
Women are women – count those women's movies

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Women are women – count those women's movies

Drowning One by One

Drowning by Numbers (1988)

Peter Greenaway (E)

Looking for flowers and asking willows to drown in pots, excessive abstinence to die in the sea, delusional truth to die in the pool, lovers hanging in trees, accomplices to the final burial in the river, mother and daughter three people returned to silence, hundreds of stars finally enough.

Women are women – count those women's movies

Shouts and Whispers

Whispers and Cries (1972)

Ingmar Bergmann (Sweden)

First of all, we need to calm down and watch such a movie. The whole film is immersed in a red background, and the beliefs and emotions have always been what Bergman is keen to explore. The three sisters all have their own beliefs and live their lives according to them, seemingly peaceful, but in fact they all hate each other and are eager to get back together. Bergman, on the other hand, is undoubtedly pessimistic individualism, and we may be able to solve the problem of faith, but emotions cannot: there may be miracles, but the dead are like this, and the joy of the past cannot be traced.

Women are women – count those women's movies

Sister Hannah

Hannah and Her Sisters (1986)

Woody Allen (U.S.)

Intentionally or unintentionally, Bergman's big fan Invincible also used the three sisters to start a big discussion of faith and lust. Like Hou Mai and Hong Shangxiu, who are also keen to discuss the joy of men and women, there is no role of loyalty to feelings in invincible movies. The three sisters tear apart with joy, and the man who sleeps with the sisters does not hide his feelings. The ending seems to be beautiful, but in fact it is just a return to the origin of nothingness, and everything is repeated again.

Women are women – count those women's movies

"Eight Beautiful Pictures"

8 women (2002)

François Oujong (France)

A good drama and eight beautiful songs, each with its own difficulties and grievances. Men lead to fantasies, and money arouses nature.

There are many loves and hates and parting is bitter, and the heart is twisted with the original evil. Appearance, money, and external objects are all a piece of earth after death.

Women are women – count those women's movies

Hazy Desire

This Obscure Object of Desire (1977)

Luis Buñuel (Spain)

The joy of eating, the joy of men and women, the great desire of life. For men, I have been so accommodating, so infatuated with you, my pants are off, and you don't give it to me. For women, your desires are satisfied, how can you still be obsessed with me, want to take off my pants, there is no door. Of course, it is full of satire on the bourgeoisie and a whole bunch of metaphors, and in the face of such an interesting contest of desires, there is no need to over-interpret it.

Women are women – count those women's movies

The Virgin Heart Sutra

Five! Correction (2000)

Hong Sang-so (Han)

Giggle, forgive me for being so fond of interesting things. Men are idiots who think in the lower body, and women are idiots who live on the upper body. In the final analysis, in the face of hormones, the human brain that has developed for thousands of years instantly returns to the pre-liberation period. The men and women in Hong Shangxiu's films are often like this. When a man learns that a woman is a virgin, she is in a hurry to rejoice, and the woman thinks of giving the first time to the man, you come and go, and love is still uncountable. In addition, Hong Shangxiu's film structure is very exquisite, you may wish to try.

Women are women – count those women's movies

The Marriage of Maria Braun

The Marriage of Maria Braun (1979)

Reiner Werner Fassbinder (In German)

The first part of Fassbinder's "Women's Trilogy". In times of war, women are a tragedy in themselves. On the day of the wedding, the husband went out on the expedition for many years without returning. In order to survive, Maria wandered among the men, hesitant and helpless. It's a war, it's a woman, it's a marriage, it's back to zero in an explosion, liberated.

Women are women – count those women's movies

"When a Woman Walks Up the Stairs"

A Woman Goes Up (1960)

Naruse Mikio (Japanese)

The woman walked up the stairs, and the woman struggled alone. Naruse is good at photographing women, and Hideko Takayama is also charming, and the two together express the complex emotions that women do not want to face but have no choice but can't help, and express them delicately through the action of going up the stairs. This is one of my most desirable screen actresses, she can't give you a surprise, but she can make you miss it more than once.

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