
"Sandware": When you arrive in Kitakyushu, how can you not pay tribute to Kiyoharu Matsumoto?

author:I'm Wu Mei
"Sandware": When you arrive in Kitakyushu, how can you not pay tribute to Kiyoharu Matsumoto?

Too lazy to make your own strategy. That winter, because the group had almost two days of free time in Fukuoka, they signed up.

I want to spend a day from Fukuoka to Kitakyushu, cross the sea to Shimonoseki, formerly known as Maguan, and take a walk on the Li Hongzhang Trail to see the Chunfan Building.

Of course, you can take JR, a car can go from Hakata to Moji Port, the fare of about 1500 yen is a bit expensive, more importantly, in Japan, if the route choice is accurate, the subway is not expensive, and the time taken is not much more than taking JR. Therefore, the subway route was planned before departure: from Hakata to Kokura, and then from Kokura to Moji Port. Once you arrive at Moji Port, you can take a ferry to Shimonoseki – it sounds complicated, but Japan's public transportation is on time, so one day is enough.

There is also a selfishness in choosing this route; if time permits, I would like to take a look at Kokura, because it is the hometown of a Japanese writer who I don't have to think about.

However, the plan is not as good as change. The Korean singing group BIGBANG happened to be in Fukuoka Arena for a concert in the two days we were in Fukuoka, and bigbang fans in Japan came to Fukuoka in droves, and the hotel could not let us go down for two consecutive nights, and the second night we had to stay in its Mojiko chain.

As soon as I listened, I whispered: Doesn't this save us the cost of our own journey to Munji Port? However, the group members refused to give up their shopping time in Fukuoka no matter what, so the big bus from Fukuoka to Moji Port departed at 6 p.m. Kyushu is not jammed with traffic, but from Fukuoka to Kitakyushu Moji port road is far away, all the way to the road also takes 1 and a half hours, to reach the hotel and then go to the pier to take the ferry, Chunfan Building must not be able to go, then walk on the Li Hongzhang Trail.

Or, ask the guide to bring our luggage, or we still jump straight down the gate in the morning? But what about the ruins of Fukuoka Castle? What about Ohori Park? What about Fukuoka Tower? How many monasteries are hidden deep in the houses? Still decided to leave a little thought about Shimonoseki and go again next time.

It's just a small warehouse, I'm afraid I can only pass by forever. However, I will pay my own attention to the writer who passed on to me some of the world's ways of being a man in a copy of "Sandware" when I was a teenager, Kiyoharu Matsumoto.

"Sandware": When you arrive in Kitakyushu, how can you not pay tribute to Kiyoharu Matsumoto?

Kiyoharu Matsumoto

Yes, Kiyoharu Matsumoto, who crossed the line between Japanese Benge and Eclectic speculative fiction, was born in Kokura, a small place in Kitakyushu, to a poor family, out of school at an early age, and had to rely on his own hard work to support his wife and children, a family of seven, that was in post-war Japan.

More than 70 years have passed since the Japanese emperor announced his surrender, and today, even setting foot in Japan's most remote townships can sense what the country has done in the 70 years after the war to provide the people with the daily life they have today. However, it is undeniable that in the 1950s, when the war had just ended, the suffering of Japanese people's lives was unimaginable to today, and in the 1980s, i watched a Japanese movie "River of Mud", and in order to let her children go to school to receive education, the mother actually split a corner in a broken boat for a family of three to sell spring. This movie stimulated me so much that I remember some scenes vividly today. Similarly, "Sandware" has given me an indelible memory, and I am talking about the film of the same name based on Kiyoharu Matsumoto's novel.

He Yingliang is a well-known pianist. Just before a recital was about to take place, his adoptive father, who had adopted him in his early years, came to Tokyo to beg he and He Yingliang to visit his biological father at the leprosy hospital. He Yingliang was worried that his poor life would be spied on by the forces of Vanity Fair, and his adoptive father's repeated insistence on letting him visit his father made He Yingliang anxious and impatient, so he had to kill the killer. I believe that anyone who has seen the movie "Sandware" cannot forget the two plots. First, on the high-speed train, the young woman splashed white pieces of paper along the road - that is, the white shirt fragments worn when he killed his adoptive father with He Yingliang, he asked his girlfriend to destroy the evidence in this way, he wanted to make the death of his adoptive father a headless case, of course, the whole world was restored, which led to the teenager and He Yingliang standing on the beach at the end of the film, watching the castle they had just built with sand and gravel, washed away by the slowly flooding sea without a trace - the second unforgettable scene in the movie "SandWare".

"Sandware": When you arrive in Kitakyushu, how can you not pay tribute to Kiyoharu Matsumoto?

"Sandware" that became a movie

However, after watching the movie, I deliberately found the original novel and read it carefully. Speculative fiction is originally attracted by the interlocking plot, and Matsumoto Kiyoharu infiltrates his narrative with a characteristic bitter taste, which becomes a bottle of Japanese sake that is astringent, cool, and not highly alcoholic, but the aftertaste is fascinating. In particular, the author's sympathetic hatred of the character of He He Yingliang, dare I say that there is no psychological projection of the author's early life situation?

After dropping out of school at the age of 17, Matsumoto Kiyoharu became a salesman, running between Kitakyushu and Kansai to sell brooms. A broom, how big is the profit margin? How many brooms does Kiyoharu Matsumoto have to sell every month to earn the cost of living for a family of seven? Day after day, month after month, year after year, back and forth between Kitakyushu and Kansai, each back and forth to Matsumoto Kiyoharu is bitter and stoic, in 1960, Matsumoto Kiyoharu became a mystery writer for 5 years and began to serialize "Sandware" in the "Yomiuri Shimbun", perhaps, he vented his early bitterness of selling brooms between Kitakyushu and Kansai with the plot of He Yingliang's girlfriend throwing blood-stained white shirt fragments on the speeding train? It has accumulated too many bitter, repressed and unwilling emotions of the writer, although Matsumoto wrote it lightly, it still deeply touched the reader and became the most moving segment of the film of the same name.

However, after entering the new century, culture and culturally related things seem to have a hard time impressing people who "travel thousands of miles". It was said that the bus departing for Moji Port at 6 o'clock did not start slowly until 6:30, because several group members were bound by the goods in Hakata Canal City and could not move, and it was late to return to the hotel. So, when the tour guides did not get half a response when they talked about the Maguan Treaty and Li Hongzhang in the face of the sleepy, what was surprising?

By the time we walked slowly along the Kanmon Strait towards the liveliest part of Moji Port, it was already 8 p.m. The streets are so silent that there are no people to be seen, only the izakaya opened in the old Western-style buildings near the train station and the wharf, and the lights.

Although the bridge across the Guanmen Strait is not magnificent, it does not allow pedestrians to pass, the ferry boat is still sailing, and the last ship that can return from the other side of the river sails at 9:15, which cannot guarantee that we will find Li Hongzhang Trail? We can only stand on the seashore and look at the other side: the lights are brilliant, and the big turntable with colorful lights is slowly turning.

The waves began to lap at the shore, and the rhythmic roar made the night even thicker and more silent. We stared at the deep sea water imagining that more than 170 years ago, when Li Hongzhang signed the Maguan Treaty in the Chunfan Building and walked alone along the Li Hongzhang Trail, looking at the opposite shore, which is also the port of Moji where we were standing at this moment, the roar of Japanese warships was heard in his ears from time to time, what would he think?

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