
Why does a child's hives recur in winter?

A problem that is often heard among children who have recently been admitted to the dermatology department. When urticaria tends to recur in winter, it is likely to be cold urticaria. Among many external causes, alternating cold, hot and cold stimulation is also a predisposing factor for hives. When the body is susceptible to wind and colds, infection is also one of the factors that cause urticaria. Sometimes in the early morning, sometimes cold air, cold air, cold water, the child's skin will appear in different sizes, irregular numbers, accompanied by severe itching edematous solid wheals.

Treatment of acute urticaria involves controlling symptoms and finding and removing allergenic factors, most of which disappear after disengagement from the allergenic factors and antihistamines. Children should pay attention to factors such as medication history, mental illness, infection, diet and other factors before the onset of the disease, which may be related to the onset of the disease should be avoided as much as possible.

Children with cold urticaria should pay attention to keeping warm in winter or going out, and minimize precipitating factors, such as the intake of allogeneic protein foods and food additives, absorbent allergens, physical, mental, animal and plant, drugs and other factors.

Why does a child's hives recur in winter?

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