
Domestic Film Critics: "Tianjin IdleRs"

author:What is invisible is the dream
Domestic Film Critics: "Tianjin IdleRs"

Tianjin is a famous specialty snack - ear and eye fried cake, and Goubuli, Gui Faxiang and known as the "Tianjin Three Absolute" twist. Although it has been a long time since the birthdays of people who are not rich, the new year, do the same things, life needs to be booked in advance to eat fried cakes the enjoyment is different, but now Tianjin people eat fried cakes is still a very good thing, especially has been pursuing "crispy is not in the Burgundy appellation inside, soft sticky, a fine sweet and refreshing, endless aftertaste." Tianjin to ask how high quality fried cakes, fried cake shops in front of some expectant long queues, and then look at some of the scenes of some shops in a desolate house, is very clear.

From the film of the same name [ ] the intention of the novel is obviously to replicate the perception of the excellent taste of the ear and eye fried cake, and a lot of pursuit can be seen from the outside to the inside. In such a pursuit, the most basic thing is to have enough taste. When it comes to "three tastes", people must first think of specific objects, and all the symbols of "taste" imagery are the most representative projects of folk art such as comedy and allegro. Suitable for the traditional art of storytelling, the film is highly localized in Tianjin. Storyteller stories and commentaries are interspersed with narration, which immediately adds to the film's local flavor. Of course, the actor jumped out of the pure Tianjin accent, and would not say how delicious the son was, what "eagle" ah, "ah", even strangers who only stayed in Tianjin felt warm, presumably Tianjin liked it more!

Domestic Film Critics: "Tianjin IdleRs"

From some newly joined storytellers to see film reviews, but such a treatment is very dangerous, because it belongs to the narrative art of rap stories, such as the film as a storyteller tells the story for subjective emotions and values is its important feature, is a work of art exhibition in the film, the subjectivity of the parties in Su Hongda's narrative process is obviously serious drama structure consistent, and the storyteller's perspective is completely different The performance effect is roughly, "You say yours, I play my part, So the first half of the film pretty much turns the risk into reality. But at the last moment, with the actual acquisition of the film's divine stroke, this is a big reversal, the previously plundered idler Su Hongda was hunted for exposing the traitorous traitorous behavior, suddenly broke into the storyteller's restaurant in the process of escape, all the way to the difference between the integration of the two instant parallel editing links, the authorities and the audience's point of view There is also a direct conflict with the room environment, no truth can not withstand the storyteller's mouth full of lies and truth is not only a profound irony for the movie, But it also makes sense to let people understand what is the first half of the narrative that expands the idler and the storyteller that differs.

Domestic Film Critics: "Tianjin IdleRs"

In the form of expression and expression, especially the film is really refreshing, domestic small cost movies have made a good example of achieving a breakthrough in time, relying on technology, it is not difficult to find that you can please your skills, the key is to use your brain. But Tianjin also does not dare to go to the place, these places are in the film, the inherent characteristics of the texture, shooting, and other things that the audience can feel, are the situation in the city between the modern Tianjin dialect drama, a "Wei Zuizi" which seems to have become the name of the grass roots, is to blame the strength of the director and actor is not enough. Therefore, inserting old photos of Tianjin from time to time to make up for the weakness of history is just an illusion. The film also puts Schchindler's list of her famous red girl skin [] walking in black and white from the window picture, putting the technique applied to Jiangsu Hongda costumes in Autumn Niang is too big for me to really know if it should be considered imitation or pitiful salute.

Domestic Film Critics: "Tianjin IdleRs"

Due to the limited understanding of Tianjin, non-locals in Tianjin may not fully grasp the essence of the quality of the film itself, but I believe that those who are obvious, even if there are some obvious deficiencies, are flawed. Like a piece of fried cake, the crispy skin is soft and at least half successful.

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