
During his inspection tour in the United States, Feng Yuxiang delivered a speech saying: Chiang Kai-shek was the director of the factory that "manufactured" communist factories, and the anti-communist civil war was fought more and more, and the Communist Party was fighting more and more, and the Chinese people were inclined to the Communist Party

author:History of the Bavarian Thorns

During his inspection tour in the United States, Feng Yuxiang delivered a speech saying: Chiang Kai-shek (Jieshi) is the director of the factory that "manufactures" communists, and the anti-communist civil war is fighting more and more, and the Communists are fighting more and more, and Chinese people are inclined to the Communist Party. He was also the captain of the transport brigade, the owner of the bottomless pit, and he transferred the weapons and ammunition given to him by the United States to the Communists; no matter how much aid you gave him, you would not be able to fill his bottomless pit...

Feng Yuxiang called Chiang Kai-shek a "transport brigade leader," which is exactly the same as our party's ridicule of Chiang Kai-shek.

In fact, as early as December 1936, Mao Zedong wrote surprisingly at the end of his article "Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War":

We must build a military industry so that it does not contribute to dependency. Our basic policy is to rely on the military industry of imperialism and domestic enemies. The arsenals in London and Hanyang, which we have the right to, are sent by enemy convoys. This is the truth, not the joke.

The arsenal in London, that's British; the arsenal in Hanyang, it's Kuomintang's. But Mao Zedong was very confident and unceremonious to say, "We have rights!" And it was the "enemy's convoy" that "sent us" guns and ammunition.

Conventional thinkers think this is a "joke", but Mao Zedong firmly believes that "this is the truth"!

Because weapons and equipment were "sent through the enemy's convoy," Mao Zedong himself and our party's army naturally jokingly referred to Chiang Kai-shek as the "captain of the transport brigade."

In this concise and informative discussion, Mao Zedong inadvertently revised and developed Sun Tzu's idea of "taking it for the country and using it for the enemy because of grain" into the idea of "taking it for the enemy and using it for the enemy because of grain for the enemy." Not only should military food and horses and grass be used for the enemy, but also guns, shells and ammunition should be used for the enemy.

When people read "The Strategic Problems of China's Revolutionary War," they tend to pay more attention to mao Zedong's summary of the strategy and tactics of the anti-"encirclement and suppression" war in the Central Soviet Region, and they do not seem to attach much importance to the question of the "military industry" of the revolutionary army at the end of the article.

In fact, this strategy was a principle and a channel for our army's logistical support in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and the War of Liberation.

Mao Zedong also told the famous American journalist Anna Louis Strong about his military strategy of using him for the enemy and feeding the enemy for food.

At the beginning of Chiang Kai-shek's civil war, on August 6, 1946, Mao Zedong met with Strong in Yan'an, and the two sat under the apple tree in front of the cave and had a lively conversation about the prospects of civil war.

On the stone table, there is a teapot, a large teacup, and there are many small cups around the large cup, and a matchbox. Mao Zedong fiddled with them with a smile and said to Strong:

"The teapot is the Soviet Union, the big teacup is U.S. imperialism, the little teacup and matchbox are many other small countries, and China is one of them. Teapots and small cups are connected together, surrounding large teacups. You say, can U.S. imperialism still defeat the Soviet Union? ”

Strong nodded in understanding. But she added, "But America is really strong." It had many advanced weapons and equipment given to the Kuomintang. ”

Mao Zedong smiled heartily. He looked at Strong and said:

"You also suffer from 'beauty phobia'. Yes, US imperialism has indeed sent a lot of weapons to Chiang Kai-shek, but this is nothing more than a 'blood transfusion', this kind of 'blood transfusion', well, the United States lost to Chiang Kai-shek, and Chiang Kai-shek lost to us. This 'blood' or we got it!"

Mao paused for a moment and then continued, "The United States is the most powerful in history. However, you know, its skyscrapers are the tallest, but the foundation of the skyscrapers is also the most unstable!"

When the translator translated the sentence to Strong, she couldn't help but laugh.

In Mao Zedong's view, the United States " blood transfusion " gave many advanced weapons to the Kuomintang to fight a civil war , but this "blood transfusion" was eventually "lost" to the Communist Party and the People's Liberation Army - "this 'blood' is still we got!"

In the civil war, Mao Zedong fought with strong enemies, and "because of grain for the enemy" also "created" some humorous stories.

In March 1947, Hu Zongnan led an army to attack northern Shaanxi, causing a grain shortage everywhere, eating black beans every once and for all, which was extremely difficult. However, around Mao Zedong, the laughter of the soldiers could still be heard:

Due to Hu Zongnan's attack, there was a grain shortage in northern Shaanxi, starting from Liangjiacha, we ate black beans every day, and Mao Zedong wrote the "Declaration of the people's liberation army Chinese", because eating black beans bloated his stomach and farting unsteadily, he got up and walked.

Walking to the courtyard, Zhu Laosi, a guard soldier standing guard at the entrance of the courtyard, was probably smoking and smoking, and his teeth were very black. He likes to grin again, revealing two rows of black teeth as soon as he grins. Mao Zedong saw this, and his eyes widened in disbelief: "Oh, old comrade fourth, why are your teeth so black?" Eat black beans, right? ”

Zhu Laosi grinned and didn't know how to answer well, but "poof" let go of a fart.

Mao Zedong nodded as if he heard the answer: "No? Oh no. ”

At this point, Zhu Laosi couldn't bear it any longer, blushed, grabbed the back of his neck and smiled. We all laughed out loud too. Mao Zedong laughed for a while, his language turned, and said to everyone:

"Eating black beans is a temporary difficulty. Northern Shaanxi is such a big place, and the grain that is beaten every year is enough to eat for yourself. Now that the enemy has come to a hundred thousand and eats and destroys, it will be even more difficult to eat grain. However, it does not matter, we will get through this pass, and in a few months, we will not eat here, but will eat on the enemy's side. ”

He stared at Zhu Laosi and asked as if he were uneven, "You say, if only they are allowed to eat us, we are not allowed to eat him?" ”

Zhu Laosi nodded and forcefully held out a sentence: "Eat dog day!" The comrades laughed again.

It's a funny joke. Mao Zedong and the guard soldier Zhu Laosi discussed the extremely serious issue of "grain against the enemy."

In northern Shaanxi, where grain is only "enough for oneself," hundreds of thousands of locust-like invading armies have come to "eat and destroy" and how can we not cause a grain shortage!

Mao Zedong's idea had long been decided to "eat on the enemy's side", that is, to lead the war to the Chiang Kai-shek district and let the enemy carry this heavy financial and economic burden. The warrior Zhu Laosi supported Mao Zedong's move in his own special language: "Eat dog day!"

During his inspection tour in the United States, Feng Yuxiang delivered a speech saying: Chiang Kai-shek was the director of the factory that "manufactured" communist factories, and the anti-communist civil war was fought more and more, and the Communist Party was fighting more and more, and the Chinese people were inclined to the Communist Party
During his inspection tour in the United States, Feng Yuxiang delivered a speech saying: Chiang Kai-shek was the director of the factory that "manufactured" communist factories, and the anti-communist civil war was fought more and more, and the Communist Party was fighting more and more, and the Chinese people were inclined to the Communist Party
During his inspection tour in the United States, Feng Yuxiang delivered a speech saying: Chiang Kai-shek was the director of the factory that "manufactured" communist factories, and the anti-communist civil war was fought more and more, and the Communist Party was fighting more and more, and the Chinese people were inclined to the Communist Party