
Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

The New Year goes to the grassroots level

In Hefei

Tiger watching is more than just a zoo option!

Look at the tiger in the year of the tiger

How can there be no cultural venues?

Since ancient times

China is the cultural homeland of the tiger

At the same time, it also left a tiger-related one

Rich in archaeological remains, documentary records and myths and legends

January 23

The reporter came to the Anhui Museum

Look for artifacts associated with tigers

Let the "tiger generation" gather together

Punch in 1:

Climb on the "Tiger Button Jade Oshi" of the Gofoku Easter Egg Card

The first stop at the museum

You must first punch in the Yuan Dynasty cultural relics

"Tiger Button Jade"

Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

Every year during the Spring Festival, sweeping "blessings" to obtain "patriotic blessings" and "dedication blessings"... It has become a "New Year's clock-in activity" for more and more citizens. In the activity of collecting five blessings that has been launched, "Tiger Button Jade" as the "representative of Anhui" boarded the Wufu Easter egg card, so that the people of the whole country can see the prestige of our "tiger" in Anhui

Don't look at the Foca, this Crouching Tiger is majestic. Approaching it, it turned out to be a small cute tiger - it was lying on the jade, looking forward with its head and tail bowed, the tiger's body was patterned, and the tiger's back was yellow-brown. It is small in size, with a height of 2.7 cm and a side width of 3.5 cm.

"The printing surface is square, the painting is protruding, the ground is yang, and the edge of the painting is at a right angle to the printed body." According to volunteers in the hospital, pledge is a symbol that signs and draws pledges on documents and deeds to indicate personal commitment. "There is a hole in the tiger's belly for wearing and tying, which is convenient for carrying around."

It seems that this "tiger" on the Easter egg is still a "integrity tiger".

It is worth mentioning that this "Tiger Button Jade Oshi" is not an ordinary family object, which is most likely a royal gift. The Yuan Dynasty literary scholar Tao Zongyi once recorded in the "Nancun Quit Farming Record": Most of the officials in present-day Mongolia and Semu people could not write flowers, for example, they were printed with ivory or woodcuts. Zaifu and those who are close to the servant to yipin will use jade books to hold the words, and cannot be used unless they are special gifts.

This jade oshi was unearthed from the tomb of Shangshu Youcheng in the Yuan Dynasty, and coincidentally the owner of the tomb is also related to the "tiger", his name is Fan Wenhu. "According to the inference, this should be a military general, good at water warfare, and the fallen leaves are finally buried in Anqing." The reporter learned that in the 1950s, the sugar factory located in Anqing Qipan Mountain found this ancient tomb when the construction plant was excavated, and according to the inscription, it was judged to be the joint burial tomb of the Yuan Dynasty warlord Fan Wenhu and his wife. "A total of dozens of gold, silver and jade artifacts have been unearthed from this tomb, most of which are displayed in the "Anhui Civilization History Exhibition" and "Jianghuai Zhenzhen" in the new museum of the Anhui Museum."

Punch card two:

Bronze tiger ornaments that sell cute tongues

In the Cao Jiao Controversy, a famous saying is familiar: one drum is angry, then declines, and three is exhausted. In ancient times, there was a correlation between fighting and drumming. The second stop is the Amber National Treasure grade cultural relics: dragon and tiger pattern four-ring copper drum seat.

Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

This treasure unearthed from the Spring and Autumn Tomb of Jiulidun in Shucheng City, from the picture, "its appearance is not proud", and even some netizens joked that it "looks like a gas stove head". But in reality, this is a big man: the drum seat weighs about 67 kilograms, the residual height is about 29 centimeters, and the bottom diameter is about 80 centimeters. It is worth mentioning that this year, the Anhui Museum launched a digital collection of cultural relics derived from the collection for the first time through the whale detection mini program, and the dragon and tiger pattern drum seat is one of them.

"The upper part of the vessel is a dragon and a tiger, and there are four rings on the outside, so it is named 'Dragon and Tiger Four Rings Copper Drum Seat'; the outer wall of the drum seat is cast with a weekly inscription, about 150 words, but the inscription is seriously corroded and difficult to read through." Even if it is used to support the war drum, it does not prevent the tiger's head from being cute and cute at all, and the eyes are like brass bells and ears like mountain tips. Volunteers told reporters that the "tiger" on the bronze is definitely the king of the cute world, "many of the cultural relics on display, some tigers and beasts will also spit out their tongues." ”

The discovery of the dragon and tiger pattern four-ring copper drum seat also hides a small story: one day in 1980, at a brick kiln factory in Kongji Town, Shucheng County, Anhui Province, workers took soil and burned bricks as usual. Suddenly, in the process of digging, an ancient tomb was found, and soon archaeologists came to the scene to make a rescue discovery, which was determined to be a cemetery from the Spring and Autumn Period. "Matching it should also be a wooden drum body and drum dry, but it cannot be recovered due to serious damage." Only the bronze drum pedestal has been preserved and is somewhat mutilated. ”

When it comes to bronzes, many people think of Sanxingdui. However, the bronzes unearthed in Anhui once "collided with the face" of Sanxingdui cultural relics. "The bronze statue of the dragon and tiger, now in the National Museum of China, is decorated with three groups of high-relief double-body tiger cannibalism on the abdomen, and in the middle is a standing eagle tiger head with a protruding instrument." Volunteers introduced that citizens who want to know about the dragon and tiger pattern bronze statue may wish to take a look at our Amber's animal face tattoo nearby, "They were unearthed at the same time." ”

Punch Card Three:

"Tiger Gold Medal" from Xinjiang full of wealth

Citizens who are ready to punch in during the Chinese New Year may wish to take a look at the "Splendid Western Region One - Xinjiang Silk Road Cultural Relics Exhibition" on the first floor of Anbo. The exhibition was held by the Anhui Museum and the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Museum, and more than 180 pieces/sets of exquisite cultural relics from various regions of Xinjiang from the pre-Qin to the Song and Yuan dynasties were selected from many cultural treasures, including a number of gold jewelry containing "tiger elements".

Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

"This tiger striped round gold medal is a cultural relic from the Warring States period, with a diameter of 5.5 centimeters, excavated in 1977 in the ancient tomb of Alagou No. 30 in Urumqi." According to the volunteers, the tiger stripe round gold medal is molded with a hammer to make a raised tiger stripe, the tiger's precursor is composed in a standing shape, the head is raised in a leaping style, the front paws are raised to the jaw, the posterior body is reversed and bent, and the back paws are reversed to the back of the head, so that the entire body forms a ring, and the head, mane, and claw ornaments are also depicted in a subtle and clear manner, and the three-dimensional sense is very strong.

Displayed along with the tiger striped round gold medal, there is also a pair of tiger stripe gold band ornaments. It was excavated at the same time as the tiger striped round gold medal in the ancient tomb of Alagou No. 30. Only to see the two tigers open their mouths and angry eyes, the front limbs are flat, the hind limbs are reversed and bent to the back, and the two earphones are erect, making a fight. "There are small holes in the gold bands of tiger stripes, which may be ornaments embellished with other leather goods or clothing."

Small cultural relics contain a long history. According to experts, the ancient tomb of Alagou No. 30 may have been left by the ancient Cypriots from the Warring States to the Han Dynasty, and this woman may be a Miss Qianjin of the family of a tribal chief. "We can imagine a woman with a high nose and deep eye sockets who followed her tribe to the grasslands of the Tianshan Valley. They lived on water and grass, and also transported gold and traded. ”

Punch Card Four:

Ancestral-level giant chin tiger fossils

If you rank the cultural relics according to age, the next punch is the "tiger" of the old ancestor level - the fossil of the giant chin tiger in the Fanchang Herringbone Cave in Anhui.

Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

"From these fossils, we may be able to see what the tiger originally looked like." Here is a blunt-toothed serrated tiger skull and upper left and right canine teeth. The size of the tiger skull is about the size of the ceramic face plate popular in the 1980s, and the upper canine teeth are more like two crescent daggers. "Based on the size of these fossils, it can be inferred that the tigers of the early Pleistocene should have been much larger than the tigers on site."

It is understood that the herringbone cave site in Fanchang County is the oldest human activity site that has been discovered in Asia. "Advancing the history of asian human origins by hundreds of thousands of years provides an important basis for Asia to be one of the regions of early human origin, and its rich mammal fossils are of great significance for studying the environmental background of early human activities."

Behind every artifact is a living story. "We very much welcome citizens to punch in and listen to the stories of these artifacts." The upcoming Spring Holidays, Prologis will also usher in the peak season for visits. To this end, the volunteers of the hospital service also called for compliance with epidemic prevention measures and hospital management rules when visiting. "Don't make loud noises, drink water and eat in the exhibition hall, because the conditions for cultural relics protection are very strict, and a grain of residue may attract ants and cockroaches."

In addition to these artifacts mentioned above

Amber also has a large collection of tiger-related artifacts


Some artifacts are not on display

Interested citizens can log on to the official website of Prologis

Dragon tiger pattern end stone

Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

Anhui Museum Data Map

Age: Qing

Dimensions: Length 24cm Width 16cm Thickness 3.1cm

Yan is made of a wide-edged shallow pool, and a dragon is carved in the pool, rushing in the clouds. A tiger is carved on the back, looking back and cocking its tail, standing in the wilderness. The lines are smooth and the carving is fine, which is the best work of Qing Dynasty carving. The stone is rock under the end stream.

Tiger Skin Xuan

Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

Size: Unknown

Tiger skin Xuan, the color is divided into light gray, light green, pink, goose yellow, sky blue and other kinds, is a unique processing xuan in the Qing Dynasty. Select high-quality shengxuan, after alum and dragging glue, and then dye with different shades, different shades, and colorful spots like tiger skin. The color is dazzling, the spots are gorgeous, and the people are lovely. Also because of its familiar paper nature and the fact that it is not dizzy by ink, it is more suitable for brush strokes and calligraphy, but it is generally found in law books.

Celadon tiger

Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

Era: Western Jin Dynasty

Dimensions: Height 22cm Caliber 7.8cm Length 29.5cm

It was excavated in Feixi, Anhui In 1959

The celadon tiger zi began to appear in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it is one of the common celadon burial items in the tombs of the Six Dynasties. This vessel is cocoon-shaped, slightly bulging at both ends, slightly retracted at the mid-waist, round mouth, tiger-headed shape, limbs flexed forward, and a circular semi-circular beam between the back of the neck.

Primitive celadon tiger-shaped vessel

Didn't expect that! There are many "tigers" hidden here in Hefei!

Age: Spring and Autumn

Dimensions: Height 23.5cm

It was excavated in 1965 on the western outskirts of Tunxi City, Anhui Province

The tire color is gray and white, the glaze color is pale yellow, thin and uniform. Take the head of the tiger as the stream, and the beast as the beam. The mouth, abdomen, and bottom are oval in shape. The back and upper abdomen are carved with geometric patterns, and the lower part of the abdomen is carved with rope patterns. The whole instrument is like a tiger with an open mouth and a cocked tail, and the shape is quite chic. Its use varies, and may have some kind of relationship with the tigers of later generations.

Produced by jianghuai morning post all-media release center

Hefei Newspaper plays with Hefei Rong Media Studio

Hefei Newspaper All-Media Reporter Lotte Yinzi/Wen Gaobo/Photo

Video Clip / Wang Yueting

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