
Enhance the ambition, backbone and confidence of being a Chinese

author:People's Daily News

Source: People's Daily - People's Daily

A generation has a generation's long march, and a generation has a generation's responsibility. The future of the country, the destiny of the nation, and the happiness of the people are the heavy responsibilities that contemporary Chinese youth must and will shoulder

The 21-year-old Yang Qian won two gold medals with outstanding results when she first participated in the Olympic Games; Chen Yufei, 23, won the victory after 82 minutes to let the Chinese badminton team regain the Olympic women's singles gold medal after 9 years; 17-year-old Zhang Jiaqi and 15-year-old Chen Taoxi, as the youngest combination in the diving women's doubles 10-meter platform final, picked up the gold medal for the Chinese diving team for the Chinese diving team for 6 consecutive years with impeccable zero mistakes; 14-year-old Quan Hongchan participated in the Olympic Games for the first time with "three jumps full points". Gold medal in the women's 10m platform for diving... At the Tokyo Olympic Games, one young general after another showed the youthful style of unremitting struggle with the spirit of never giving up and with a superb and stable level of competition, striving hard and winning glory for the country.

Youth up, country up. At the meeting to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping sent a heartfelt message: "Chinese youth in the new era should take the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation as their own responsibility, enhance their ambition, backbone, and confidence to be Chinese, and live up to the times, Shaohua, and the ardent expectations of the party and the people!" The future belongs to young people, and hope is placed on young people. In the course of struggle, we will release the passion of youth, pursue the ideals of youth, pave the way and build bridges for national rejuvenation with the self of youth and the self of struggle, and add bricks and tiles to the construction of the motherland.

Youth are the most active and dynamic force in the whole social force, the hope of the country lies in the youth, and the future of the nation lies in the youth. A hundred years ago, a group of new young people held high the torch of Marxist thought and painstakingly explored the future of national rejuvenation in stormy China. "The world is our world." The country is our country. The society is our society. We don't say, who says? If we don't do it, who does it? The 25-year-old Mao Zedong hosted the "Xiangjiang Review" to publicize the way to save the country and save the people; "Zhao, feeling the danger of the national situation, urgently pondered and studied politics, and sought a good strategy to save the nation and inspire the nation.", 28-year-old Li Dazhao, under the influence of the October Revolution in Russia, became the earliest marxist disseminator in China; "Perfection is only liberation", 23-year-old Wang Ruijun, after writing this poem, changed his name to "Perfect Beauty" to encourage himself, indicating his belief in dedicating himself to the realization of the communist ideal... Over the past one hundred years, under the banner of the Communist Party of China, generations of Chinese youth have integrated their youth struggle into the cause of the party and the people and become the vanguard force for realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Both history and reality tell us that the ideal of youth, youthful vitality, and youthful struggle are the vitality of the Chinese spirit and Chinese strength.

At the two sessions of the National People's Congress this year, General Secretary Xi Jinping lamented when visiting the members of the medical and health education circles attending the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference that "after the 70s, 80s, 90s and 00s, before they go out to see the world, China can already look at the world." Today's China is approaching the center of the world stage as never before, getting closer and closer to the goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and has the ability and confidence to achieve this goal as never before. Witnessed the "Chang'e No. 5", "Tianwen No. 1", "Shenzhou No. 12" and other scientific and technological innovation breakthroughs, witnessed China's global first control of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the first to resume work and production, the first to achieve positive economic growth, personally experienced the comprehensive construction of a well-off society on the land of China, the Chinese youth in the new era have every reason, should also have the determination to strengthen the road confidence, theoretical confidence, institutional confidence, cultural confidence, enhance the ambition, backbone and confidence of the Chinese.

Ideals guide the direction of life, and faith determines the success or failure of careers. General Secretary Xi Jinping profoundly pointed out: "The ideals and beliefs of young people are related to the future of the country. Young people's lofty ideals and firm convictions are the indestructible driving force for the progress of a country and a nation. "The river of time flows endlessly, and each generation of young people has their own opportunities and opportunities, and they must plan their lives and create history under the conditions of their own times." Clear love, only for China", this is the sonorous oath made by young border guards in the snow-capped mountains; "Our journey is the sea of stars", which is the heroic ambition of young astronauts to explore the universe; "Please rest assured that the party, the country has me", this is the solemn promise of young students from the bottom of their hearts... From the forefront of the fight against the epidemic to the main battlefield of poverty alleviation, from the border defense to the front line of innovation, the vast number of young people have proved with their actions that the Chinese youth in the new era are good and worthy of great responsibility! Today, in the new era, Chinese youth are in the best period of the development of the Chinese nation, facing not only the rare opportunity of life to make meritorious contributions, but also the mission of the times that "the heavens will descend on the people of Sri Lanka with great responsibility". Only by bravely being the strivers, pioneers, and devotees who are walking in the forefront of the times, and striving to become a new person of the times who can shoulder the heavy responsibility of national rejuvenation, can the vast number of young people live up to the expectations of the party, the expectations of the people, and the great trust of the nation, and live up to our great era.

A generation has a generation's long march, and a generation has a generation's responsibility. In 1955, Qian Xuesen excitedly said on the cruise ship returning to China: "In the future, I will do my best to build my country together with the Chinese people, so that my compatriots can live a dignified and happy life." "The future of the country, the destiny of the nation, and the happiness of the people are the heavy responsibilities that the young people of contemporary China must and will bear. Constantly enhance the ambition, backbone, and confidence of being a Chinese, establish a firm ideal of eternal struggle for the motherland and the people, and dedicate themselves sincerely, forge ahead in the chopping waves, move forward courageously in the midst of thorns and thorns, and create achievements in overcoming difficulties, chinese youth in the new era will certainly be able to use their youth and sweat to create new miracles that will impress the world, and let the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation come true in the struggle!

People's Daily ( 2021-08-09 06 edition)

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