet, do not sympathize, do not kidnap yourself with the excuse of love, and be sure to leave firmly.

Even if it costs enough.

Scraping bones to cure poison is to welcome a better new life.

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