
In winter, Jik is easy to wear, fashionable and versatile, and the black series is thin

In winter, we want to look thinner, but also want to be more fashionable, then choose Jike Junyi this outfit is still quite good, mainly classic black, the collision of materials to form a highlight, plus the embellishment of cross-body bags

In winter, Jik is easy to wear, fashionable and versatile, and the black series is thin

It is indeed a more advanced way to match, the black series can be used with oversize collocation, plus cross-body bags, or a little ankle boots, or high heels to make a versatile way, texture, is decorated with wide-brimmed hats

In winter, Jik is easy to wear, fashionable and versatile, and the black series is thin

Or berets, berets are more handsome, Jik's elegant wear, on the one hand, is an oversize short coat, with a black knit shirt can be added to a black skirt, or a half skirt, classic but attractive

In winter, Jik is easy to wear, fashionable and versatile, and the black series is thin

Among them, the basic style can form a layered sense of skill, such as short tops, with different materials to form a plus point, look simple, different materials form different embellishments, and there are highlights

Jike Junyi this body is a very basic style of wearing, a single wear is also a good choice, usually everyone also likes what collocation skills, you can tell us in the following message area, look forward to everyone's collocation tutorial

In winter, Jik is easy to wear, fashionable and versatile, and the black series is thin

Black winter wear, warm and thin, is a good choice, fashionable white can also be controlled, after the Spring Festival, spring warm blossoms, do you still like which shades of wear?

Disclaimer: Picture editor Jiang Xiaoyu, text: bj Jun original content editor M Jun review, content without permission please do not reprint, plagiarism will be investigated

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