
Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios

author:Music study abroad
Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios

2022 American Music Academies

On-site interview/re-examination requirements are updated

The vast majority of music schools cancel live interviews and submit music portfolios/online interviews instead

Due to the repeated epidemics, in order to ensure the safety of students and campuses, the vast majority of music colleges in the United States have cancelled live interviews and submitted recorded music portfolios instead, and some schools such as the Manhattan Conservatory of Music and the Eastman Conservatory of Music also require students to participate in online interviews to learn more about the applicant's personal situation and English communication skills. For example, the New England Conservatory of Music in the United States notified all students who passed the pre-screening (preliminary examination) in early January to cancel the live re-examination scheduled for February at the school and submit the recorded music portfolio before February 14th.

Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios

In view of the update and change of the on-site interview/re-examination requirements of American music colleges, the American Music Alliance has specially summarized the requirements and precautions for the recording of music portfolios for everyone, hoping to give you some reference in preparing music portfolios.

About portfolio repertoire requirements

Music Performance/Composition Major

Different majors of music performance will have specific repertoire requirements, and the repertoire should be selected in strict accordance with the school's requirements for period, style, number of repertoire, composer and duration. If you have a track that you can't get sure, be sure to contact the department in advance to confirm it before entering the studio to record.

Composing majors usually need to submit recordings and scores of about 3 original musical works. Whether you need to submit a description, manuscript, or other material should also confirm the portfolio requirements of each college in advance.

Note: In addition to submitting jazz composition portfolios, jazz composition majors in some colleges and universities also need to submit jazz main instrument performance portfolios and complete online interviews, we must pay attention to carefully confirm the school's portfolio and repertoire requirements.

About the recording environment

Recording studio or concert hall

In order to ensure the sound quality and picture quality, it is recommended that you choose a professional recording studio or concert hall to record the portfolio.

Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios

Lighting: The recommended is a yellow indoor light source. Be sure to ensure brightness, the light source needs to come from all angles, and there can be no shadows on the face.

Angle: Instrumental music majors need to record the applicant's whole body, preferably frontal, from head to toe. Vocal music majors generally record applicants above the waist. It should not be too far away, and ensure that the applicant's face and limbs can be clearly seen. If you have a steel companion, you should also record the steel companion in the picture.

Camera position: The recorder needs to be a fixed camera position, and it cannot shake or adjust the angle.

Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios
Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios
Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios
Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios

About recording requirements

Cut separately Or one shot to the end

Dress Code: Formal costumes are required. Girls need to find a professional makeup artist to make up the stage to enhance their performance status and their own temperament. Boys need to wear formal costumes that are not casual or too loose. Hairstyles should also be specially groomed before recording. To give people a sense of mental neatness.

Editing: Some music schools require performance portfolios to be recorded one shot at the end, and no editing or splicing in the middle. If a certain place is not ideal, then you need to re-record it all until you are satisfied. Most American music schools do not require that the portfolio must be shot to the end, allowing each piece or movement to be recorded as a performance video, it should be noted that each piece needs to be recorded, and cannot be spliced twice.

Polish the tracks to perfect the details

The music portfolio/retest repertoire requirements of each music school need to be prepared individually in strict accordance with the requirements of the school, which is a very large and meticulous process, and students and parents must take it seriously and be mentally prepared. Some schools have different requirements for submitting recorded portfolios and live re-examinations, such as the Manhattan School of Music vocal music re-examination portfolios that require the submission of an additional video of self-introduction in English, which requires special attention.

Need more professional portfolio coaching and training?

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Music Study Abroad in the Bel Cane Alliance

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Most music schools in the United States have eliminated live interviews—how to properly record music portfolios

American Music Alliance International Education

Focus on music study abroad exam pre-exam training for many years

An average of 30 students are admitted to the Berkeley School of Music each year

Covers classical, pop and jazz music styles

Music performance, music production, songwriting, music teaching, music management, etc

Numerous professional portfolios and interview course training

In previous years, students have also been admitted to the following institutions: Julia, Eastman, Royal, Royal of the North, Royal Scotland, York, Surrey, Liverpool, Leeds, Cincinnati, New England, Peabody, Manhattan, Manis, San Francisco, New York University, Boston Conservatory of Music and other top music schools in the United States & Britain

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