
"Chunqin Copy": The end of love is the ultimate humble "Chunqin Copy" In the sadistic love of Chunqin's beauty, talent, cruelty, and evil, is there really love between Chunqin and Sasuke? What is the reason behind Sasuke's blindness?

author:Meow Fat Rich Cat

In June 1933, Japan was planning war intensively, and the whole country tightened its strings, and various contradictions and conflicts were on the verge of breaking out. It was at this time that a beautiful and mournful short story " Chunqin Scribe " was published in the Japanese mainstream media at that time , "Chuo Gong", which brought a sense of freshness to the anxious people.

"Harumi Scribe" is one of the representative works of Tanizaki Junro. Junichiro Tanizaki is the most accomplished writer in the Japanese aestheticist genre and has a high reputation at home and abroad. In the 1960s, american writer Pearl Buck recommended Junichiro Tanizaki as a candidate for the Nobel Prize in Literature, which was extremely rare among early Japanese writers.

Through haruka and Sasuke's sadistic love, Haruka shows Haruka's "eternal beauty". The novel tells the story of Chunqin, who has been blind since childhood, and has a high talent in music. As her guide, Sasuke Oni was responsible for her food, clothing, shelter and transportation from an early age, and fell in love with her in the process, in order to become Haruka's confidant, Sasuke learned art from Haruka as a teacher. One night, Haruka was disfigured with hot water, and Sasuke self-destructed his eyes, keeping Haruka's beauty in his heart forever. Masamune Shiratori, a giant of Japanese naturalist literature, commented on the book: "It has simply surpassed the saints, and there is no room for a single sentence." Yasunari Kawabata, on the other hand, said that the Harumi Gin was "breathtaking, and as part of the world literature of the Showa period, it is comparable to the Takase-hoshi of the Meiji Taisho period." ”

What is so remarkable about this novel that deserves such admiration from the literary community?

"Chunqin Copy": The end of love is the ultimate humble "Chunqin Copy" In the sadistic love of Chunqin's beauty, talent, cruelty, and evil, is there really love between Chunqin and Sasuke? What is the reason behind Sasuke's blindness?

Stills from "Chunqin Copy"

<h1>Sadistic love in "Chunqin Copy"</h1>

Freud said, "In the male fantasy, to be whipped is to be loved." Most of the sadomasochistic parties are combined in interdependent emotions and joys, and love occupies an extremely important position in sadomasochistic relationships. In the literary world, sadomasochism has always been an unavoidable topic, hugo's "Notre Dame de Paris", Kafka's "Judgment" and so on are all novels with sadomasochistic themes. In fact, in the Japanese literary world at that time, many writers, including Ryunosuke Wasagawa, Yasunari Kawabata, and Yukio Mishima, liked to write sadomasochistic stories.

Junichiro Tanizaki's "Harukami Transcription" is also a story of sadomasochism, revealing the beauty of the rich Japanese tradition of mourning, so it can be called the highest literary achievement of Tanizaki Junichiro's classical return period. In the work, Junichiro Tanizaki uses the deformed relationship between Sasuke and Haruka to express the supreme beauty of Haruka, and in the meantime, he pulls the beauty of Haruka to the highest point through Sasuke's blinding act.

Haruka is the second daughter of Ōbō Doshucho Drugstore Parrot Yasaemon Yasoemon, not only beautiful, but also particularly intelligent, and is the jewel in the palm of her parents. She learned to dance at the age of 4, until she was 9 years old, she had a serious illness, which caused her to lose sight and could not dance, and began to practice the trichotomy instead. Just at this time, 13-year-old Sasuke Onui came to Harumin's pharmacy as an apprentice, and Haruka's parents arranged for Sasuke to guide Haruka and drag her to the teacher's house to learn to play the three-stringed piano.

The first time Sasuke saw Haruka, he was attracted to her flower face, and he even felt that the blind Haruka was more beautiful than her three sisters, and fell in love with her at first sight. In order to be the confidant of Chunqin, he began to secretly learn the piano, and whenever it was late at night, he would quietly practice on the balcony. Later, with the permission of Haruka's parents, Sasuke officially worshiped Haruka as his teacher and followed Haruka to learn the piano.

Superior family conditions and physical disabilities have developed Haruka's wayward and arrogant character, especially harsh on her subordinates, and she often punishes and scolds Sasuke. Sasuke loved Haruka and endured in silence, often crying and practicing until late at night. He was willing to serve Chunqin all his life, taking care of Chunqin's bathing and going to the toilet, and having a physical relationship. When Chunqin was 17 years old, she actually became pregnant and gave birth to a child.

Although the child looked very much like Sasuke, and his parents were interested in recruiting Sasuke as a son-in-law, Haruka denied it, saying, "How can I do such a thing with an inferior person like him?" In desperation, parents had to send their children away. Haruka still treats Sasuke harshly as a master and master, but Sasuke treats Haruka as a god and is even grateful to her.

"Chunqin Copy": The end of love is the ultimate humble "Chunqin Copy" In the sadistic love of Chunqin's beauty, talent, cruelty, and evil, is there really love between Chunqin and Sasuke? What is the reason behind Sasuke's blindness?

Tomokazu Miura plays Sasuke, the leader of the way

Later, Chunqin became a well-known violinist, and he set up his own portal to recruit disciples. Sasuke was always with her, acting as her right and left arm. One of Haruka's disciples, a debauchery named Mino Yaritaro, unsuccessfully pursued Haruka, and was immediately ill-intentioned, and while Chunqin was asleep, he burned her face with boiling water, destroying her face.

In order to let Shi Bo Chunqin's beauty before being disfigured remain in his heart forever, Sasuke actually stabbed his eyes with a needle, causing traumatic cataracts and becoming blind. At this time, the relationship between the two people has changed. Sasuke has fond memories of Haruka and has been taking care of her, and the two have given birth to four children. After Haruka's death, Sasuke spent twenty-one solitary spring and autumn seasons, died at the age of eighty-three, and was buried next to Haruka's tomb.

Junichiro Tanizaki cruelly shows the beauty of women by describing this deformed, sadistic and masochistic pathological relationship in "Harumi Copy".

<h1>Chunqin's four images of beauty, talent, cruelty and evil</h1>

About Chunqin is beautiful and talented, but also disabled and evil.

The beauty of Chunqin is reflected in all corners of the novel. Junichiro Tanizaki described Chunqin as follows: "Chunqin is less than five feet tall, her face, facial features and siblings are petite and slender, and the photo of Ms. Chunqin who has been handed down to this day when she was 37 years old, a melon face with a harmonious silhouette, a small and exquisite nose, as if it is made of beautiful fingers, delicate and incomparable, people are worried that it will be marketed in the blink of an eye and disappear into space." And when Sasuke first saw Haruka, he was also amazed, "He felt that Haruka's closed eyes were brighter and more beautiful than the eyes of her sisters, and this face should have matched this pair of closed eyes." From that moment on, he idolized her and developed a crush on her.

Until Haruka's death, Sasuke continued to savor the beauty of Haruka in his mind. After he lived in widowhood in his later years, he often boasted to the people around him that Chunqin's skin was delicate and smooth, and his limbs were soft and white, and he was full of praise, which became the only topic of his old age. He also often stretched out his palm and said that the size of the master's foot was just the size of the palm of his hand; he also said while stroking his cheek that even the flesh of the master's heel was smoother and tenderer than his own part. ”

"Chunqin Copy": The end of love is the ultimate humble "Chunqin Copy" In the sadistic love of Chunqin's beauty, talent, cruelty, and evil, is there really love between Chunqin and Sasuke? What is the reason behind Sasuke's blindness?

Movie poster for "Chunqin Copy"

In addition to her beautiful appearance, Chunqin also has an amazing musical talent. In Chunqin's later years, it was the servant Naruzawa who served him. According to Naruzawa's recollections, Haruka was able to play the difficult song "Broken Moon" at the age of 10, and her musical talent was beyond the reach of ordinary people. But after being blind, because there was no other fun, I went deeper into this way and studied it carefully.

Chunqin's master, Chunsong Inspection School, is a very strict teacher, but he rarely reprimands Chunqin, and the reason is self-evident, it must be that Chunqin's piano skills have been recognized.

However, such a talented and beautiful Miss Qianjin encountered a catastrophe that changed her life's fate: blindness. Regarding the reasons for Chunqin's blindness, the author wrote: "Chunqin has been pampered since childhood, and her personality is inevitably arrogant and arrogant, but she is kind and kind in her words and deeds, and cares for the next person, and she is lively and cheerful, getting along with others and brothers and sisters, the family likes her very much, it is said that only the nursing mother of the little sister thinks that her parents are eccentric, indignant, and secretly hates Chunqin's daughter, the so-called wind eye, as we all know, is caused by the invasion of bacteria of sexually transmitted diseases into the mucosa of the eye, and this nursing mother uses some means to cause the blindness of Chunqin woman. ”

If blindness in both eyes is the first disaster in Chunqin's life, making her become taciturn, cruel and obedient, then being disfigured is the second disaster in Chunqin's life, which directly leads to the distortion of her personality and becomes a real evil girl. She tortured Sasuke in every way, and the servants often heard her loud reprimands, "Sasuke! Is that how I taught you? No, no! Give me practice all night until I play well! Not only that, but she tapped Sasuke's head with her piano and scolded, "Stupid, why don't you remember!" Sometimes the servants couldn't look down and went forward to dissuade them, but Chunqin said instead, "What do you know!" Leave it alone! ”

During the hot summer months, Sasuke kept shaking the fan for her, and when she was practicing, she beat and insulted Sasuke, but Sasuke saw it as a grace. He was willing to be abused and not recognized, and Sasuke was still willing to do so, even telling others, "I never felt pity or pity when I saw the master's face. Compared with the master, those who have their eyes open are pitiful. With such a temperament and posture as a master, why should he need the pity and sympathy of others? Those of us, in addition to having complete eyes and noses, which of the others can be compared to the master! Aren't we really disabled! ”

<h1>Is there really love between Haruka and Sasuke? </h1>

The arrogant and paranoid Chunqin, born in high society, has a very strong concept of hierarchy. Although she could not leave Sasuke, she always instinctively opened the gap between her identity and kept a nominal distance from Sasuke.

In other words, in the relationship between the two people, Haruka is always the master, no matter where they are, no matter what they are doing, Haruka always has the right to dominate, can be arbitrary and domineering, and Sasuke can only endure and obey, without complaint.

There is a passage in the novel: although Haruka has a hot personality, she is "cold as ice", so at night, Sasuke will put her feet on his chest to warm her feet. Once, Sasuke had a toothache and one side of his face was swollen and in great pain, and when he warmed Haruna's feet at night, he brought his hot and swollen face closer to those feet to please his master. Unexpectedly, Chunqin felt it, and immediately kicked at his cheek, and scolded bitterly: "I am not inconsiderate of the servant, but you pretend to be so loyal, but with the body of the master, you have already skated, and you really hate me!" ”

"Chunqin Copy": The end of love is the ultimate humble "Chunqin Copy" In the sadistic love of Chunqin's beauty, talent, cruelty, and evil, is there really love between Chunqin and Sasuke? What is the reason behind Sasuke's blindness?

Momoe Yamaguchi plays Haruka

In addition, for the relationship between the two people, whether it is the maid of the family or Chunqin's parents, they are well aware, when Chunqin was 16 years old, her parents had hinted at the marriage of the two people, but chunqin refused, she would rather not marry for life than consider Sasuke as a subordinate.

Haruka and Sasuke live as husband and wife, and it has become an open secret, but Haruka has always refused to give in to their relationship, completely denying Sasuke's status, even after having a child with Sasuke, even after living alone in the form of the two living together, Haruka still denies it and refuses to recognize the relationship with Sasuke.

Why is it that Haruka can be pregnant and have children without being alarmed, and let Sasuke hold hands to lead the way can also be as calm as water, but he can't convince himself to marry Sasuke? The reason for this is that she knows that Sasuke worships herself, and this worship gives her a sense of existence, and once they are married, the identities of the two people are reversed, Haruka's confidence disappears, Sasuke's worship of her gradually disappears, and she has no sense of existence. It can be said that Sasuke has never been recognized by Haruka.

It can be seen that there is no love between Haruka and Sasuke, she does not have the slightest love for him, she just depends on him and wants to possess him. She didn't mind the schoolgirls laughing at Sasuke, not out of jealousy, but out of jealousy, but out of wanting Sasuke to live in a world where she could only be seen and she was alone in her heart.

And Sasuke? Out of servility, he was full of longing for Chunqin's harshness, and instead of feeling painful, he felt very happy. There was not even real communication between him and Haruka, and even after Haruka was disfigured and Sasuke stabbed him blind, she still treated him like a slave, and in their physical relationship, Sasuke was only a tool to satisfy his desires.

When Haruka became pregnant for the first time, no matter how much her family pressed her, she refused to say Sasuke's name, she did not do it to protect Sasuke, because the family had agreed to the marriage of the two people, she was just ashamed to say the name of the servant. Why can't Haruka marry Sasuke? Because in the traditional Japanese society at that time, men were heaven, even princesses, and they had to serve their husbands after marriage. And Haruka's deep-rooted sense of ownership and superiority makes it impossible for her to condescend to invert the relationship with Sasuke no matter what. In her mind, Sasuke was inferior to the bird she had raised, and she would rather confide in the bird than give Sasuke an equal name. As for Sasuke's blindness, it was purely a servile act of burial.

<h1>What is the reason behind Sasuke's blindness? </h1>

When Sasuke could still see, he liked to close his eyes when he played the piano. "Although he has a pair of bright eyes, he wants to endure the suffering of Chunqin and try to experience the inconvenient living conditions of the blind, and sometimes even seems to envy the blind." As Haruka's guide and student, Sasuke has always been willing to empathize with Haruka.

It's not hard to understand why Sasuke self-destructed his eyes.

In the novel, the Monk Asan of Tenryu-ji Temple praises Sasuke as a Zen machine that "cuts off internal and external ties in an instant, and turns ugliness into beauty." After Haruka's disfigurement, she used the only low posture in her life and said to Sasuke in frustration, "This injury will soon heal, the bandages will have to be removed, and the doctor will not come." In this way, others can not see, but you must let you see this face of mine," the proud Chunqin shed tears after saying it. Sasuke immediately understood that his master wanted to maintain his dignity, so he promised, "I will try not to look at your face, so I can rest assured." ”

This passage reveals subtle psychological changes between the two men. Haruka's appearance and talent are her proud capital, because of Sasuke's dedication and admiration, this capital can exist. When her beauty was gone, she could not accept this cruel fact psychologically, which was tantamount to a fatal blow to her. And Sasuke can't see the "arrogant Haruka" he has carefully cultivated over the past 20 years become a "pity Haruna", and he can only make Haruka's beauty freeze by self-destructing his eyes.

"Chunqin Copy": The end of love is the ultimate humble "Chunqin Copy" In the sadistic love of Chunqin's beauty, talent, cruelty, and evil, is there really love between Chunqin and Sasuke? What is the reason behind Sasuke's blindness?

When she learned that Sasuke was blind, Haruka only said one sentence, "Sasuke, is this true?" Then came a long silence. But in this silence, Sasuke felt Harub's trembling joy, and he felt happiness and satisfaction that he had never felt before. At that moment, the hearts of the two people began to slowly merge. "I'm happy that you've made such a big determination for me. Speaking from the heart, I am like this now, it is nothing for others to see, I just don't want you to see it. You have noticed this of my painstaking efforts. ”

If Haruka's outstanding appearance and amazing talent enabled her to rise above Sasuke and gain his wholehearted devotion, then Sasuke also realized his dream in a thorough act of worship and dedication. After piercing his blindfold, Sasuke did not feel sad in the slightest, but instead achieved unprecedented happiness.

In the words of the book: "Mortals think that blindness in both eyes is unfortunate, but I have not experienced this feeling since I was blind, on the contrary, I feel that this earthly world has become a pure land of bliss, as if I and the master are living alone, living on the lotus platform, the reason why I say this is because after I was blind, I saw all kinds of scenes that I had not seen when I was blind, even the jade face of the master, I was able to thoroughly appreciate its beauty, but also after blindness, in addition to the delicacy of his hands and siblings, the roundness of his skin, and the beauty of his voice. It is also after blindness that we have a real understanding. It was precisely because Master and I had become blind that we had tasted happiness that the discerning people did not know. ”

It can be described as the bear's paw of A and the arsenic of B.

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