
It's time to fight like this! Westbrook's 9 points and 4 boards in the last quarter helped the Lakers reverse, and using 2 abilities well is the key to the championship?

It's time to fight like this! Westbrook's 9 points and 4 boards in the last quarter helped the Lakers reverse, and using 2 abilities well is the key to the championship?

On January 24, Beijing time, the Lakers ushered in the second away game in the east to challenge the Heat, in which the Lakers finally lost to the Heat 107-113. After this game, the Lakers have fallen again so far this season to a 50% winning percentage of 23 wins and 24 losses.

However, for this game, the Lakers can still let fans see some hope on the court, after all, this is a game where the Lakers once trailed by 26 points and narrowed the score to only 4 points after playing a 37-24 scoring tide in the fourth quarter. Unfortunately, the Lakers' two key missteps in the final moments caused the team to eventually lose the game.

It's time to fight like this! Westbrook's 9 points and 4 boards in the last quarter helped the Lakers reverse, and using 2 abilities well is the key to the championship?

In the whole game, As the team's superstar, LeBron James can play 40 minutes and get 33 points, 11 rebounds, 4 assists and 2 steals on 12-of-22 shooting, of course, only 1 of 8 shots from outside the three-point line is still a very embarrassing performance. In addition to James, Westbrook, who has suffered more controversy so far this season, can be said to have played the best game for the Lakers this season.

It's time to fight like this! Westbrook's 9 points and 4 boards in the last quarter helped the Lakers reverse, and using 2 abilities well is the key to the championship?

In terms of statistics, Wei Shao, who played 32 minutes, made a quasi-triple-double error of 24 points, 9 rebounds and 9 assists on 9 of 15 shooting, although Wei Shao still shot 0 of 3 from outside the three-point line and made 3 turnovers, but he also had 8 shots and 6 assists of free throw performance has picked up 2 frontcourt rebounds, in addition to the plus or minus of -1 is not particularly bad.

In fact, Westbrook was able to get 9 points, 4 rebounds and 2 assists on 3-of-4 shooting in the fourth quarter, and the energy he showed and the ability to quickly advance to the front court after scrambling for rebounds are the key to the Lakers' approach to completing a reversal during this time. And in the fourth quarter alone, Wei Shao played a plus-minus of +13.

It's time to fight like this! Westbrook's 9 points and 4 boards in the last quarter helped the Lakers reverse, and using 2 abilities well is the key to the championship?

So for the Lakers, Wei Shao can help the Lakers advance the rhythm of the game after taking off the rebound and have an efficient performance in the final scoring, which is undoubtedly the performance that the Lakers hope to see in Wei Shao. Especially in the case that the Lakers are unlikely to get rid of Wei Shao's contract before the trade deadline, whether Wei Shao can continue to play such a performance in the next game will also become the key to the Lakers' impact on the championship trophy this season.

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