
Super Invincible Boss Dog: Classic memories, have to watch an Oscar!

author:Zhou Yu anime 囧
Super Invincible Boss Dog: Classic memories, have to watch an Oscar!

The Curse of the Super Invincible Dog Man Rabbit: Won the 2005 Oscar for Best Animated Film

Wallace & Gromit: the Curse of the Were-Rabbit is a clay anime produced by the British company Aardman in 2005! The story tells that the "head" of the town's private security company "Glomy" and his owner are members of the company, Glomy is a loyal dog, his master is a dumb, a dog and a person, a smart and a stupid, a silent and a multi-mouthed, quite tacit understanding in personality and ability! In the plot, it mainly tells the struggle between humans and animals (rabbits), rabbits have to eat vegetables grown by humans in order to survive, humans hire anti-pest companies for their own vegetables, catch rabbits that are destroyed everywhere, in order to fundamentally curb the nature of rabbits, Wallace even invented brainwashing machines with the intention of brainwashing rabbits, but unexpectedly turned themselves into monsters and destroyed everywhere!

Super Invincible Boss Dog: Classic memories, have to watch an Oscar!

Protagonist: Glomy

This film, there are children's characters simple, no complex routines, do not understand the aphorisms, there are many British humor, the scene design is exquisite, the content is not bloody scenes, and the monsters in the film are full of cute, cute, is the child's favorite, but also the small editor childhood memory deeply, one of the most special movie anime!

Super Invincible Boss Dog: Classic memories, have to watch an Oscar!

Staff fiddling with the action

The film lasted 2 years and was carefully coordinated by hundreds of staff members! Every movement of each clay is specially shaken, and sometimes a large number of clay is remade, which is not only time-consuming and laborious, but I heard that fresh vegetables were wasted no less than hundreds of pounds at that time!

Super Invincible Boss Dog: Classic memories, have to watch an Oscar!

Posed scenes

This film has a good irony, not only from the content to tell people to respect nature, but also mock the arrogance of human beings to destroy nature! Therefore, respecting nature, protecting life, and achieving a balance between people and nature and animals are the main themes of this film! So the final picture is that the man gives the rabbit a happy ending!

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