
Nauseda asked the foreign minister to be soft in dialogue, the United States and Europe came forward to mediate, neutrality shook hands and made peace. China's position is expressed


The reason for the deterioration of neutral relations lies entirely in the cube, which needs to take practical actions to prove that it has the sincerity to repent.

According to the global network news on January 21, Lithuanian President Nauseda said a few days ago that some Lithuanian politicians sometimes stand in the sky to discuss policies, but they need to understand that enterprises and investors are the basis of Lithuanian policy. Nauseda said that the legislature minister has come up with his plan to ease relations with China, which Lithuania needs to implement.

Lithuania's attitude is undergoing a 180-degree change under the just counter-response of the Chinese side, while the United States and the European Union are acting as mediators behind the scenes. Nauceda previously issued a series of accusations against the current government on January 4 and 6, and believed that the name of the representative office should be corrected. In the period since, the vice foreign minister and the minister of innovation and economy have also spoken out, believing that the consequences of worsening relations with China are unexpected and "more than worth the losses."

Nauseda asked the foreign minister to be soft in dialogue, the United States and Europe came forward to mediate, neutrality shook hands and made peace. China's position is expressed

It is worth noting that the Minister of Innovation and Economy of Li has previously pulled with the Taiwan authorities to try to continue to seek TSMC to set up a factory after the Taiwan authorities have raised an additional $1 billion in financing, and after the Taiwan authorities' ambiguous attitude, the "negotiations" between the two seem to have failed. Lithuania has suffered huge losses in the process of deteriorating relations with the mainland, and the "gold dollars" raised by the Taiwan authorities in one billion US dollars are obviously not enough for Lithuania's "expenses for continuing to appear."

British media revealed a few days ago that individual US government officials have discussed with Lithuania the feasibility of changing the name of the representative office, and the British media commented that the Lithuanian incident has plunged the United States into a "chicken rib" state, in this case, the stop loss is a better choice. However, this rumor refuted by the British media was denied by the US Government and the Lithuanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Taiwan politicians revealed that the EU has also discussed with Lithuania the possibility of changing the name of the representative office, but its final determination is not feasible.

The deterioration of neutral relations is clearly between right and wrong, and Lithuania's bent on infringing on China's core interests is purely self-inflicted. The United States has played the role of a behind-the-scenes promoter, with the Legian Foreign Minister and Defense Minister visiting the United States one after another, and the US Secretary of State has repeatedly instigated the Prime Minister and some EU politicians to continue to provoke China.

Nauseda asked the foreign minister to be soft in dialogue, the United States and Europe came forward to mediate, neutrality shook hands and made peace. China's position is expressed

The United States, which was already very familiar with "proxy wars" in the "Arab Spring," is obviously using some Lithuanian politicians as pawns to continue to play a diplomatic war and a public opinion war that infringes on China's core interests. Under the continuous and resolute countermeasures of the Chinese people, this chess piece is increasingly facing the situation of failure.

The support rate of the current Lithuanian government is close to the lowest in history, people from all walks of life are strongly dissatisfied with the current government, and the prime minister's public speech is full of people shouting "step down." These signs all show that if the United States does not give up, some of the "chess pieces" laid out first will probably be "abolished" by the surging public opinion. The United States allowed Lithuania to serve the interests of the United States by supporting agents and manipulating some politicians, but the Lithuanian people did not agree.

In a recent interview with French media, the Chinese ambassador to France stressed that China's non-suspension of neutral diplomatic relations is a respect for the Lithuanian people.

Nauseda asked the foreign minister to be soft in dialogue, the United States and Europe came forward to mediate, neutrality shook hands and made peace. China's position is expressed

Individual Lithuanian politicians cannot represent the Lithuanian people, and timely closing and stopping losses in time is the best choice for the United States with sinister intentions. In the case of mediation between the United States and Europe, there is a possibility of neutrality shaking hands and making peace. The legislature said that it is seeking dialogue with China in individual fields and is looking forward to holding a neutral summit of heads of state. But in his speech, the foreign minister still did not forget to put on the EU flag and blamed China for the deterioration of neutral relations.

In this regard, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said that the lies of the legislators are untenable in the face of the facts that are obvious to the international community. China has always opened the door to cooperation, but politicians need to take practical actions, not empty talk, to prove that they have indeed changed their sincerity.

I would like to advise individual Lithuanian politicians to recognize the general situation at an early date and return to the right track of neutrality, mutual respect and dialogue on an equal footing. The Chinese side is willing to show goodwill to the Lithuanian people, but for individual politicians, the Chinese side does not have much patience for them to squander.