
Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future

author:Lu Jianyan

#2022初雪许愿大赛 #

January 20 is a big cold, flying snow to welcome the spring arrival! Will spring be far away! Waiting for the Winter Olympics, the games will start in fifteen days!

The five rings connect you and me, the heart is full of excitement, Beijing welcomes you, wonderful waiting for you to come!

Duanxue Mega Year, sincerely make a wish: the sacred fire of the Winter Olympics will dispel the plague demons! Auspicious light sends warmth, good luck to ensure peace!

The epidemic is still raging, and the human world is suffering. Common threats, only in the same boat, the world to resist, in order to survive the times!

On the occasion of the fifteen-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics, I would like to compose the lyrics "Waiting" to welcome the Winter Olympics, start again, embrace the new century, and open a new era. One dream, one for the future!

Attached: Waiting for it (original lyrics)

--For the 15-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics


Ah waiting for the Winter Olympics to come

The five rings connect you and me with excitement

Beijing welcomes you to be more exciting

One dream together for the future

Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future

The main song

Even if I don't have a talent for singing

Also pick up a pen and write a few lines

Although the words are silent, the words sprinkle on love

Looking at the inside and outside of the Great Wall, it is white

Flying snow welcomes the spring and waits for it

The Winter Olympics are coming

Fifteen days later, the spring begins

Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future
Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future

Even if I can't write it and can't sing it

Listen and listen with your heart

The song is out of the sky to tell the feelings

Look at the red wrapping of the north and south of the river

Lamei opened its head to the sun

Unity resumes the new spring era

Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future
Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future


Ah the Winter Olympics are coming


Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future
Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future
Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future
Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future
Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future
Looking forward to the Winter Olympics, the unity of the beginning to the future

The picture comes from the Network, and if it is seen, it will be deleted

(Original works, all rights reserved, reprinted and composed, please contact)

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