
This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

No matter what kind of dressing style you choose, most girls are in order to enhance their personal image, if you can show a good state, the style of wearing will be more divided, attend some social occasions, or in daily life, most people for their own collocation requirements are actually not high, but the attitude of dressing, it determines their own dressing taste, if you are a delicate person, you will pay attention to every detail.

Wearing should meet two requirements, the first is to appear tall and thin, the second is to show temperament, "trousers + boots" is a very good choice, not only to make the collocation look more fashionable, the most important thing is to change the proportion of the body, even if you are not tall girls, you can also wear a high effect.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

First, what details do boots need to pay attention to with trousers?

The waistline should be proportioned

If you choose long pants, with long boots, it means that in the overall collocation, pants and boots have been integrated, visually will show a one-piece effect, this way of collocation, is undoubtedly the length of the boots, into the pants, so we want to do our best to show this clear waistline.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Can be paired with a belt, to as an embellishment of the collocation, so that the wear looks more tall and thin, with the style of the waistline, even if it is a small child, you can also wear a 1.7-meter sense of vision, this small detail is not remarkable, but it can change a person's body proportions, so that the state of the whole person is enough to show temperament.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Color matching should be balanced

Long pants and long boots, the style of the two items is very similar, are a seemingly delicate, in fact, improper collocation, will expose the body defects of the single product, if you want to create a more suitable for their own style of dress, you should find a certain sense of balance in the color collocation.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Don't let the color of the boots steal the limelight of the pants, or the color of the pants is too exaggerated, resulting in the style of the boots being eclipsed, and the colors between the two should be balanced with each other.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

You can choose the same color collocation, or choose a low-saturation color to interpret your own style, these two color directions, it is not easy to make the collocation fall into the misunderstanding.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Accessories give a good vibe

Long boots and long pants, the style design is very simple, you can create the feeling of the suit if you are not careful, but if you want to create a good wearing atmosphere, for many people, there is still a certain degree of difficulty, so we can divert our attention.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Put the highlights of the collocation in the accessories, such as choosing an off-white scarf, you can make the wear look more atmospheric, can show a good temperament, the most important thing is that the style of wearing also has a clear direction.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Second, the more practical long pants + boots with the sharing

Black cap + black trousers + black straight pants

If you prefer a simple and casual collocation style, you can choose a black duck-tongue hat to match a black cotton jacket, choose a black straight-leg pants, with black boots, the whole color is black, but it can make the collocation show a double skinny effect, even if it is a slightly fat girl, you can also wear a charming and good temperament.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Black jacket ++ jeans + boots

The most practical kind of coat, is the black coat, black coat whether it is long or short, with jeans and boots, wearing will show a good temperament, and suitable for any occasion, if you have difficulty in choosing, you can follow this collocation, to shape your own image.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Not necessarily choose black jeans, you can choose to match blue jeans, with khaki boots, this color matching, but will make the wearing style more youthful.

This year, it is finally not popular to expose the ankles, and the "long pants + boots" are more popular, taking into account the fashion and temperature

Long pants and long boots are worth trying, as long as you follow the above collocation ideas, to shape your own style, it is not easy to make any mistakes.

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