
Talk about the modern tango dance explanation of the international standard dance

author:Latin dance in China

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Tango (T) originated in Argentina, its dance music speed is 2/4 beats, 33,34 bars per minute. The original form of tango (T) originated in Spain and Africa, and then merged with local dances in Buenos Aires, the capital of Argentina, to develop into a new dance form – Argentine tango. Therefore, tango (T) dance is known as the hybrid of modern dance. In the late 19th century, after the baptism of Argentine immigrants to the mainland, a new tango (T) dance was created. At the same time, tango (T) dance as a nation's cultural memory has a rich historical origin, and it is in great need of active protection and inheritance. According to the conditions of the evaluation of intangible cultural heritage, the "generational transmission period" of a specific intangible cultural heritage should generally be about 100 years, and the Argentine tango has not only been passed down for a hundred years, but when it goes abroad, it is quickly welcomed by people around the world.

Talk about the modern tango dance explanation of the international standard dance


Legend has it that Argentine men and female companions should be equipped with short swords when jumping tango (T) to prevent the interference of love enemies, so they form a serious facial expression, twist their heads quickly, and look left and right from time to time. In addition, there are some pauses in tango (T) from time to time, which is a relic of the early bulky costumes and boots, and tango (T) is also known as the "dance of momentary pause". In the Tango (T) dance run, male and female dance partners start to hug each other, and show their body movements when they pause. With the movement of the calf as the mainstay, the male and female dance partners skillfully cooperate to dance a series of dazzling dance steps, with emotional self-sustaining connotations and movements. The male partner is the dominant, twisting and turning the head quickly, and the female partner often has a brief backward leaning back in the moving dance steps to highlight the step.

The stylistic characteristics of tango (T) are elusive, and people call this its tone. The way of transport is like a crab line, the footwork is like a cat step, the walk is just vigorous and frustrated, the flow is accompanied by a short pause, the action is clean and clean, never drag the mud with water, and the dance steps are unpredictable and dazzling. Its style is characterized by gorgeous music, strong and powerful dance, and sharp steps; The musical features are mainly split tones, with points and pauses. The dance steps are divided into fast step (Q) and slow step (S), with fast step accounting for half a beat and slow step accounting for one beat. Because of its unique style, it is called "the king of dance".

Talk about the modern tango dance explanation of the international standard dance

To learn tango (T) first to understand the basic requirements of tango (T), in the standing posture

It requires the center of gravity of the body to sink, the knees to relax and bend slightly, the roots of the thighs to be aligned, and the foot position to be in front of the left foot and the right foot on the left. In the position of the center of the foot, men require the upper body to be straight, and women also require the chest and waist to be opened on the basis of the upright upper body, on this basis, the waist is raised and the hips are tightened; Dance steps should be run like a cat walking, and when stepping back, you should follow it. The dance step should run smoothly, the running route is arcing, and there can be no obvious lifting and lowering.

When male and female dance partners cooperate, the men's holding posture requires a straight chest and waist, loose knees, a sinking body center of gravity, and a foot position referred to the previous paragraph. The body is slightly offset by 1/2 position to the right side of the female partner, the hip joint to the tenggae is close to the female partner, the head is standing, and the cervical spine extends upwards. The man's left hand is held at a position of less than 90°, the elbow is slightly raised upwards, the forearm is at a right angle to the large arm, and the right hand is placed in the lower part of the left shoulder blade of the female partner, passing over the midline of the body. The woman asks to open the upper body back, that is, the chest and waist, the head position is 60° to the left, the right hand is raised with the left hand of the male partner, and the left hand is placed on the outside of the armpit of the male partner.

Talk about the modern tango dance explanation of the international standard dance

The woman's head movements must play two roles: (1) produce better lines, whether unilateral or both. (2) Maintain balance. The good use of the head must be based on the actual need to improve the quality, no matter how much the lady is convinced of the effect she has achieved. If the woman's head movements cause the dance partner to lose his balance, or cause him to have to exert extra muscle effort to control it, it is not right. Even though many forms of head movements have been developed, don't believe that the more movements the head does, the better; An unnecessary head movement is only counterproductive for what you are after. Graceful head movements and postures are made calmly and quietly on both shoulders in a comfortable situation, which can show the most precious qualities of women. It's one thing to know how to do head movements, it's another to choose the right time. Generally speaking, a woman's head appears to be on the left, but there are several special head movements in the opposite direction, such as the shape of the Whisk. The lady decided that her head was left or right, but in the end it should produce appropriate lines. The extension of the line is from the left toe through the legs, body and neck to the head, and if the head is turned to the right, the line is broken at this point. When doing Wing or Chasse, ladies should avoid unnecessary head movements and just do general follow-up. If the whisk is derived from a step backwards or a right rotation, because the woman's right turn will produce a "throw" on the man, which has a negative impact on the speed of the man's body and the shape of the broom step.

Talk about the modern tango dance explanation of the international standard dance

And fallaway, if followed by a reverse Motion, followed by a left pivot, the female should maintain her normal position in a left direction. If she wasn't, her weight would be thrown away from the man at the center of the left turn, and in Fallaway, the woman was only one step before returning to her normal position, and there was simply not enough time, and so would the application of lines, only one or two. Fallaway's flower steps are not immediately followed by a left turn, such as the Split Split Step (OpenImpetus), the Right and Fallaway to Right, and the backward crossing of the step back position

Back Cross in Fallaway position leading to Wing. In the split sprint step, the head can be kept on the right side all the way to the wing step. Keeping the head on the left is very helpful for the male partner to control the line on the right. In fact, there are many dance steps with gentle head movements. Such as the split ski-shaped step (Open Telemark), the contra chek step ( contra Chek ), lunge lines , Overstay and many other flower steps are started by pp bits. However, it always changes according to the dance steps before and after, and when doing most of the outside rotation (Outsideswivels), keeping the head on the left will help the lady to enter the PP position. The Promenade in tango is modified, and if the woman is beautifully placed on the right side when entering the Link, as mentioned earlier, the time is an important factor, and the process of the woman doing the side row has three steps (two steps are very clear to maintain the head position). The outside spin must be restored to normal immediately after the outer rotation is done in order to do a Promenade Link or other dance step that takes her to face the dance partner. It is difficult to have a complete and clear answer to the head movements, and the following are three principles for turning the head for a note: (1) When the next action is to turn left immediately, do not turn your head to the right. (2) There should be plenty of time for the head to turn to the right, and if there is not enough time, keep the head still, but do not include the head movement when the special sound break in the tango. (3) Regardless of whether your head is turned to the left or right, the shoulder line must not be broken or affect the balance. All in all, the woman should stop the movement of the head, pay special attention to the problems it may cause, give priority to the overall balance and harmony of the two sides, and then pursue vivid performance.

Talk about the modern tango dance explanation of the international standard dance

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