
Essentials for Class Teachers: Educational Philosophy Stories For Theme Class Meetings (319~321)

Essentials for Class Teachers: Educational Philosophy Stories For Theme Class Meetings (319~321)

319, sand and pearls

There is a young man who thinks he is an all-rounder, who has repeatedly hit a wall after graduation and has not been able to find the ideal job, he feels that he has no talent and is very disappointed in society.

Many times of wall-bumping work made him sad and desperate, and he felt that there was no Bole to appreciate his "thousand mile horse". In pain and despair, one day, he came to the seashore, intending to end his life. Just as he was about to commit suicide, an old man walked by, saw him, and saved him. The old man asked him why he was desperate, and he said that he was not recognized by others and society, and no one appreciated and reused him...

The old man picked up a grain of sand from the sand beneath his feet, showed it to the young man, and then casually threw it on the ground and said to the young man, "Please pick up the grain of sand that I just threw on the ground." "It's simply not possible!" The young man said.

The old man did not speak, took out a crystal clear pearl from his pocket, and casually threw it on the ground, and then said to the young man, "Can you pick up this pearl?" "Absolutely!" "Then you should understand why, right?" You should know that you are not yet a pearl yourself, so you cannot be harsh on others to recognize you immediately. If you want others to admit it, then you have to find a way to make yourself a pearl. The young man furrowed his brows and bowed his head, speechless for a moment.

Revelation: Sometimes you have to know that you are an ordinary grain of sand, not a priceless pearl. If you want to stand out, you must have the capital to stand out from the crowd. Therefore, if you can't stand the blows and setbacks, if you can't bear the neglect and blandness, it will be difficult to achieve glory. If you want to stand out, you must strive to make yourself a pearl.

320, hard salamander

A snapper and a salamander are in the sea, and the salamander has a hard shell, and the snapper exclaims, "Salamander! You're amazing! A strong shell must not hurt you. "

The salamander also felt that the seabream was very proud, and when he was proud, he suddenly found that the enemy was coming, and the sea bream said, "You have a hard shell, I don't, I can only see clearly with my eyes, know exactly where the danger comes from, and then, decide how to escape." Saying and speaking, the sea bream swam away with a "sigh".

At this moment, Saloon was thinking in his heart, I have such a strong defense system, no one can hurt me! What am I afraid of! So he closed the door and waited for the danger to pass.

The salamander waited, waited for a long time, and slept for a long time, thinking: The danger should have passed!

I was also happy, and when I wanted to stick my head out to breathe, I came out to look at it, ripped through my throat and shouted, "Help! Help! At this time, it was in the aquarium, opposite the street, and the aquarium was pasted: salamander ×× yuan a pound.

Revelation: People who close themselves too much or inflate themselves will lose the opportunity to grow themselves and fall into danger without knowing it!

321 Ants and crickets winter

Winter is coming. Ants and crickets are busy preparing food for the winter. The ants were busy carrying from morning to night, while the crickets were wandering leisurely, still singing.

The ant asked, "Why don't you hurry to prepare the grain for winter?" ”

The cricket said, "Didn't you hear me singing?" ”

The ant said, "But if you don't prepare food, you will starve to death in winter, and then you will not be able to sing." ”

The crickets disagreed.

As a result, winter arrives before the crickets have enough food for winter. The crickets hid in the corner and starved to death without holding out for a few days. And the ants stayed in their burrows, eating the hearty food prepared, listening to the north wind whistling outside, and warmly spending the winter.

Revelation: The more prepared you are, the more victorious you are.

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