
Stockton was revoked by his alma mater for refusing to wear a mask He had supported Irving from getting vaccinated

Stockton was revoked by his alma mater for refusing to wear a mask He had supported Irving from getting vaccinated

According to the New York Times, NBA star John Stockton was banned from the game by his alma mater, The University of Gonzaga, for refusing to wear a mask to watch the game, and his season ticket has been revoked.

Stockton said in an interview: "The conversation with the administrators of the University of Gonzaga was both 'pleasant' and 'not entirely pleasant', basically, they asked me to wear a mask to watch the game. As a public figure, I am more likely to be followed. I'll stand out a bit more in the crowd. I was told that the relevant officials of the team had received complaints that I did not wear a mask to watch the ball. ”

A spokesman for The University of Gonzaga declined to give a specific review of the matter, saying only in a statement that all those involved in basketball games were required to wear masks at all times.

According to the New York Times, Stockton has been opposed to vaccines and the government's anti-epidemic policies in recent years. Stockton had previously supported Owen's decision not to vaccinate on a podcast and was proud of it.

Last summer, Stockton also starred in an anti-vaccine documentary that made headlines.

(Best 15th Person)

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