
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

author:Encyclopedia of Succulents

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Thanks to the author "Lan Xiang Raider" for sharing the original contribution

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A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

Coordinates: Huludao, Liaoning

My online name is Lan Xiang Attack, please do not misunderstand my special mother, because more than ten years ago crazy love orchids, once hundreds of pots of orchids at home, and finally because the northern environment is not suitable and let go.

I, forty-six years old, a small civil servant, coordinates Liaoning Huludao below a small county town, located in western Liaoning, last year a colleague's roommate raised succulents, I was also affected by it, June 30 last year began to enter the pit, to today immediately one anniversary, this year to start all kinds of sedum (love sedum!). Up to now, it is estimated that there are about 200 pots, from a novice who does not know how to match soil and cannot plant to now with soil, sowing, pollination, insect control, and bacteria prevention... Basically, I did it all by myself.

This year I fell madly in love with succulents, and unlike the last one, I carefully considered the habits of succulents and thought that this plant was very suitable for cultivation in the north. In the past year, there have been a lot of gains. Now dao to share with meat friends, please advise more about what is wrong, and hope to make more meat friends from all over the world. Raise meat with heart, meet friends with meat!

Succulents make the pace of my life easier. I am an acute person, always anxious, but by growing succulents, the rhythm of my life is no longer tight. Start growing meat, after buying it, rush to the pot, see the light... It's just a hurry. Slowly found that this does not work, plants also have a process of adapting to the new environment, so I know when to pot, when to slow down the roots, when to give light, when to water, slowly I found that my acute sub-changes, in case of trouble, steady.

This was the first photo in the unit last July

A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

At that time, the purchase was basically some general goods, and later gradually met several greenhouses on the Internet, and also went to Shenyang to buy some. At that time, there were many people who could not even remember their names.

A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

In July last year, I built my own shed, because there is a loft outside my home, plus a terrace of more than 20 square meters, which provides a good space and environment for me to grow succulents.

Grow meat, and there will be less socializing at night. Every day after work, I don't want to go for a drink but to see how my meat is.

A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

When you grow meat, you will often find a variety of planting materials and utensils that can be planted. And I learned to punch holes in various containers.

A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

Last winter began to learn to sow seeds, leaf cuttings and there was a big harvest.

A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

Then start more and more, for a better summer, start to think of ways, get flower stands. Add waterproof.

A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

Now, the temperature is 30 degrees, pure dew nourishment. If nothing else, send a dot chart:

A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

Finally a few hours ago, there was more on the mountain, which we called sour, and now we know that the sedum called Wasson, the environment is really much worse, very little. Protect the environment for future generations.

A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties
A year-round carnal love affair of an old man in his forties

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