
Where does human life come from? One by one, excerpted from the Definition of Art Nouveau

author:Wang Aishiyi Art Studio

This article is excerpted from Wang Aishi's book "Definition of New Art/Law of Artistic Survival", and the purpose of discussing "where human life comes from" is to pave the way for the new art point of view in the book.

Where does human life come from? One by one, excerpted from the Definition of Art Nouveau

Where does human life come from

Understanding the relationship between man and the universe, the origin of mankind, the future of mankind, the meaning of life, cultural civilization, etc., is an inevitable prerequisite for understanding art. Otherwise, all art theories, all artistic creations, and art appreciation are empty and blind. The later chapters of this book focus on related topics, and are intended to provide explanations and preparations for theoretical ideas related to the definition of new art, so that readers can more easily understand art!

Section 1 The Birth of the Universe and the Earth

In 1946, the American physicist Gamov proposed that the universe is the gradual expansion of matter and space-time after the explosion of a singularity about 14 billion years ago, and that the universe is still expanding.

So, what is the universe, the current human beings still have no exact answer, only know that dark matter and dark energy represent more than 90% of the material content in the universe, and the world visible to human beings only accounts for less than 10% of the cosmic matter. Today's human beings still cannot directly observe dark matter and dark energy, nor can they answer how it interferes with and affects human brain activity and human artistic activity. It is only known that the structure of the human brain is very similar to the universe, and there are 100 billion neurons and 100 trillion connection points in the brain, which integrate, conduct, receive, and output with each other to achieve information exchange. The activity of information exchange is very similar to the wave and electricity exchange of cosmic galaxies, when the human brain is mobilizing and using conscious thinking to work, neurons will have a certain correlation effect with the dark matter and dark energy of the universe, and the specific form of association scientists have no way of knowing.

Academics have different opinions on how the earth in which human beings lived was born. Scholars such as Swedenborg and Kant believe that about 4.6 billion years ago, the gravitational collapse of a small piece of a huge molecular cloud in the universe formed a celestial system with the sun as the core, of which the Earth was one.

Where does human life come from? One by one, excerpted from the Definition of Art Nouveau

Section 2: Where does human life come from?

Clarifying the question of human origin is the key to understanding the art nouveau perspective.

There are various versions of the origin of mankind in academic circles and folklore, but no unified understanding has ever been reached. Below, we will discuss five different theories of circulation and present the ideas of this book, and I believe you will find your own answers.

I. The evolution of the origin of human life

When the Earth entered about 3.8 billion years ago, the land and ocean plates were basically stable, and the chemical reaction of liquid heat energy and related substances in the oceans promoted the evolution of the oldest life form on Earth, single-celled organisms.

After 3.7 billion years of continuous evolution and evolution, single-celled organisms have initially evolved and formed life species with obvious modern human characteristics about 3 million years ago; from about 2 million to 300,000 years ago, humans have been able to manufacture and use stone tools, master the skills of fire, and create works of art; about 200,000 to 50,000 years ago, when human beings have matured artistic abilities such as fictional stories, carving and painting.

Modern human beings have their origins in African doctrine

The main direction and basis for early anthropologists to pursue the origin of mankind is to study the fossil bones and stone tools of various periods and regions of human beings. Chinese once thought of themselves as the independent evolution of apes such as Peking Ape Man, Lantian Ape Man, and Yuanmou Ape Man, and Europeans believed that they were the descendants of Neanderthal ape man. However, the emergence of the mitochondrial Eve theory has subverted people's previous understanding.

What is the mitochondrial Eve doctrine? According to a 1987 paper published in the journal Nature, according to genetic studies of mitochondrial DNA, humans in today's world are the descendants of a woman in Africa about 200,000 years ago. After scientists traced the mitochondrial gene lineage, it was found that 140,000 years ago was a crossroads, so the ancestors of modern humans were fixed on a woman 140,000 years ago, and called it Mitochondrial Eve. Scholars refer to the woman's descendants as "African Homo sapiens."

In 1999, Chinese geneticists studied human DNA from 28 groups in China and agreed to varying degrees that Chinese from Africa.

However, in the latest research findings, there is a very weak set of Neanderthal genes in the genes of Europeans, and anthropologists have speculated that African Homo sapiens may have had promiscuous behavior with Neanderthals and other great apes during their outward migration, and eventually replaced or eliminated other races. Scholars who support the mitochondrial Eve theory believe that the brain capacity of African Homo sapiens is much larger than that of other great apes, reaching 1300 milliliters, which is almost the same as the brain volume of modern humans. The advantage of large brain volume is that intelligence is higher than other great apes, and conversely, Homo sapiens is also more viable than other great apes. So, the descendants of Homo sapiens migrated to the rest of the world over a period of more than 100,000 years and ruled the earth. The development and growth of Homo sapiens directly or indirectly led to the extinction of other great apes. There is another theory that the extinction of other great apes is related to climate or massive volcanic activity.

While the mitochondrial Eve claims are well-founded, as studies of cave petroglyphs around the world become clear, it may be a mistake that humans came from Africa 140,000 years ago.

The world's earliest known cave petroglyphs are located in the Darachi of the Asheli cultural area. Chadan cave petroglyphs. The famous Indian prehistoricist, petrographer, and editorial board member of the International Petroglyph Federation, Girji Raj. Professor Kumar wrote in "India Darakhi. Experimental Archaeological Research on the Rock Painting Making Techniques of Chadan Caves" discussed in the article, after paleomagnetism, Dalachi. Chadan's cave petroglyphs date back about 1.4 million years, and another theory is that they were 1.9 million years ago. Our review of various historical evidence shows that Asheli Homo erectus spread from Africa to Asia and around the world between about 1.9 million and 1.7 million years, which does not conflict with the cave petroglyphs found around the world. However, the famous theory of mitochondrial Eve has been questioned by the study of cave petroglyphs. The 140,000-year-old of Eve's doctrine and the 1.4 million-year-old Darachi. The Chadan Cave Culture produced great conflicts according to Darakhi. Chronology of Chadan's Cave shows that humans began to migrate 1.4 million years ago. Perhaps, one would speculate that the 1.4 million-year-old cave petroglyphs may have been the work of other Homo erectus non-modern human ancestors. That being the case, how do we explain why the form of cave petroglyphs is highly unified in the world? How to explain that the nearest recess is only about 3,000 years old? How to explain the concave rock paintings found in China that are very close to the Chinese checkerboard culture, astrological culture, and divination culture in the concave rock painting system found in China?

From China's high-density cave rock painting culture, the 7,000-year-old Hemudu culture, and the 9,000-year-old Jiahu culture, we realize that it is a serious mistake for the world's human beings to originate in Africa, and that human beings have turned N circles over millions of years or when they were on earth, and we have no way of knowing where they originated. The cave rock paintings, hemudu, and Jiahu culture are further discussed in the second chapter that follows.

Third, human life may come from cosmology

In recent years, the sound of life on Earth originating from the universe has been heard endlessly. We look at this from the perspective of ordinary people, and it is likely that life comes from the universe is true. Just imagine, if there is water on the moon, according to human beings' current gene editing technology and space capabilities, in the near future, the genes of microorganisms, animals and plants on the earth will be edited into species suitable for survival on the moon, transforming the lunar environment, and paving the way for human colonization of the moon. As we all know, the early Earth was as desolate as the Moon, so was the ecological environment on the Earth modified by alien intelligent creatures? Are the genes of Earth's creatures edited by alien intelligent species? Or, were the genetic seeds of Earth species brought about by meteorites or comets that collided with Earth?

Before answering this question, let's first argue the Darwinian theory of evolution, the dominant theory of the origin of species today. According to Darwin's theory, the earth's species are constantly evolving in the process of survival of the fittest, so all species will eventually break away from their original form, and they will definitely leave excessive traces in the process of detachment. However, through research and exploration, scientists have not found strong evidence of complete transitional organisms in the evolution of species, whether it is ancient dinosaurs or humans today, humans are like creatures that suddenly emerged on Earth. Looking at the starfish fossils hundreds of millions of years ago and today's starfish, the cockroach fossils hundreds of millions of years ago and today's cockroaches, as well as ginkgo biloba, Metasequoia and other plants, there is no qualitative change from hundreds of millions of years ago, and humans only date back millions of years. Therefore, we have ample evidence to question the full validity of Darwin's theory of evolution, and we have reason to suspect that earthly creatures come from the universe.

At this point in the discussion, it is necessary to mention the earliest known civilization of mankind - sumerian civilization. Sumer is like a highly developed civilization that has been airborne, 7,000 years ago, Sumer already has a systematic knowledge of literature, mathematics, medicine, astronomy, geography, biology, art, agriculture, commerce, etc., and is also very advanced from the perspective of modern people. Even more puzzling is that while other civilizations were still in the Stone Age, the Sumerians knew the solar system very well, mastered the order and operation of the eight planets, and knew that Neptune was blue. After 12 years of flying with space probes, modern humans discovered that Neptune was blue in 1989. While marveling at the level of Development of Sumeria, we have a question, where did Sumerian civilization come from? Could it be that it came from the universe as recorded in the Sumerian King's Table? Why did the ancient Greek, ancient Chinese, and ancient Indian civilizations after a thousand years in Sumer have not inherited and carried forward the Sumerian civilization, but have been far behind Sumer?

According to the Sumerian king's table, the first generation of kings named Alulim fell from the sky and reigned for 28800 years; the second king was called Aralga, who reigned for 36,000 years; the third king was called Emmen Luanna, who reigned for 43,200 years; after the eighth king, there was a historical flood, and the king on the Sumerian king's table after the great flood reigned for shorter and shorter periods, until it was close to the reign of ordinary people, ranging from several years to decades, and was accurately connected with the later ancient Babylonian civilization records. According to archaeology, the late kings recorded in the Sumerian King Table are real, including the Great Flood event mentioned in the King Table, which is also recorded in ancient books in China and the West. As a result, scholars believe that every king of the early Sumerians was able to rule for tens of thousands of years because they were aliens from other planets. There are also direct accounts of aliens in Sumerian literature that say that a hole in the atmosphere of a planet called Nebiru needed a large amount of gold powder to repair, so the Nibirus sent the Anunnaki to Earth to mine gold (very similar to the myth of the Chinese Nüwa Patching Heaven). Due to the large number of labor required for gold mining, anunaki re-edited the genes of the great apes on the earth to give them wisdom and make them mine gold for it in order to better and faster. After that, the aliens on the planet Nebiru left Earth. If this story is true, we can explain why the ancient Greek, Chinese, and ancient Indian civilizations thousands of years after Sumeria were far behind Sumer.

In academia, some scholars do not agree with the Sumerian literature that aliens came to Earth, deny that the genes of Earthlings have been edited by aliens, and even question sumerian archaeological data, but agree that the genetic seeds of Earth species are likely to be brought by meteorites or comets when they hit the earth.

If human beings really come from an alien planet, or were created by a certain god, then how do we explain that human beings are highly similar to the genes of certain animals and plants? And how to explain the physiological commonalities between humans and animals? For example, the structural principles of human and animal internal organs, limbs and facial features are basically the same.

Fourth, human beings originated from the theory of gene coupling

Every life form is prescribed by a genetic code, is the genetic code really edited by the legendary aliens? No here.

Let's look at an example, Professor Liu Shaojun, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and an expert in fish reproduction and breeding, found that carp is the mother, tuantou bream is the father, and the second generation produced by hybridization is not carp, nor is it tuantou bream, but crucian carp. After the genes of two completely different species of carp and tuantou bream are crossed, the genetic code of crucian carp is formed.

Therefore, some scholars believe that the birth of a new species is the occasional cross-occurrence of genes of other species between specific species, specific environments and specific conditions, just like English words, which are composed of separate letters, letters are prescribed by human design, and words are crossed in the prescribed letter system. It should be emphasized that gene cross-fertilization is carried out under the prescriptive nature of the universe, each set of gene forms is designed by the universe, and the formation of species from small to large, from weak to strong, is determined by the degree of gene coupling. The new species formed by the intermingling of different genes is only an appearance, and its endoplasm must be cosmic prescriptive. Genetic prescriptiveness is the same as scientific invention, mankind has not invented, and currently has no ability to invent a thing that does not exist in the universe, and the new invention we see is only a symptom.

Looking at human beings from the perspective of the total genus of species, whether human beings are genetically intersecting origins or other origins, human beings and all animals and plants in the world belong to the same species, which we can find obvious evidence in the composition of human beings and the composition of animals and plants, as well as in the laws and genes of life. Comparing genes alone, the genetic similarity between humans and chimpanzees is as high as 99%; the genetic similarity between humans and mice is about 85%, and the similarity with mouse bones is as high as 99%, and there is a mouse brain that is almost close to the human brain; the genes of humans and mammals such as pigs, cats, and cows are very close, and the internal organs and limbs and facial structures outside the body are almost exactly the same. Incredibly, human genes are as similar as 60% to bananas. Therefore, it is difficult to deny that the formation of human genetic code comes from natural coupling.

Fifth, the theory of the cycle of human civilization on earth

Documents unearthed from the Maya civilization record that there were four prehistoric civilizations on Earth. The first civilization, called the Gendaya civilization, was the first highly developed civilization on Earth founded by the Gendaya people, dating back about 300 million years. The Gendaya people are very different from modern humans, with an average height of one meter, a third eye on the forehead, superpowers, and can predict the future; the second civilization is the Mesopotamian civilization, the Mesopotamian civilization was founded by the survivors of the Gendaya civilization, the Misopotaya civilization occurred on the Antarctic continent and was destroyed by the earth's magnetic pole conversion; the third civilization is the Muria civilization, also known as the biological energy civilization, which will make machines that use plant energy and can amplify energy, which was destroyed by the sinking of the continent; the fourth civilization was the Atlantean civilization Possessed the ability to use light, he had a nuclear war with the Muria civilization. According to Plato, the Atlantean civilization was destroyed by a great flood about 10,000 years ago. The legend of the Great Flood is recorded in Sumerian texts, the Bible, and Chinese mythology, suggesting that the Catastrophe was most likely real. Since Atlantis is the closest civilization to the modern era, people have been looking for the ruins of Atlantis, and scholars generally speculate that the famous "Eye of the Sahara" is the ruins of the legendary city of Atlantis.

At present, human beings cannot confirm whether the prehistoric civilization recorded in the Mayan literature has really existed, but it is estimated from the time of the formation of the earth and the law of sea and land change and the probability of planetary collisions, and the prehistoric civilization has the possibility of existence. In modern archaeology, some remnants of suspected prehistoric civilizations have also been faintly found. In 1817, archaeologists found two human footprints on a stone slab on the west bank of the Mississippi River in the United States, with scattered toes, flattened soles, and natural footprints. In 1938, the American geologist Berroz found 10 human footprints about 250 million years ago in the sandstone, and micrographs and infrared photographs proved that these footprints were left by humans walking; in 1968, an adult footprint and a child footprint were found on the trilobite fossil in the Cambrian sedimentary rock of Utah, usa, and the trilobite existed on Earth between 600 million and 280 million years ago, while the history of the great apes was only millions of years; in 1844, a gold thread was found in the rock near the Tweed River in Scotland, England; 1845 An iron nail was found in a stone block at the Kingoudi Quarry in Scotland; in 1851, two metal fragments were found in the rockbeds of Massachusetts, USA, which were closed to form a bell-shaped vessel with a pattern cast on the surface; in 1852, a metal vase was found in the Precambrian rock layer of Massachusetts 600 million years ago.

For the proof of the existence of prehistoric civilizations, the above archaeological findings are still relatively weak, and the authenticity has yet to be demonstrated. Everyone knows that the age of dinosaurs, dating back to about 250 million to 65 million years ago, has left a large number of fossils and activity remains, and we have not found traces of prehistoric human civilization on a large scale, so we do not know whether there is a circular civilization on earth.

Sixth, the perspective of this book

After analyzing and dissecting various theories of origin, we believe that the human species should have evolved from single cells under the action of various energy substances in the universe.

According to expert statistics, there are about 40 trillion to 60 trillion cells in the human body, a veritable cell combination and a cell kingdom.

As for the seed source of the cell is from the universe? Or did it evolve autonomously on Earth? At present, the academic community cannot answer the question. If we continue to ask upwards, you will find that whether it is a cell or a human body, it is originally a pile of cosmic matter. Because, the composition of the cell is dozens of cosmic substances, of which carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen four elements content is the most, followed by calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, iron and other elements, as well as copper, zinc, iodine and other trace elements. Cellular chemicals can be divided into two categories, namely inorganics and organics, inorganic matter water is the most important component, accounting for about 75%-80% of the total content of cellular matter. Moreover, all cells are an independent living organism, all have motility, including the movement of the cell itself and the movement of matter inside the cell, and can proliferate, inherit, and metabolize to achieve the conservation of human life. In order to ensure the conservation task of human life, cells construct conscious thinking systems through biochemical electrical reactions as conservation service tools.

Where does human life come from? One by one, excerpted from the Definition of Art Nouveau

Executive Summary

From the perspective of the painter, after combing the relationship between the universe, people, life, civilization, culture, future human society and other elements, I expounded the ultimate meaning and practical meaning of life and the future social trend from the perspective of art; at the same time, I explained what art is from the perspective of life, and the impact and meaning of art on people and society. For the first time, he put forward new art theories such as "the law of artistic survival" and "the return of artistic spirit", and rearranged and expounded relevant arguments such as "artistic instinct", "basic characteristics of art" and "new origin theory of art", clarified the absolute leading role and significance of art in human life activities, clarified that all human life activities are the result of art, clarified the inevitable connection between the ins and outs of human aesthetics and the survival of genes, solved the ultimate essence of art in human nature, and filled the gap in the new art system in the 21st century. In order to popularize the knowledge of new art, it provides a new idea for the development of art in the new era.

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