
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque

On October 21, 2016, local time, a large number of Muslims knelt in front of the local Roman amphitheater to pray and demonstrate against the closure of the mosque. Image source: Visual China

A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque
A large number of Muslims demonstrated in front of the Roman Coliseum to protest the closure of the mosque

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